
The Villain's Guide To Survival

While they were having fun, I tried to improve myself. I cried alone while they laughed together. When they were together, I was excluded. One afternoon at school, I realized that nothing would ever be the same. I felt freed from the shackles that were limiting me. The world has changed, I will make pay for every wrong done to me!

ByGumiho · Fantasy
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26 Chs

Chapter 21: Magical Blue Eyes (1)  

After a painful few seconds, the energy in his body was absorbed by the Magic Blue Eyes. When the pain in Kayra's body subsided, she straightened her body with her hands.

His ice-blue eyes became clearer.

The blue mist, which replaced the large one, rippled slightly and glowed. When he squinted, he immediately realized what it was like.

The Red-Eyed Grey Wolf was hesitant at first, but he couldn't stand it when he realized that man was going through a strange change. Just as he was about to shoot when he activated the Red Eyes, a dark arrow passed by his head.


At first he didn't understand what was happening, but when the Red Hunter's red shield disintegrated, he realized that the shield had damaged its central area.

The Red Hunter was actually the armor he received according to the bone and muscle structure of the mana in his body. The stronger and stiffer the muscles and bones, the stronger the Red Hunter would be.

Therefore, the Red Hunter's strength was more intense in some places and sparse in others.

But how did a person know that?

That aside, how could he find the ever-changing center in one go and make a powerful attack that could tear it apart?

I have to kill this person as soon as possible.

When this thought appeared in the mind of the Red-Eyed Gray Wolf, he attacked without hesitation. Even though he was tired and exhausted, he was still too strong for man to resist. Because when he was fully healthy, all the bones in man's legs were torn to pieces.

He could not escape or resort to dastardly plans.

"Watch out for the rock!"

A high-pitched woman's scream could be heard behind him. But the wolf attacked the man without turning back. The Spring Claw landed on the human chest again and shattered his ribs. There was only a small moment left in his death when his feelings screamed like crazy.

When he turned around, he realized that a huge rock was about to fall off a cliff. The black-haired woman, who had an elegant build, was trying to hold the rock with her flushed face. But the rock was much heavier than a human could lift. He was slowly slipping out of his hands.

The Red-Eyed Grey Wolf would ignore the woman because he felt that man was still not dead, but when he looked at the area under the rock, he shuddered.

Her little unprotected cub slept soundly in the area where the rock was going to fall.

Damn man!

The woman took the opportunity to hold the rock and ran to her child. For the first time a person was helping him, he questioned it, despite being grateful. Was he collaborating with the other person? But that was trivial. The important thing was that it gave him some time.

He only had a few seconds.

At that moment, he heard the woman above screaming.

She was preparing to take her baby by the nape of her neck, what was she screaming at such an important time? Was time running out?

When he raised his head, the incredibly large rock covered the sky.

Was it a meteor hitting?

No, that was that rock!

It was the rock that would turn them into porridge in just a few seconds.

The Red-Eyed Grey Wolf realized for the first time in his life that he was getting so close to death. He couldn't do anything as he approached the rock body.


The rock landed on his body. His back, which stood upright as if it would never collapse, was bent in an instant. At that moment, he burned the blood essence and used the Red Hunter, but it was in vain. The rock on it weighed almost three tons. Moreover, some of them were pointed, so the Red Hunter was piercing.

The pressure was too much.

His bones crumbled and his feet buried in the ground.

She threw her child, whom she had barely grabbed by the neck.

Maybe the woman above could save him.

And when the child hits the ground...


The huge rock shattered his spine and then his skull. All the bones in his body were torn apart under tons of weight. No matter how miraculous or powerful the Red Hunter was, his body, which had been pumping adrenaline for hours and pushing its limits, was on the verge of collapse.

He couldn't withstand tons of weight.

When he turned from neck down to porridge under the rock, his pain hit his mind. The madness of his life force made him awake for a few more seconds. During that time, she looked at her cub. At least he hoped he would be safe.

But he saw man crawling with the sword in his hand and approaching.

He stabbed his sword into the baby wolf.

The fur of the baby wolf began to quickly change color. Its color, which was previously light gray, gradually darkened and lost all its vitality. For only a few seconds the little fry turned to dried apricots.

The Red-Eyed Grey Wolf closed his eyes in grief and disappeared on the spot.

Kayra turned the fresh Ak Öz she had taken from the baby wolf into Kara Öz and then into the Life Force. The fractures in his legs quickly healed and he was able to walk more or less.

He stood up from the ground, supporting himself. He walked a few steps and stabbed his sword into the wolf's head.


