
The Villain's Guide To Survival

While they were having fun, I tried to improve myself. I cried alone while they laughed together. When they were together, I was excluded. One afternoon at school, I realized that nothing would ever be the same. I felt freed from the shackles that were limiting me. The world has changed, I will make pay for every wrong done to me!

ByGumiho · Fantasy
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26 Chs

Chapter 5: Exam (4)  

He was a remarkable man with wheat-colored hair and sparkling blue eyes. Everyone knew him intimately as the first person to act.

When Ahmed recognized this sound, he turned around and looked at Kayra, who was meters away from him. The coldness in his eyes was enough to make anyone nervous.

But Kayra didn't seem to care about him.

"As expected from a killer who killed five people in a short period of time. You hid in your hole out of fear and showed up when things were going to stop."

Despite Ahmet's words, the expression on Kayra's face did not change. He opened his hands and laughed with a sarcastic expression.

"It's too early to decide who the real coward is."

"What do you mean?"

Kayra did not bother to look at Ahmet. Instead, he looked at the large crowd of students behind him.

"Friends, even though the world has changed, do you feel inferior to someone else?"

Kayra's voice was even more shocking than Ahmet's.

Everyone's attention was directly focused on Kayra.

"The world has changed. Nothing will ever be the same again! Some people want to use you because they are aware of this! Instead of resisting it, you are putting oil on their bread by applying what they say to the letter."

His voice, which entered the ears of the crowd, quickly led to whispers and suspicions. More than half of those here trusted Ahmet and placed all the responsibility on him. He was doing everything he said, putting the blame on Ahmet because they were afraid to make their own decisions.

However, some of them were acting as if they were blowing their heads instead of trusting Ahmet, who was more unreliable than them. Although they didn't buy weapons, they had already distributed the Karma Points they had earned to their statistics.

This was a clash of human nature.

The emotional ones didn't dispute what Ahmed said, while the logical ones didn't trust him at all. They pretended to be one of them just to avoid being excluded.

But they were in the minority. There were only a few people like that. They were too trivial to mention among the hundreds of others.

An ominous feeling arose inside Ahmet. He glanced at the friends standing next to him. Even if they couldn't act now, they would attack as soon as things seemed to be going their way.

"You've already killed one person! This means that survival is your first priority. But right now you are entrusting your own life to someone else. Imagine that the next test is also about killing. You don't have weapons and haven't distributed your Karma Points. That will make you as vulnerable as a chicken."

Ahmed's eyebrows suddenly frowned, and a cold look appeared in his eyes. He was about to act. He should have taken this opportunity when everyone's gaze was on Kayra. Otherwise, things would get out of hand.

"What about thirty or so men who have strengthened their stats, and what about Ahmed's situation? Moreover, they have wooden swords in their hands that they can kill you with a blow. Obviously, they used their Karma Points to strengthen their features. Do you think you can stand up to them?"

A few people next to Ahmet suddenly started running towards Kayra. The remaining twenty-seven remained in place. There was no way thirty people could act to kill one person. Moreover, Ahmed was standing in place. At the last moment, he decided to stop attacking and leave it to others.

His fame in the eyes of people was on an unstable bridge. If he killed one person, the bridge would collapse directly. It would be foolish to act when there are people who would do this work for him.

'I'm sorry about that, but you can't stop my plans.'

Ahmed felt a little sad knowing that he would die in a matter of seconds. But this was something that happened for a very short time. He immediately recovered and thought about how to take the opportunity of Kayra's death. He could declare him evil and make himself a hero.

He came up with an ingenious plan.

'Thank you for giving me this opportunity. He was destined to be the one to take on all the evil."

Her murder without blinking an eye and her opposition to the order made Kayra an "outlier" in itself. His reputation in school and the killing of someone like Batuhan, who got along well with everyone, also turned his 'outlier' into 'evil who wants to disrupt the order'.

No matter how bad it was, killing a villain was a good thing.

If Ahmed succeeded, even the opponents in the crowd would have to shut up. Otherwise, they would be one of the outliers who stood against the order and would be ostracized by the others. To be excluded in such situations was simply to fall victim.


But things turned out differently than he expected.

Ahmed didn't know what to say in the face of the scene in front of him.

The first person to attack was an athlete named Peace. He was a boxer who won the first place in the province. Giving him a wooden sword was like giving wings to a tiger. Moreover, he strengthened his statistics with the karma points he earned.

