
The Villain's Guide To Survival

While they were having fun, I tried to improve myself. I cried alone while they laughed together. When they were together, I was excluded. One afternoon at school, I realized that nothing would ever be the same. I felt freed from the shackles that were limiting me. The world has changed, I will make pay for every wrong done to me!

ByGumiho · Fantasy
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26 Chs

Chapter 7: Exam (6)  

He was very dangerous.

After weighing his opponents, Ahmed looked at the crowd surrounding him and cleared his throat.

"Friends! As I understand the name of the exam, we will soon collide with the other overlords. At the moment we are only in exam preparation. But don't worry! We have the most power among the overlords here."

The people he chose were talented individuals who stood out with both intelligence and strength. Most of those who had fallen for Kayra's provocation some time ago had chosen to strengthen only one of their characteristics. By improving their traits such as strength, speed, or endurance, they gained power far beyond what they could control.

But Ahmed knew it was stupid. Even if the gap between boys and girls was closed, the experience was a big factor. Investing points in a single feature would leave them behind.

Endurance was required to sword a sword. It required strength to lift and agility to avoid attack.

Those with poor reasoning were immersed in the intoxication of power and charged in only one area.

Even if they raised the sword, there would be those who were tired after a few tosses, and there would be those who were too slow to escape the attack even if they could.

That's why it was so important to distribute the points.

"When everyone is on the same terms, it's our ability to reason that will determine the outcome. Those with strong communication skills put themselves forward and try to be overlords. But that only puts responsibility on them. They're taking on a burden they can't bear! We are the best warriors in the school and we are the ones who can see the big picture."

Almost all of his subjects were equipped. Among the hundreds of students, such people were in the minority. They also knew each other intimately, unlike the others.

"I am determined to become a duke and pass this exam. If you see fit, let's discuss our war plan."

Ahmed sheathed his steel sword and led the students.


The door of the physical education teacher's room, away from the clutter of the gym, suddenly fell to the ground with a great bang. The kick that caused the door to fall slowly receded. Entering the teachers' room, which was much larger than the average room, Kayra looked at the iron plate on the table and the cigarette package next to it.

The food residue on the plate was fresh. Although it is a mystery where the teachers disappeared, Kayra took the food bowl and the lighter under the cigarette package without thinking about it.

"I hope it works. I'm taking a big risk."

He was nervous because of the risk he took, but there was nothing he could do.

It was something that could be done in theory, and it should have been possible with the item he found after lengthy research.

[Some constellations are wondering what to do.]

[An unknown constellation is staring at you with cold eyes.]

[A balance-hating constellation tells you to be prepared for the consequences if you do what it thinks.]

[An unknown constellation looks at you with hatred.]

The notices that flocked to her did not distract Kayra. After carefully washing the plate, she dried it with her dress and ensured that no wetness remained.

[A constellation reveals its identity.]

[The Kavalist of the Fareli Village wants to send you a message.]

[Akasha Regulation prevents the Kavaci of Fareli Village.]

[The Kavaci of Fareli Village sits in place in anger and says they will be held accountable.]

[Some constellations are restless.]

Kayra was so focused on what she was doing that she didn't notice the awkwardness in the notifications. After washing the plate, he went to the room where the air purification system was located. The door was locked. It took Kayra a few minutes to open.

He was about to open the door when a voice came up behind him.

"Kayra? What are you doing?"

Esra, who exhibited the elegance of a young woman despite her age with beautiful lines and a pleasant voice, was behind her. He was looking at Kayra with puzzled eyes.

Kayra hid what she had behind her.

"What are you doing here?"

"I'm the one who has to ask that. The whole class stays together and we try to survive among the other classes."

Apparently, Esra had also become an overlord. There was a slight light over his head. There had to be at least a baron.

Kayra frowned at Esra's steel sword hanging over her thin waist and the armor surrounding her breasts.

He had scored more points than he thought.

How did he do that? Had he encountered a secret rule or opportunity that he was not aware of?

Esra was probably stronger than herself. It wasn't because he couldn't win, but if he tried to fight him, he would attract the attention of others. He had planned his movements according to the chaos in the gym.

