
The Villain's Guide To Survival

While they were having fun, I tried to improve myself. I cried alone while they laughed together. When they were together, I was excluded. One afternoon at school, I realized that nothing would ever be the same. I felt freed from the shackles that were limiting me. The world has changed, I will make pay for every wrong done to me!

ByGumiho · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
26 Chs

Chapter 8: Exam (7)


Ten seconds before the exam began, all the overlords were giving each other deadly glances. Everyone had already found comrades.

Dozens of overlords, mostly barons, stood in a corner as if they were a single alliance. In front of them are Esra's team 2-B class, next to them 3 and 2. The mix of classes was like a sword pulled from its scabbard with a class.

"Esra, don't forget our deal."

The overlord of the team next to them first looked at Esra and then at Kayra, who was standing behind her. Since everyone saw Kaira's talent, they knew that Esra had one of the strongest teams.

"We will not quarrel among ourselves until we bring down the great overlords. I would say it's a good deal."

Esra smiled and glanced at Melike, who was standing meters away. In competition and revenge, women were worse than men. He knew that the greatest danger here was Melike.


Ten seconds before the start of the exam, the countdown began. The air in the environment suddenly became tense, breaths were held, and weapons were held tightly. Everyone, except for a few people, was anxiously waiting for what was to come.

Esra turned around and looked at her subjects with a charismatic smile.

"You don't have to worry that much. We will emerge victorious from this war."


"We will emerge victorious!"

"My friends, follow me!"

"It doesn't matter if you win, focus on yourself! There's no point in winning unless you survive."



[Preparation is over.]

[Number of participants who did not choose the overlord: 0]

[The third exam starts now...]

[Clash of the Overlords!]

*Keep fighting until there are only five flags left in the test area!

*Flags are lined up as White – Red – Yellow – Brown – Black. The higher the level of the flag, the more rewards you will earn at the end of the exam.

* Subjects who have lost their overlord must choose a new overlord for themselves.

Exam duration: 30 minutes

After the announcement was over, a white flag icon appeared over the overlords' heads. That's how they knew the lowest level was white.

At that moment, Ahmed and his subjects moved like a machine and attacked a small overlord nearby.



When the guns collided, it only took a few seconds to determine the winner. There was a big difference between the subjects behind Ahmed and a small overlord. When the magnitude of the difference soon became apparent, the overlord made a mistake and immediately gave up.

When he gave up, the flag on his head went out.

The sparkle over his head was gone.

"Join me or die."

Ahmed coldly looked at the students and expressed his statement. But when his feathers suddenly shuddered, he had to turn his head.

When she turned her head, what she saw was Esra, who was running towards her at full speed. He pulled the steel sword from his waist when he was five meters away from Ahmed and jumped into the air.


"Fuck off!"

Ahmed swung his steel sword as he screamed. Although he swung his sword so much, he unleashed a potential that he would never have been able to unleash in his life.


When the two swords collided in mid-air, sparks scattered around. Esra fell to the ground and attacked her forward again without stopping for a moment. His speed and attack were overwhelming, and even if he didn't have any experience, his physical strength shut it down.

When Ahmed saw him attacking again, he took his guard. However, instead of attacking him, Esra suddenly made a sharp turn and attacked a student of Ahmet's subjects.


When the student's head fell to the ground, Ahmet's eyes turned bloody. Ignoring the student's death, he gave the order to attack the students behind Esra.

"Leave Esra to us and go kill them! They dared to kill one of us! Tooth to tooth, blood to blood!"

When Ahmet roared, Esra started running towards him.

Fortunately, Ahmed was a calm person. He had developed his features to the fullest in the first two rounds. He thought he wouldn't be inferior to Esra.

"Come, let's see."

He kicked the ground hard and hurled his sword at Esra.

When the two swords struck again, the two staggered back. At that moment, a young man appeared behind Esra and threw the steel sword in his hand at Esra's back. This was an attack to kill. Esra cursed her teeth with clenching.

Although he was strong and fast, he could not use it to its full potential.

His strength was over thirty, but his control was only three.

That meant he had power far beyond what he could control.

When he realized this, he had a sword on his back. Even if this attack did not kill them, it would seriously injure him.

"Fuck off!"

Esra gritted her teeth and waited for the pain.

But he didn't feel the pain he expected.

Instead, a muffled growl followed. When he turned around, he saw that an iron dagger had pierced the throat of the gene that attacked him. His eyes fell on Kayra, who was standing ten meters behind the teenager.

Kayra didn't say anything. He grabbed the hand of a student who tried to attack him from behind and slammed him hard over his shoulder. He deftly picked up the gun in his hand and met the attack of another student.


Although only drooling flowed from the mouth of the young man who fell to the ground, another young person fell on him and the drools turned red.

Kayra didn't stop there.

He simply swung the wooden sword in his hand and knocked another disciple to the ground. Each attack came at an impossible moment to defend, at an incomprehensible angle. Those who tried to attack him were knocked out before they even knew what was happening.

It was something independent of power.

Kayra acted as if she could see everything. It was like he was performing a unique dance! Ahmet and Esra forgot to fight. They just watched Kayra.

She was acting like a master dancer.

It was as agile and comfortable as a fish in the sea.

"Believe me... unbelievable."

The expression on his face did not change for a moment as he dealt with more than ten people. His attention was focused only on the battle in front of him.

"Are you distracting yourself in the middle of a battle?"

