
The Villain's Guide To Survival

While they were having fun, I tried to improve myself. I cried alone while they laughed together. When they were together, I was excluded. One afternoon at school, I realized that nothing would ever be the same. I felt freed from the shackles that were limiting me. The world has changed, I will make pay for every wrong done to me!

ByGumiho · Fantasy
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26 Chs

Chapter 23: Can I Trust You?  


"How far do we have left?"

Red Tan raised his head to look at the Snowy Mountain, which rose like a sword. It had been almost an hour, but they still hadn't arrived.

"We have arrived."

Kayra expressionlessly raised her finger and pointed to the crack that was evident from a distance.

"My stuff is buried in that big crack."

It took them a few minutes to reach the big crack. Kayra tried to get information from the Red Tan by asking different questions along the way, but Red Tan refrained from answering as if he knew his purpose.

"I think that so-called Supreme King knows a lot about me. But how?'

The Supreme King... The Supreme King... Supreme King! No matter where he looked, he was a very arrogant and authoritarian figure. How was this person able to gather so many talented people? It was clear that Red Tan and the girl on his shoulder were not the only talented people.

Was there a sequel?

The fact that he didn't kill either of them right away was because he didn't know exactly about it. A foolish act would do more harm than good.

"We have arrived."

Kayra looked at the darkness in front of him and took a few steps and went inside. Of course, he didn't make the foolish mistake of turning his back to Red Tan. He turned his face to him and dug up the slightly snowy soil with his hands, then pulled out the bag he had buried.

Red Tan didn't know what to say when he saw his cautious state.

But as he watched Kayra pull out a bandage, tincture diode, and a bottle, he didn't say anything. He calmly lowered the Morning Wind on his back and did not allow his shoulder to touch the ground.

"It's good that you didn't take out the arrow."

After Kayra handed the bandage to Red Tan, she opened the lid of the bottle and fell to her knees. Red Tan frowned, looked at Kayra and adjusted her position as if she were going to act at any moment.

"You don't have to be so nervous."

Kayra pressed the bottle against the girl's bruised lips and gently tilted her head so that she could get down her throat freely. The antidote of Jade Poison was made from the saffron sac of the Jade Meadow Snake and several anti-toxins grown in the same area.

As soon as the antidote landed in the stomach, it took only seconds for it to enter the blood.

After a few seconds passed, as she had expected, a little more color came to the girl's face and her lips slowly turned pink.

Seeing this, Red Tan breathed a sigh of relief. He moved his hand away from the spear on his back and bowed gently.

"Thank you really for your help. It is a great glory that you have healed him even though he has attacked you."

"Oh, it's not that important."

After making Kayra drink the remaining antidote, he closed the lid of the bottle and turned around to put it back in his bag.

He wanted to talk and shop with the guy called the Supreme King before deciding what to do. He had a large amount of C-level cores in his hands. It was also definitely top in terms of strength.

He thought there would be mutual aid.

"It should be aimed at gathering talented people around itself. He'll want to attract someone as talented as me. However, the reaction of these people is a bit strange. He never let his guard down, as if he knew what I was from the beginning."

It was frustrating that Red Tan looked at him as if he could predict every move he was going to make. The fact that he did not fall into the bait he had set up, that he never turned his back on him, and that he refused the food and drink he offered, meant that he did not trust him.

But who knew his nature so well?

'Are there other eyes with special abilities, such as the Magic Blue Eyes? Or could the Constellations be helping them?'

There was something wrong here. Was it possible for a person to never let his guard down for hours? And no, there was something else that needed to be asked.

"Can I trust you?"

Red Tan was then removing the arrow from the shoulder of the Morning Wind. When she heard Kayra's question, her hand shook involuntarily. But he immediately recovered and carefully removed the arrow.

He turned to Kayra and was met with her piercing gaze.

"Of course you can trust it. After all, we are all people who want to survive in this world. We will never hurt you unnecessarily."

His lips twitched for a very brief moment as he said these things. It was such a short term that it was difficult to even say micro expression.

