
The Villain's Guide To Survival

While they were having fun, I tried to improve myself. I cried alone while they laughed together. When they were together, I was excluded. One afternoon at school, I realized that nothing would ever be the same. I felt freed from the shackles that were limiting me. The world has changed, I will make pay for every wrong done to me!

ByGumiho · Fantasy
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26 Chs

Chapter 4: Exam (3)

The gym also had four lockers and four restrooms. Kayra entered one of the toilets and began to rest to recharge her energy.

His actions angered many and drew hatred upon him. Although he received the attention he wanted throughout his life, this interest was very dangerous.

Now was the time to retreat.

He would wait here until the storm subsided.

He had problems with communication since he was little. The biggest reason for this was that he lost his parents in a tragic accident. He was raised by his older brother, a soldier ever since, and taught him how to survive.

His brother was a professional soldier. He would go on permanent missions and not return for months. So Kayra would be alone and alone.

When she was little, she had a babysitter who took care of her, but she was fired after a while because she traumatized her by doing unacceptable things to her. What happened to him was something that only his brother would know.

"Hm? Have the voices stopped?"

It had only been fifteen minutes since the exam had begun.

It shouldn't have ended so fast.

"Since there is no obligation to kill someone, there are few sides left in the hundred."

Yes, there was no obligation to kill someone in this exam. Only those who wanted to plunder had to kill someone. Others could tear it out of it as comrades.

As he expected, a window opened right in front of him.

[The second exam is over!]

[Prizes are being distributed...]

[You earned 25 Karma Points for looting five people!]

[You earned an extra 5 Karma Points for getting the first kill!]

[The final exam will start in half an hour.]

[Character Window and Marketplace will be available for half an hour.]

The windows that opened in front of him closed one after another.

"Character Window?"

Why did it seem like something to get out of the games?


Just when he thought about it, a window of the same color as the others opened in front of him.

[Kayra Redgul]

Power: 15

Agility: 15

Durability: 20

Check: 35

Magic Power: 0

Chances: 40

Class: None

Authority: None

Sponsor: None

Personality: Cold-blooded, Machiavellian, Pragmatist

Capabilities: None

'What's this?'

It took him a few seconds to figure out what the window in front of him was.

He hesitantly clicked on the Power post.

[5 Karma Points converted to power.]

The number next to Power suddenly disappeared and a new value was written.

"So five Karma Points only increase by one point? So are these numbers the numerical value of my characteristics?"

The fact that she looked more and more like the game caused Kayra to frown. He had killed only five people. He had ten points from the first test and over sixty if counted in the scores donated by his constellationists.

"I have to be behind the others."

Given that the constellations spied on the others, some of them should have really been chosen. And whether it was being comrades and plundering, or exam rewards, they all contributed.

"Thinking isn't going to change anything. Let's focus on the future."

He muttered slightly.


Another window opened in front of him. There was also a search bar upstairs. The items shone in small icons in grey frames. Below them were some numbers.

[Wooden Sword: 5KP]

[Steel Sabre: 15KP]

[Simple Dagger: 10KP]

[Shield: 15KP]

There were many similar items.

But it was all cold weapons.

"Why are there no firearms?"

He clicked on the search button and typed in a few of the firearms.

But nothing came across it.


After a long time, he raised his head and looked at the ventilation pipes.

He looked at the search button again and typed something.

"I think I'll do it."


At the time, about five hundred people were gathering around a person in the middle of the hall discussing something.

"We managed to get rid of it because the exam didn't have to kill."

"It's all thanks to Ahmet! He easily noticed the openness in the exam. As expected from our school representative..."

Many congratulated the handsome young man for saving them from a difficult situation. While everyone was thinking about whether they would kill each other, Ahmet came forward and came up with an idea. Although everyone was hesitant at first, the condition that 'less than 100 parties remained' led them to believe that the idea made sense.

Of course, not everyone trusted them.

Among them were those who saw plunder as salvation.

"Please be careful to listen to my instructions! Everyone should go near their classmates and do nothing until the next exam! Don't make the mistake of spending your Karma Points or buying any weapons! It will only lead you to become a murderer like despicable dogs lying on the ground!"

Ahmet was a tall and handsome young man. He was also the first in the semester among the twelfth graders. The fact that many people wanted to be around him made him a household name in school. In short, it was at the top of the food chain.

He was also Batuhan's cousin. This made his place in the school permanent. He had a bright future ahead of him.

Behind him was a team of thirty people made up of acquaintances. They were helping him get the students in order. They all had wooden swords in their hands and gave threatening looks at the students.

Naturally, even those who wanted to oppose them hesitated. After all, Ahmet was neither from their family nor did they have very deep relations.

"The next exam will start in ten minutes. It's a mystery what the test will be, so we have to stay away from dangerous tools so as not to harm each other."

"Then why do you have a gun?"

One student asked hesitantly.

"We maintain order here. As soon as someone tries to attack someone else, we will eliminate it directly. This will both save you from being a murderer and you won't have to worry about protecting yourself."

Ahmet looked at the teenager with calm eyes and moved his eyes over the students. The situation was about to be brought under control.

"Does anyone have any other questions?"

"Actually, I have a question."

A petite girl with glasses stood out. He had green eyes that attracted people, he had a very beautiful face.

Ahmet knew this girl.

"I'm listening."

"You said you would protect us from being murderers and from those who are murderers. That's why you told us not to stop buying weapons and strengthen ourselves. But how do we know that you won't be a murderer?"

Her question was pertinent.

It led to whispers among students.

Ahmet didn't even frown his eyebrows. He was waiting for such a question.

"Our goal is to protect you from a massacre. If everyone tries to kill each other, we will end up like those on the ground. We are taking action to avoid the worst-case scenario. Of course, if you want to watch everyone kill each other, you can go ahead. After all, if you want to go against us, you can buy weapons and attack others."

Ahmet's stagnant voice echoed among the students. His words interrupted the whispers between the students, causing the beautiful girl who asked the question to turn green.

Ahmet simply said: "If you are in favor of killing people, you can take up arms."

"But never forget that! Those who think of harming others should think twice before taking action. We will not remain silent!"

Those among the students who had such thoughts hesitated when they looked at Ahmet and the thirty or so people behind him. Ahmet's words declared everyone bad except them. Even those who wanted to protect themselves could not buy weapons.

If they did, they would be treated as aggressors and immediately neutralized.

[Unidentified constellations giggle as you watch your little play.]

[The constellations that keep an eye on balance didn't like you manipulating people.]

[An unidentified constellation has expressed satisfaction with you.]

[10 Karma Points granted.]

"Are we not going to buy weapons in self-defense? You bastards are really closing doors to everyone but yourself."

At that moment, a voice was heard from the other end of the hall.