
The Villain's Guide To Survival

While they were having fun, I tried to improve myself. I cried alone while they laughed together. When they were together, I was excluded. One afternoon at school, I realized that nothing would ever be the same. I felt freed from the shackles that were limiting me. The world has changed, I will make pay for every wrong done to me!

ByGumiho · Fantasy
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26 Chs

Chapter 19: The Bloody Road (7)

Less than a minute after the Red-eyed Grey Wolf began to run after man, he realized that man was heading towards the row called the Snowy Mountains.

The Snowy Mountains were a series of mountain ranges of a size that was rare even in the entire Star Land. The habitats of various monsters were located here. As a matter of fact, this place belonged to the Red-Eyed Gray Wolf Tribe. This area of the Snowy Mountains belonged entirely to them.

He grumbled coldly and continued to follow the person.

After a short distance of travel, the surrounding climate changed by one hundred and eighty degrees. The greenery full of life, which previously resembled a spring weather, was replaced by the shuddering white coldness.

The Red-Eyed Grey Wolf followed in his footsteps in the snow. Despite the change in climate, the Red-Eyed Grey Wolf's advantage has not disappeared. Thanks to his nose, which allowed him to smell from miles away, he had no problem following the person.

After following the tracks for a while, the tracks suddenly stopped. The wolf raised his nose from the ground and stared across the street. His eyes were squinted by what he saw, and he gritted his teeth with hatred.

The Snowy Mountains have existed for a very long time. That is why he had seen so many earthquakes, erosions and various disasters. As such, no matter how strong it was, it was impossible for it not to take damage.

And the narrow passage across from it was one of those damages.

The Snowy Mountains were like a huge wall separating two different regions. Although it was high, these sides of the mountain were not that wide. It was possible that this pass would go to the other side of the mountain.

The other side of the mountain belonged to the Bone-headed Wolf Tribe. The Bone-headed Wolves were predictably a tribe that stood out for their hard bones.

Although they were not the equivalent of the Red-Eyed Grey Wolves, they never traveled alone and were outnumbered.

But this was not a problem for the Red-Eyed Gray Wolf. It would take seconds for him to kill a twenty-man member of the Bony Wolf with his gigantic body.

The main problem was the width of this passage.

The passage was quite narrow unlike other passages. The dark passage, which was as far as his eye could see, seemed to have been cut by a swordsman. It was narrow but smooth.

The Gray Wolf understood that the passage was only one meter wide. However, his body width easily exceeded one meter.

It was impossible to pass through this passage.


He was sure that man had chosen this path on purpose.

He was waiting for him to pass through the narrow passage. So he would ambush himself in the narrow passage while forcing himself or squeeze him to save time.

But the Red-Eyed Grey Wolf had no intention of doing that.

The Red-Eyed Grey Wolf is back in action to save its only surviving cub.

The Snowy Mountains were like ice. The snow that fell was harder and heavier than normal snow, so the layer of snow was hard, if not thick. Despite his weight of hundreds of pounds, the marks he left behind were pale.

The Red-Eyed Grey Wolf began to run on the slope of the Snowy Mountains. Since he could not proceed through the narrow passage, he would go around the mountain.


At that moment, Kayra put aside the injured wolf on her back and took her backpack on the ground. The narrow passage was one kilometer long. It took him a few hours to get from one side to the other. Normally he could pass in an hour, but if he did, he would be exhausted.

He pulled out a piece of dried fish meat and a flask of water from his bag. While chewing the fish, the fry sat on the wolf and opened the lid of its flask.

He had been making plans for two days, but it had only been a few hours since his plan was put into effect. When he remembered the dangers he took for just a few hours of comfort, a bitter smile formed on his face.

He had discovered the Snowy Mountains while following an outcast. This outsider was an outsider with pretty good skills, a C+ level greater than two and a half meters. While following him, he had suffered several deep wounds and was in danger of death.

Almost all of these dangers were in the Snowy Mountains.

Although C-level had the ability to kill a wolf one-on-one, level C was pushing him hard enough to bring him to the brink of death. The C+ level was enough to kill him.

He wasn't even talking about the B+ level.

Alpha wolves possessed terrifying powers and abilities. Among them were even skills they acquired on their own.

For example, the ability to predict the direction of Kayra with the sound wave... It was a skill that should have belonged to bats, but the Alpha wolf could use it to scan miles of surroundings.

"Even if I can fight him with a sword, it's enough to make me proud after death."

They were on completely different levels.

"But that doesn't mean I can't kill him."

There were huge differences between a fair fight and a real war.

In a one-on-one fair battle, Alpha could not resist even weaker Beta and Omegas, let alone rival the currency.

But this was only true in one-on-one battles.

The current war is...

Kayra took a large sip of water from the mat.

Although Alpha knew it could not rival the currency, this was not the case for others. Especially for that creature on top of the Snowy Mountain.

"Turning an Omega into a puree in just one attack..."

At the top of the Snowy Mountains there was a powerful beast that substituted. He was a monster belonging to the bear race, the biggest enemy of the wolves.

When Kayra saw him, he called him 'Great Snow Bear'. Its length of more than five meters and its column-like limbs was the reason why it gave it this name.