The sword lodged in his brain was covered with a dark energy.

[Your Life Force has been renewed.]

[All the bones in your body have healed.]

[All your wounds are closed.]

[Endurance increased by 2 points.]

Kayra endured the demonic pleasure by clenching her teeth.

After a while, when he drew his sword, the Magic Power was half renewed. Unfortunately, the wolf had very few White Essences in its head. That's why he could absorb that much at most.

"My innate special skill... Magical Blue Eyes... "

Oh, now was not the time to think about it.

He raised his sword and looked thirty-five meters up, squinting his eyes.

'How much have they seen?'

He didn't realize they were coming.

"But since they were helping the wolf, they were definitely not friends. If I hadn't reacted in time and shot him, I would have been the one lying on the ground."

Although he did not think he knew their plans, they held the rock and helped the enemy.

"If I was just a second late, that wolf would tear me apart."

He didn't like fighting people. They were more intelligent and problematic than creatures. If he killed the wrong person, he would be in trouble for a long time.

'But I have no choice.'

He proceeded carefully. Even though they were two people, he was afraid they would retreat. Although he did not know how strong they were, one of them was poisoned.

He gripped his sword tightly and pressed his foot firmly to the ground.

[The Unique Swordsman has stepped in.]

[The Ruined King's Sword Ki stepped in.]


The sword ki flew into the duo as he jumped out of his sword.

"Twilight Spear!"

The black sword struck the spear of the male one among the two at full speed.


Kayra's sword ki disappeared when it collided with the young man's spear, but the young man was shaken and retreated. Apparently, although the young man's gun was intact, he could not resist the horrors of his sword ki.

Kayra began to run towards the wall, not caring about the failure of her sudden attack. He sheathed his sword and bent deeply, then kicked the ground.

After jumping two meters high, he stepped on a ledge and jumped on another ledge. Although sending a sword ki thirty meters away tired him, it was clear that the opponent was no equal. If he could go up, he would have the advantage.

Of course, if the other party allows it...

However, contrary to their expectations, there was no attack.

Kayra clung to the bewildered shore and pulled herself away.

It was very surprising that no attacks came. But when he went upstairs, it didn't take long for him to understand why.

The woman holding the rock collapsed to the ground because of the poison. In such a situation, the other side's attack on him meant inevitable war.

It was not possible for the young man to both protect the woman and fight.

He could have taken the woman at most and run away, but it would take seconds for Kayra to catch him. The Lightness effect provided by the Enchanted Battle Boat was nothing to ignore. The reason he was able to climb the wall, which was as steep as a cliff, so fast was the Efsunlu War Boat.

Kayra sheathed her sword but did not take her hand off the hilt. Any wrong move could also pull his sword at lightning speed and kill the enemy.

The moment when the sword was fastest and strongest was when it was withdrawn from its sword. His two-week experiences had taught him that.

He frowned and looked at the young man with the spear. The young man's expression was full of hesitation.

"Who are you?"

He decided to listen to him, as he did not attack recklessly.

The handsome young man looked at the young woman lying on the ground and bit her lips.

He bowed his head.

"I'm sorry, I couldn't imagine you could do such a stupid thing."

Kayra's eyebrows were even more frowned.

"Who are you and why are you following me?"

"Oh, I'm sorry I didn't introduce myself."

The young man averted his eyes from Kayra's ice blue eyes. He had an honest and direct nature, but he was definitely not naïve. It was certain that at least one person would lose his life if he sank here. Now everything depended on what he had to say.

"My name is Red Tan, and like you, I came to the Land of the Star by passing the exams. I am one of the knights of the Great King, and our purpose in following you is to invite you among us."

"You're not hiding the fact that you're following."

"I don't think I can hide it from you."

"Hm, why are you so respectful?"

"I have been commanded to respect you."

"By whom?"

The young man closed his mouth.

Kayra frowned and looked at the woman on the floor.

"Jade Poison has the power to kill a person in a matter of hours. One bottle of it can kill an elephant in hours. I wonder how long your girlfriend will be able to last?"

"What? Is Jade Poison?"

The young man was horrified by what he heard. Jade Poison was just one of the natural toxins taken from the Jade Meadow Snake. It was ridiculously powerful and abrasive, selling for as high as 50 Karma Points in the Gun Lounge.

He had only one antidote, and even God could not save it if it was not taken soon.

The young man suddenly paused and shook his head. Although the situation was very bad, he had to remain calm and assess the situation.

Kayra stared at the young man.

'What a strange young man.'
