
The Villain's Guide To Survival

While they were having fun, I tried to improve myself. I cried alone while they laughed together. When they were together, I was excluded. One afternoon at school, I realized that nothing would ever be the same. I felt freed from the shackles that were limiting me. The world has changed, I will make pay for every wrong done to me!

ByGumiho · Fantasy
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26 Chs

Chapter 26: Namarie

Kayra put aside the Red Tan, who had spent painful moments, and then packed up her things.

After asking a few more questions, he was able to obtain some information about the Supreme King and others. Achieved

'Aydın Rüya and his team will find me soon.'

Aydın Rüya was one of the captains of the twelve teams under the command of the Supreme King. Because of his sponsorship and intelligence, he also stood out among the captains of the twelve teams.

He was one of the four dukes of the Supreme King.

Each member of the 12th team, also known as the Dream Team, was carefully trained by the Supreme King.

There were ten other members besides the duo, and each was at least as talented.

And each had its own sponsor.

'This is a big problem.'

But the team wasn't the ones he was really worried about.

'The guy called Enlightened Dream.'

He looked like someone much stronger than him. He couldn't compete with him in terms of talent, sponsorship, experience, and opportunity. He didn't have a constellation, he might have had a chance at talent, but since he didn't have a sponsor, he was probably behind him.

Because his sponsor was a historical figure he knew very well.

The Conqueror of Enlightened Dreams.

'Also known as Fatih Sultan Mehmet... But why is it located as a human constellation from Earth? Hm? Could it be that figures with great fame on Earth were embodied as constellations?'

That was the only answer that came to his mind.

"I'd better think about it later. If there is a big problem with the constellation, it is its intelligence. Normal people hate the thought of withdrawal to death. However, Aydın Rüya is someone who acts according to the situation. That means he won't fall for my traps and provocations."

Although it was bad that he was smart, he was not without his good sides.

"Instead of fighting like these fools, we can get along by talking or bartering."

Fighting smart people was not as exhausting as fighting fools. While it was difficult to lure or lead them into the trap, it was not difficult to predict their movements as they would not act foolishly.

After packing her backpack, Kayra immediately thought about moving away. From the information he received from the Morning Wind , preparations were started to occupy town #13. It was an operation personally directed by Aydın Rüya and Sabah Rüzgar said that they would plant 'seeds' there.

When he asked what the seed was, he said he didn't know, but that he was ordered to follow it.

Thanks to the magical Blue Eyes, he had a vision that could not be compared to the old one. There was no indication that he was lying in his body language when Morning Wind spoke. So it could be assumed to be true.

Kayra didn't say anything else to either of them. After packing his bag, he did not forget to take the sword and spear on the floor.

Seeing what he was doing, the Morning Wind almost went crazy with rage. But when she thought about what Kayra had done before, she held her anger inside. He looked really scared.

In the end, although the time elapsed was minutes, Red Tan was bruised. Nine of his ten fingers were broken. The slits in his right hand were so large that he was one step closer to death, losing blood at any moment. A large number of blood vessels and tissues were torn into pieces. Even with the support of the potions, it would take a long time to heal.

The physical wounds were a nuisance, but the real fear of the Morning Wind was Red Tan's eyes, which seemed to have lost all willingness to fight.

He had become this way even though he had only wandered with Kayra for a few hours. What would it be like if Kayra had not acted mercifully and had committed real torture?

He couldn't help but shudder.

He didn't know if he was lucky or unlucky.

He could be tortured like the Red Tan, or he could answer questions with a broken arm.

Although he himself did not suffer physical pain, his emotions were mixed. Her eyes were swollen from crying. Every finger Kayra broke was her fault. It was also his fault that Red Tan was in this situation. Everything that happened today was his fault!

He wanted to learn from his mistake and do even better, but it was not known whether Red Tan would live. Within ten minutes at most, he would die of blood loss.

Could others have come in that time?

"Don't worry. They'll come."

Kayra hung the red spear on the arms of her bag when she turned around and raised her head and looked at the dome of the Snowy Mountains . As if the birds had encountered something bad, they left their nests and flew into the sky.

"The animals of the Snowy Mountains are a bit strange. Since they are familiar with the monsters there, they don't care about their movements. They can't move birds unless the top creature moves. There are three options. The first is that either the top snow creature has taken action – so that it is past. Whatever comes in comes directly to this side. If he smells blood, you won't have time to treat yourself to a grave."

He took a bandage out of his bag and collapsed next to Red Tan. Strange to say, Morning Wind didn't oppose this time. As if afraid of even making eye contact with him, he lowered his head and avoided looking.

"The second option is that from the other side of the mountain, some monsters want to cross into the Bony-headed Wolf Zone. Considering it's big enough to cause birds to move, it's either a small flock or a monster the size of an alpha wolf."