It wouldn't be wrong to say that he was one of the best fighters in school.

But why was he on the ground after only three moves?

As soon as he waved the sword of peace, Kayra took a step and grabbed Peace's elbow and wrist. The moment he did this, he threw a hard shoulder, upsetting Peace's balance and using the momentum he had gained against him. Then, as if taking it from a child's hand, he picked up his sword in one fell swoop.

It all happened in as little as a second.

When Barış fell to the ground and made a scream, Kayra used a sword to direct the second attacker's sword attack and took a small turn behind him. The third teenager was right in front of him, while the other two were behind him.


With a flick, the third teenager collapsed to the ground.

Kayra turned around and kicked the second teenager's hip.


A moment later, his wooden sword landed on the teenager's kneecap, causing him to scream in pain.


Everything had happened so fast that no one had time to react.

"How is this possible?"

Ahmed held himself hard not to mobilize everyone. Even if he was confident in beating Peace, he wouldn't dare to say that he could do it so effortlessly and so quickly.

"I mean, don't even think about putting yourself in the hands of others! A dangerous world is likely to await us outside. Obviously, these exams prepare us for the outside world. Instead of preparing in this situation, do you put yourself at the mercy of a selfish person?"

Many people involuntarily nodded as Kayra spoke.

"Think about the people out there. They will strengthen themselves by exhibiting great success in exams. What about you? Are you going to throw your life aside to protect people who might stab you in the back a few days later? Nonsense. How will you survive on the outside if you do so? Do you think others will have mercy on you?"

Even Kayra could only have an idea of what was happening outside. But that wasn't what mattered right now. Even a tiny seed of suspicion could soon blossom. It just needed to create a chain reaction. If even one person took action, it would create a snowball effect and a tiny snowball would turn into a huge avalanche.

In this case, his biggest enemy would be Ahmed, but he had already lost the trust in front of people. He had damaged his 'trustworthy' image by allowing three people to attack him. A few slanders and nudging his desire to survive afterwards were enough to end Ahmed's entire influence.

Although trust was important, survival was much more important.

They could have survived today by acting like this.

What about tomorrow?

What would happen if their compassion pushed them back from others?

Would they have a chance to act like this again?

Would the enemies show them mercy?

"But now you have the opportunity to empower yourself! You can step out of your own shell and reinvent yourself. Killing people can be bad, yes! Right. But you all went beyond the concept of human beings by killing someone in the first exam!"

Ahmed could not stand it any longer and was thrown into Kayra with his friends.

"Remember who you are! You are no longer a normal person!"

When Kayra, Ahmet and his friends attacked, he ran towards them without hesitation.

As he ran, he was screaming with all his heart.

"You are ruthless killers who will do anything to survive!"


These words brought out the monsters in those who hesitated.

Ahmet's eyes bleed when he realized this.

A white light formed in his hand, and a steel sword appeared.

He had become comrades with more than a hundred people. He also murdered several people while in class. So he had more than one hundred and fifty points.

After receiving a sword, he gave all his remaining points to agility and strength.

His speed tripled in an instant, and suddenly he ran out at the foot of Kayra. Just as he was about to cut it, something hit him from behind.


She was a petite girl holding a half-meter shield in her hand.

Ahmed flew like a wind past Kayra and was dragged meters away with the girl.

Kayra continued into the crowd after grazing the fish that was moving in the water from among thirty people.

When some people in the crowd took the lives of the person next to them without hesitation, everyone started to get into each other.

Since everyone was a companion with at least seventy people, they had an average of one hundred points with the rewards for completing the exams.

Many have invested their points in the features that will give them the most advantage.

Suddenly, they had a power they had never had.

"Unbelievable! I feel light as a bird."

"I feel like I can run forever."

The students watched the miracle with admiration. The impenetrable physical strength between boys and girls suddenly shut down. Girls who put everything into power gained as much strength as a man who devoted his life to sports.

The petite girl, on the other hand, was able to instantly exceed twenty meters because she had put everything at speed. There was no one else who was as fast as him.

Those who once enjoyed the power crazy desired more. They began to attack their closest enemies.

The situation became more and more chaotic. So much so that although the time has expired, the final exam has not started.

But at that moment, a large window opened five meters above the ground.

[The Final Exam is about to start...]

[The Examiner uses his authority because the exam area is too chaotic.]