While the chaos inside was going on, no one's attention should have shifted elsewhere.

"What are you doing here?"

Esra was a candidate for the first place in the second grades. He also had a calmness and knowledge beyond his peers. He immediately knew that Kayra was stirring things up.

"You're secretly making conspiracies while everyone is inside preparing for the next exam."

[An unidentified constellation looks at you angrily.]

Kayra looked at the window in front of him with overgrown eyes. Was an unidentified constellation looking at him angrily? It was enough to surprise that. They should be spectators, what could they have done to make them angry?

He looked at Esra and frowned and saw her look into the void. Then he lifted his head and looked into Kayra's blue eyes.

"I find you quite interesting."

"I don't understand?"

"I have a special ability that allows me to easily beat everyone in this school. If I didn't have certain reasons, I could easily reach the Duke level."

"Special talent?"

What Esra said made Kayra suspect other things. There was a constellation that looked at him angrily, and Esra was talking about a 'special talent'.

"What you hide behind you. Isn't it an iron plate and a lighter? Thinking about setting the gym on fire? Or will you break the ventilation? Or will you just hide? He's like a coward."

Although Esra did not understand why Kayra entered the room, it was not difficult for her to guess.

"I admit, you caught me."

Kayra raised her hands.

"Throw your gun away."

Esra drew her steel sword and came to Kayra's feet. His previous words were a lie. His eyes were on Kayra from the very beginning. Her intuition and the messages she received said that Kayra was definitely a being that had to be eliminated.

Of course, he knew what the room he was trying to enter was. In that room, there was one of the latest model clean air systems of the era. Many of the ventilation pipes came out of there, distributing fresh air to the gym.

"You choose an interesting place to hide, but you don't know that the ventilation pipes are smaller than you think."

What he didn't understand was what Kayra was going to do with a lighter and an iron plate.

He moved Kayra's gun away with his foot.

"Kneel down and hold your hands up as well. I'm going to attack in a little move."

Kayra did not oppose him. He held his hands over his head and slowly fell to his knees. When Esra saw his obedient state, she smiled under her mustache.

"Nice. Now I'm going to invite you. Accept it well and let's triumph together. I promise that when I become king, I will make you one of my knights. I'll do my best to make sure you improve."

Kayra bit her lips and tilted her head.

"Can I ask anything?"

"You're not in a position to ask questions."

[Esra Tanrıkulu wants your approval, do you agree?]

Kayra did not immediately approve.

"If you answer my question, I will accept it, I promise."

Esra sighed. He had seen Kayra's talent and skill. While taking his special talent, he received a message telling him to kill Kayra where he saw it.

He was curious about Kayra. It was the constellation that followed him. What had he seen that he could not see, and that he had to eliminate Kayra? Esra wondered about it. He knew that Kayra was not stupid.

Since she was often an outcast, she was insignificant in Esra's eyes. The only thing that made him stand out was his fighting ability, which had become irrelevant.

But what made it special?

What was there that he couldn't see?

If he were private, would he kneel before him and head off?

He wanted to keep her by her side until she learned everything about her and use her fighting potential. So he felt he had to be kind.

"Well, you only have one question."

Kayra was silent for a few seconds before asking her question.

"Did you get your special talent thanks to the constellations that followed us?"

When Esra heard Kayra's question, she hesitated about whether to answer it or not. But he thought it wouldn't hurt to say it. It was information that everyone would learn after only one round.

He knew he had to pay the price to lure Kayra to his side.

"There was a compartment in the Character Window called Authority. Just below it was another compartment called 'sponsor'. These are compartments that are closely related to the constellations that are watching us."

He closed his eyes and sighed.

"Even though I don't know much about the constellations, they can sponsor us. Of course, you have already received a donation of Karma Points. Sponsorship is a little bit different than that. Instead of giving Karma Points, they give a unique ability called 'Authority.'"

"And what is your authority?"


Esra did not answer this question.

He knew that revealing his authority would create danger.

"I've done my part, it's your turn."


Kayra said 'I approve' from within.

[You are now a subject of Viscount Esra.]

[When the exam starts, all your stats will increase by 5%.]

"Let's go in. The exam is one minute away from starting."