He tied the bandage hard to his arm, cutting off blood flow.

"The third option is to have more than one person on the move. I don't think there are people who are heartbroken enough to enter the area of the Bone-headed Wolves from the Snowy Mountains. So it can only be your group."

He got up and got ready to go.

"You don't have to worry. They're here in a few minutes. Tell them to hurry up to heal the cut veins of the Red Tan. You have cut off blood flow but you can easily get gangrene. Do not forget to pay attention to this . What I'm doing isn't healing him, I'm just making sure he doesn't die until the friends arrive."

At that moment, he looked at the sword in his other hand as if something had occurred to him.

"Give your grudge."

He reached for the Morning Wind and reached out to get the scabbard from his waistband. A sword of this quality had to have its own unique scabbard. If he used the scabbard of normal swords, either the scabbard would shatter or the sword would be damaged. Moreover, there was no other grudge with him.

He could not carry this sword without a scabbard.

The sword that was released would easily cut off a part of his body.

The Morning Wind gently turned her hips, waiting for Kayra to come into contact with the henna.

As soon as Kayra touches the henna.





A small dagger pierced the thigh part of the combat pants he was wearing. The Morning Wind screamed so loudly that Kayra felt her ears ache.

"Did you really think I wouldn't notice you had a dagger hidden in your belt?"

Kayra buried the mini dagger she was holding with her fingers completely in the flesh until the handle was visible. After the Morning Wind got used to the pain, he withdrew his hand and, smiling, pulled a bottle full of blood out of his bag.


The Morning Wind's face was sour from the pain he had suffered. there was only one hope in him that the Dream Team would kill this guy.

He saw the bottle that Kayra had taken out.

This man would not have done any good, and everything he took out was disastrous for them.

It was impossible for anything auspicious to happen.

It was filled with a red colored liquid.

"What's that?"

"A little gift!"

He opened the lid of the bottle and poured some of it on the Red Tan. Red Tan was on the verge of death at the time. Even though she knew Kayra was spilling something, this was the last thing she would think.

When the Morning Wind saw that it was his turn, he gritted his teeth. He was afraid of that liquid because he didn't know what it was, but there was something he was even more afraid of.

To suffer more.

'How weak I am.'

As the liquid from the bottle spilled down his head, he felt like he was under a waterfall. Every drop of water carried the weight of a rock. He was beating his body, but he didn't have the strength to resist.


When he absorbed a drop of blood dripping onto his lip, he realized it was denser than human blood. Moreover, the ironish taste it gave off was more bitter.

'Why blood on us...'

While struggling with those thoughts, Kayra closed the bottle and threw it on the ground and stepped on it. Now everything he needed was done. The Dream Team's prediction was close to arrival.

"Namarie friends."

After saying goodbye, he began to run to the other side of the Snowy Mountains without hesitation . The red spear stood out on the milky-white snow. Not to mention the guns in his waistband.

The Morning Wind watched his happy departure with his sour expression.

Kayra was about to disappear on the horizon when she heard the sounds of steps behind her. When he turned his head with force, he saw the two women running to them with worried faces.

The Dream Team had finally reached its goal.

The Morning Wind toppled over, believing that what they had experienced was a nightmare. The emotional torture that had taken had ended him. He was dying to sleep.

He could leave the rest to them.

When he closed his eyes, he fell asleep before a second had passed.

"Captain, shall we follow them?"

A long-haired young man who watched two women examine the body of Morning Wind and Red Tan asked the captain next door.

The so-called captain looked in the direction Kayra was headed, then frowned and took a deep breath.

"If we follow it, it will take its geographical advantage and kill you one by one."

"Then let's go with you."

"We can't leave the others alone."

After all, the enemy was not stupid. When the best warriors went to protect him, he could take the rest of the group by surprise with a few simple moves.

"The Snowy Mountains are very wide and there are too many maneuvering places for one person. Not to mention the dangers involved. There are many unique types of monsters and they are perfect for ambush. Even the Supreme King cannot survive there."

"Aren't you overexaggerating?"

The long-haired teenager asked as he shrunk his face. This guy was a coward, even though he was one of the four whistles. There was only one person in front of them, but he was talking about the possibilities. However, it was a small prey that they could catch in just a few hours.

"If we die or are seriously injured, everything will end."

"Is it the right decision to let him run away even if he does?"

Captain turned his head from the direction Kayra was going and looked at the bloody body of Red Tan. Even though he was a year older than him, he was childish and ignored all orders. He didn't even want to talk about the Morning Wind.

"The place where the fox will turn around is the fur shop."

The long-haired teenager shrugged as if he didn't understand what he was saying and accompanied the others. Since Red Tan and the Morning Wind fainted from pain, the task of carrying them would be divided among the four people.