However, this statement did not escape Kayra's eyes.

'Is he disgusted with me? Reason? What does he know about me?'

As thoughts wandered through his mind, he pulled two pieces of dried meat out of his bag. He placed one piece on his lips and handed the other to Red Tan.

"Thank you but..."

Red Tan tried to refuse, but Kayra sighed and divided him.

"Do you think you could stand up to me if I wanted to kill you?"

He squinted.

"Small games and fake words, do you think you can escape from me by using them?"

From the moment they first met until this moment, Red Tan had tried to keep his distance. It wasn't just distance as distance. He refrained from even giving information and talking. Giving information was acceptable to a certain extent, but he also avoided talking and being in contact as if he were a freak.

Kayra took a deep breath and mastered her emotions.

"Your friend has been poisonous for an hour. The journey and taking the arrow out of the wound made it a little worse. Let's rest here for a while and check on your condition. And don't think that just one bottle can remove all the poison from your body."

"Got it."

Red Tan spoke through his teeth as he tried to cover the wound on Morning Wind's shoulder with a bandage. The uneasiness of being by Kayra's side caused her hands to shake. He didn't know why, but he felt a big snake staring at him.

"Want help?"

Kayra looked at her trembling hands. Why was he so afraid of her? Judging by his height and bony face, he should have been a little bigger than him. He also had a combat power that was not inferior to him. There was no reason for him to be afraid.

'Or is this a psychological fear?'

Had his war with the wolf caused them to fear him? His ruthlessness and determination may have caused this.

'Or is it due to something completely different?'

Red Tan trembled when he heard Kayra's voice. His trembling caused one of his fingers to touch the wound of the Morning Wind.


Although the Morning Wind was unconscious, it groaned because of the pain.

Red Tan gritted his teeth and pulled his hands off the shoulder of the Morning Wind.

"Please help."

"Leave it to me."

Kayra took tincture and bandage. He plucked a piece of the bandage and cleaned the wound. The wound had worsened due to the arrow stopping for an hour. But the problem was not the depth of the wound.

Surrounding bacteria and microbes could easily cause inflammation.

That was the main thing.

Luckily, he had purchased a first aid kit for 10 Karma Points before going hunting. Although it surprised him that the set was so comprehensive but cheap, over time he realized that it was as basic a need as water.

In a different geography than Earth, there were naturally different bacteria and microbes. Potions only served to close wounds and accelerate cell regeneration. Even if the wounds caused by monster attacks were closed and even healed, the germs did not disappear.

Of course, this was true for normal people. When Kayra Kara sucked Oz, the Life Force she obtained instantly destroyed the bacteria. As such, he only needed this kit with small wounds and when White Oz had no resources to absorb.

So far, there has not been an opportunity to use it.

Kayra got up from her seat after wrapping the bandage.

"The arrow must have gone down to the bone. If we leave it like this, it takes weeks to heal even if the wound closes. We need to get potions from the town as soon as possible."

"Oh, don't worry about that."

Red Tan suddenly spoke.

"The Morning Wind can get rid of all the bad effects when it activates its Void ability. That includes minor wounds on his body."


"Oh, excuse me. I didn't say anything."

When Red Tan realized he had broken the pot, he fell silent and stepped aside. He had run here non-stop for an hour and had carried a woman on his back. It was impossible not to get tired.

'He must have innate talent. Void is a special ability on which he can get rid of all the bad influences on him. It means that when he wakes up, he can get rid of the poison."

He understood that innate skills were much more special than other skills. Even Laplace's Demon and Thought Acceleration ability, the two sub-abilities of the Magic Blue Eyes, were more special than any other.

The null shouldn't have been worse than the Magic Blue Eyes.

'Anyway, it's okay unless there's a high-level control skill like Magical Blue Eyes. In any case, controlling the battlefield is the most important point of all wars. Although it is a shield that can protect it from all bad influences, it is not so important on the battlefield."

But that didn't mean he could ignore such a variable. In fact, the emergence of such a variable was bad for him.

'Hm, I think the poison I gave you won't work anymore.'