He believed he was at least at level B.

And he lived on the shortest route to the other side. Other roads had landforms that would delay him by more than five hours.

"Since I didn't hear any crashing sounds, he must have avoided the collision. Then I have to take the second route."

He pulled a long rope out of his backpack and tied the baby wolf to his back. Before burying the bag in the dark alley, he received a small crossbow, a fifty-milliliter bottle with white liquid, and a charity full of arrows. He hung the arrow and bow on his shoulder, placed the bottle in the pocket of his coat and began to run towards the sun.

On the way, he encountered several small animals and killed them, replenishing his life force. He continued to advance for another hour and changed direction, after which the sounds of water began to be heard.

Following the sounds of water, he came to another valley covered with sharp rocks. A small stream poured through the rocks and formed a puddle meters away.

Kayra climbed on top of a rock and looked around. He lifted his head up. A waterfall was pouring from above, ninety degrees on the slope on either side of the valley. There were large rocks four meters wide on them.

"There's a lot I can use in my favor in the environment."

He was thinking of running away if he had no way to win. After all, nothing was worth his life.


When he examined the environment, a plan was formed in his mind.


As Kayra prepared for her battle with the Red-Eyed Grey Wolf, two men were watching her on top of the valley's cliff-like slopes.

"The cruel bastard really uses a child as bait. We must kill him immediately!"

The Morning Wind looked at the young man throwing a rope at the sharp rocks above with eyes full of hatred and disgust. He gnawed at his insides with anger. According to him, even if the world were to be divided, the innocent should not be harmed.

The powerful had to have responsibility and compassion. They had to stand by the oppressed and protect them. Morning Wind did not think that a child would be a selfish and murderous person enough to use his father to kill his father.

Until today.

Was this person really younger than him?

Red Tan did not oppose him this time. He was participating in the Morning Wind, such a ruthless person should not have been on the same side as them.

He had to die no matter what.

Otherwise, too many people would be hurt.

"He's really worthy of being our leader. He successfully predicted not only the place where the future would come, but also his plan and time. I can't believe you're human."

It was a fact that the person who trained them knew everything. It was impossible to hide anything from his eyes. His strength and talent were enough to drive his constellations crazy for him. The first day he arrived was charismatic enough to unite the surrounding towns.

And on this day he was not mistaken.

Everything was exactly as he said.

"We don't have to wait for the others. After fighting the Red-Eyed Grey Wolf, we will attack from the crosses and both save the Red-Eyed Grey Wolf and his offspring and kill him."

The Morning Wind turned to the Red Tan as he watched the target's actions with icy eyes. Killing intent flowed from his eyes.

"I'm going to kill him no matter what!"

When Red Tan sensed the intention to kill, he closed his mouth. If he contradicted him right now, he would lose his mind and attack without thinking. He also didn't think what he had to say would have any effect. For now, he waited for his anger to pass.

When he turned his eyes back at the target, he saw him swing the rope like a cowboy and throw it at one of the sharp cliffs at the top of the hillside.

"What is he trying to do?"

The circle area of the rope sat at the end of the pointed rock. Several times he pulled the rope to himself and tested its strength. Then he tied the rope tightly to his arm.

After retreating for meters, he began to run towards the slope.

"Or not?"

Suddenly, he rushed forward like the wind, kicked the ground hard, and stepped on a ledge on the slope.


It rose into the sky like flying fish leaping out of the sea. He pulled himself with the rope and stepped on the slope. After shaking himself a few laps left and right, he kicked the wall and harnessed the kinetic energy.

"You must be joking."

His kick was harsh.

It was enough to easily throw him meters high.

He had risen more than fifteen meters in just two moves. Red Tan froze his blood as he watched the scene. The reason his blood froze wasn't because the target was fifteen meters at two times.

It was for him to do this without a moment's pause.

Hitting hard rocks from fifteen meters meant death in the simplest terms. If he climbed a cliff with a flimsy rope, it was most likely death.

A small mistake would cause it to crash from fifteen meters into hard rocks. That's why people would be careful in such situations and proceed step by step.

But why was this person moving forward so fearlessly?

"This person is stronger than we thought..."

Although Red Tan was brave, he was not fearless. He was so afraid of death that he worked madly for it to gain his current strength.

It wasn't something he was ashamed of, but he knew he couldn't do what this man was doing.

The target did not repeat the same movement. He stepped his feet against the steep wall and pulled himself up with a rope. Five or six seconds later, he reached the top of the hillside.

He didn't stop or rest for a moment.

He pulled out the black sword from his waist and stabbed it into the ground beneath the sharp rock. Then he pulled and stabbed it again.

"What is he really trying to do?"

While Red Tan was busy tracking the target and making sense of his movements, the Morning Wind was staring at the baby wolf on the ground without blinking an eye.

The target had untied the rope on his back before he began to climb and dropped the baby wolf on the edge of the slope.

As the baby wolf lay on the ground, its fur was soaked. His face shrunk, as if to indicate that he was in pain. Although Morning Wind was not considered merciful, this was true of his enemies. His inner conscience as a human being tormented him.

After five minutes had passed, the target finished digging under the rock.


At that moment, a loud wolf howl was heard in the distance.

His father had finally found his son.