The captain went to Red Tan with thoughtful eyes. He looked at the spiral cut that ran from his shoulder to the tip of his middle finger. It was quite deep and had shattered a large number of veins. It was certain that healing this wound would not be less than five thousand karma points.

"Can we make it last one day?"

He looked at the girl, nicknamed the White Serpent, who was struggling to stabilize Red Tan's wounds.

The White Snake had a tiny white snake mark on its forehead. Her silvery-white hair was falling out onto her shoulders. His eyes were pure and bright, like a pair of emeralds. It was very difficult to resist the medicinal smell that attracted people from their body.

From a distance, it was impossible to believe that he was an earthling.

Those who received the grace of the constellations would change. They usually only realized what kind of change they were going through after a while. Because the changes were rarely physical.

If they became guardians of such a ruthless mythological figure as the God of Blood, they could turn into a bloodthirsty monster.

Or if he became the guardian of one of the beautiful mythological figures like Mother Umay, he could be beautiful.

When the Enlightened Dream became the guardian of the Conqueror of Illuminated Dreams , he became more easily able to restrain his emotions and was far-sighted enough to see the big picture quickly.

But what he went through were psychological and emotional changes.

Changes like the White Serpent would appear very rarely.

Protector of Holy Physicians, God of Medicine Akbüke.

He was a mythological Turkish god of medicine. Normally, it was said that he could heal all wounds with a single touch of his wand, but his legends were little known. So his authority wasn't that strong.

The girl, nicknamed the White Serpent, wiped her bloody hands on her clothes and looked at the captain with a smile.

"Captain, even if I use Immortality of the Serpent, it can last a maximum of twelve hours. Red Tan's misery and basilic veins are completely torn to pieces. We will need 'Grace' to reconnect the veins."

"Do we have an alternative?"

"No. Even that might not save him. There's a chance he'll spend the rest of his life disabled."

"I understand."

The captain pulled his head off the Red Tan and looked towards the horizon. He knew that Kayra was cunning, but he did not know that she was so cunning. He understood his plan now.

We act now to heal the 'Red Tan' or chase him and make the Red Tan's condition worse. Moreover, he left the Morning Wind alive and left us a way out."

So they wouldn't have to follow him and take revenge.

From the outside, it may seem simple, but it was necessary to understand the opponent well. After all, there were a thousand and one kinds of human species. A ruthless person could ignore them and follow Kayra.

But the other side seemed sure he wouldn't follow through.

'The Morning Breeze or Red Tan must have cracked down on me.'

His eyes fell on Red Tan's fingers.

'Were they tortured?'

He shook his head. He knew that Red Tan would not succumb so easily to physical torture. He would grit his teeth and ignore death, trying to hold out until they came.

'Was it the Morning Wind?'

When he turned his head to the knee of the Morning Wind, he saw a deep wound. But the wound was not very wide, which meant that it was stung in one go.

Moreover, someone as proud as the Morning Wind would not lose to physical torture.

'He may have used his feelings. But how? What would I do if I were him?'

He threw his hand on his chin and assessed the situation. Time was limited and he had very little data in his hands. He had to resort to torture to get information from the enemy. What should he have done?

A few seconds later, his eyes suddenly flashed.

"If I were there, I would torment one and do nothing to the other – I would put the ropes in his hands. Thus, the person holding the spindles in his hand would change, and the criminal would be the other party. He activates his conscience as if it were his own choice and...'

He could easily access the information he wanted.

'It's more cruel than it should. I can't believe you're only a year younger than me. After the Supreme King, another troublemaker ensued."

He had to kill her no matter what.

"We have a problem with the captain."

Meanwhile, the White Serpent tugged at the captain's pants. The captain looked at him with cold eyes and listened to what he had to say.

"Red Tan's wounds were touched by the blood of a monster. If we combine it with Grace as soon as possible, his death will be certain."

Although he didn't have the expertise to identify monster blood, he knew monsters were nests of germs. She had no medical expertise, she was just the daughter of a doctor. But in such a world, it was very difficult to find someone like him.

The Immortality of the Snake alone was enough to prove its worth.


The gaze in the captain's eyes gave way to curiosity. He looked at the relatively dark blood on Red Tan's shoulder and plunged his finger. After taking a pinch, he touched his tongue.

[Poison Resistance kicked in.]

[B+ Level Alpha Wolf Blood neutralizes...]

"B+ Level Alpha Wolf?"

The captain was surprised for a moment, but it took only half a second for the expression on his face to give way to horror.


Although the captain's shouting shook everyone, another incident took place that shook everyone.

A large cloud of dust rose from the interior of the Bone-headed Wolf region.


The sworn enemy of the Red-Eyed Grey Wolf Tribe was the Bone-headed Wolf Tribe.