A voice came from him. Ahmet woke up from his surprise and ran to Esra. Her speed was only slightly lower than Esra's, but her control over it was much greater.

He kicked her kick and caused Esra to take a few steps back.

"The more you empower yourself, the stronger you are! Someone who has never fought before can't rival me."

Ahmed laughed sarcastically. He skillfully spun around and threw an ax kick down from above.

Esra felt a pain in her shoulder before she even knew what was happening.

The kick had hit his shoulder at a strange angle!


He heard a step behind him.

A student who appeared to be a senior attacked him by taking this moment as an opportunity.

Realizing that the situation was out of control, Esra clung to her trump card to end this work immediately.

"I wanted to save it for last."

Esra gripped her sword tightly in this short time.


When he closed his eyes, a red flame broke out around his body.

The young man who had swung his sword was thrown back by the flame breaking out. The skin on his face turned a reddish color stained with black. As he cried out in pain, a flame-covered sword pierced his face.

Esra's sword and body were covered with a thin layer of flame.


Esra's commotion naturally attracted Kaira's attention. A body covered in flames was the same as being invincible here. Melee fighters like Kayra couldn't touch her, and her sword was also engulfed in flame.

"Those flames seem to be close to a thousand degrees."

A nearby student muttered as he watched the flames. Despite being one of Ahmet's subjects, he couldn't help but admire Esra's beauty.

But he didn't have another second.

Kayra swung the dagger in his hand and stabbed it into his throat. He knew this person, he was the one who kept him out along with Batuhan a long time ago.

His eyes were open as the young student suddenly collapsed to the ground. He could not have imagined that he would be caught off guard while admiring.

"Well, the self is nothing left. I have to disappear when everyone is focused on him."

Minutes had passed since the war had begun. The war between such novices would be very bloody and would end quickly. There wasn't much time he could stay here.

"Unbelievable! Support Esra! With his power, we can be the first in the exam! The enemy's morale was shattered. Use your numerical superiority and surround them!"

Kayra shouted to stir up trouble before leaving. In the alliance of his small overlords, there were more than two hundred disciples and fifteen overlords. However, despite this, they could not defeat Ahmet's subjects.

The reason for this was that they were not using their numerical superiority.

In addition, too many students were tripping over corpses and falling.

The students had no problem listening to Kaira's guidance because they recognized her voice. They did as he said, and three people attacked one person.

Although the advantage fell to them, things got even more complicated. Esra had more than ten students around her and was fighting all of them at the same time.

"He can't sustain this forever! Keep attacking."

Ahmed took a steel shield from the corpse on the ground and attacked Esra. When he approached Esra, he felt like he was at the foot of a campfire, but there was nothing else she could do. He used the shield as a shield and swung his sword parallel to the ground.


Esra clenched her teeth, avoided the sword's orbit, and threw it toward the young man behind her. He swung his sword but was blocked by another student.


Different attacks came from all over the world at the same time.

Esra once again maximized her strength and repelled those who approached her with a burst of flame.

"Everyone gets a shield! We will encircle it from all sides. Flames can't melt steel right away."

Ahmet's directions made Esra even more difficult. It had been almost five minutes since Esra activated this feature. He knew that such a force could not continue any longer.

And he was right.

At first, Esra mowed everyone down in one fell swoop, but after the second minute, she couldn't kill anyone.

There was a sharp decline in his strength.

"Stop them from giving support! If we can kill Esra, the others will be in the palm of our hands."

No matter how strong he was, he couldn't do anything alone. There was only one Kayra variable that worried Ahmet, but it had not manifested itself in a long time. He was sure he was in the crowd, but in the chaos, it was as hard to find him as it was to look for a needle in a haystack.

After several attack exchanges with Esra, the layer of red flame around Esra lost its color. Esra's beautiful face was covered in sweat.

"I wouldn't have been able to hurt you any other time, but you've made our mother cry for five minutes!"

He would have been eager to get close to Esra if it had been another time, but now he couldn't think of anything but killing her.

Esra could barely keep her eyes open. His milky-white skin was filled with sword wounds, and his clothes were torn off, exposing his skin.

Even her black hair was short to the shoulders.

He could feel death approaching.

He didn't count how many people he killed, but it was certain that he was approaching twenty. Although he was a normal student only a few hours ago, he has now become a criminal who kills people without blinking.

He didn't want to die.

'Not without seeing after the exam.'

His eyes searched for Kayra. In the first minutes, Kayra constantly appeared to watch over her back in the most critical moments.

But now even his shadow was not visible.

'Oh... He left me alone at the most important moment.'

He suddenly remembered the moment when Kayra knelt in front of him. Now he understood that even he was just something that happened to save the moment. Trusting in his ability, he had attacked Ahmet in such a reckless manner, but Kayra had abandoned him at the most critical moment.

'What an emotionless and despicable method.'

He called the Character Window to use the Karma Points he earned but to no avail. As he expected, he could not use the Karma Points he earned by killing at the time of the exam.

'What good will the hundreds of Karma Points I earn be for me then?'

Suddenly, the world was darkened to some degree. The air coming out of the ventilation pipes was cut off. When Esra felt a warmth in her stomach, she noticed that the electricity was gone.

At that moment, Kayra came to mind.

He smiled stupidly.

'He tricked me...'

Even though it was too late, he realized the meaning of the message he had received.

"He didn't surrender because he lost. He surrendered because...'

As he crashed to the ground on his back, a steel sword covered in blood entered through his chest.

'It aims to kill everybody.'