
The Villain's Guide To Survival

While they were having fun, I tried to improve myself. I cried alone while they laughed together. When they were together, I was excluded. One afternoon at school, I realized that nothing would ever be the same. I felt freed from the shackles that were limiting me. The world has changed, I will make pay for every wrong done to me!

ByGumiho · Fantasy
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26 Chs

Chapter 18: The Bloody Road (6)  


While all this was happening, a Red-Eyed Grey Wolf came to the shore of a small lake with the usual magnificent and imposing steps. The red lines that came out of his mane and spread all over his body gave him a different air from the others.

After looking at the lake, which reflected its red eyes like a pair of red moons, he tilted his head to the lake.

After a while, he lifted his head from the lake and headed southwest. After walking for miles, he came to a small area of trees with large trees. With a little growl, he plunged into the tree area and as he plunged, he left with a deer with large antlers in his mouth.

The deer was as thick as an ox and as tall as a giraffe, but the gray wolf dragged it away on the ground as if it were pulling a feather.

After walking for a long time, the gray wolf came to a completely different territory from its predecessors.

The region consisted of hundreds of rocks, large and small.

The gray wolf came near the large rocks and dropped the deer, where it had lived for a long time, to the ground.


The dust on the ground took off.


When the deer hit the ground, small blackouts came out of the rocks. These were seven wolf cubs with lengths from one to one and a half meters. Behind them was a two-meter gray wolf watching over them.

This gray wolf did not have red stripes like the other wolf. The difference from normal wolves was that he was taller and had a pair of red eyes.

The gray wolf came to the red-striped wolf and lovingly placed its neck on its fur, gently rubbing it.

From a distance, it was like a picture of a happy family.


[Your knowledge of the Red-Eyed Grey Wolves has risen to 99%.]

In the shadow of a large rock near the gray wolves, the double eye glowed.

'I finally reached the limit.'

Kayra was excited that her weeks-long effort would bear fruit. He had been watching this wolf for days without a break and now he had witnessed the life of an 'Alpha' level wolf.

For two weeks he had been striving to maximize his knowledge of the members of the Red-Eyed Grey Wolf Tribe. Whether it's following wolf packs, recognizing their prey, learning about their bone and nerve structures; for two weeks he had been engaged in researching them and obtaining information without a break.

After having all the technical knowledge, he began to study the life of wolves. Until this wolf, he studied the life of wolves for five days, including a wolf species every day.

Beta, Omega, Tetra, Gamma and exclusions.

Kayra classified the wolves he studied by giving them different titles. The betas were usually at the C level and had a helpful leading position in the herd.

Omega and Tetras were warriors who had an important place in the herd. Their strength, despite being C-level, were superior to the Betas in combat and hunting.

Finally, Gamma and the excluded. Ghomas were a general class that Kayra gave to females and children. The gamma class belonged to the collector category among hunter-gatherers, with less fighting power than other classes.

They usually stayed in the nest or did simple tasks such as scouting.

The excluded are...

Their fate was tragic.

This class was called wolves who lost their flock or family in war or any event. They would often join another family. But there were those who, as Kayra first fought, did not join other families and hunted alone.

Those who joined another family, as the name suggests, were ostracized and became very weak. Those who hunted alone were much stronger than an Omega as long as they survived.

Apart from these five types, there were also Alphas that were at level B and above. These were war machines capable of leading a flock. They usually traveled as a couple.

The classification was that simple.

Of course, Kayra had gained other information while watching them. Why they hate Orchids, why they rarely become a herd, and many more...

"I've followed fifteen wolves so far, and that's all that's standing."


A completely different level from the others.

'But his fate will not be different from the others.'

He set his sights on the wolf cub and waited for a while. While the cubs ate the huge deer with pleasure, the youngest of them suddenly sneezed.

Immediately afterwards, his brother next to him also sneezed.

And another.

The wolves, sneezing in chains, first looked at their father. Then he fell his eyes on the small pieces of white seed in the flesh of the deer.

A frightened expression appeared on their faces.

The red-striped wolf approached the deer in confusion. He sniffed the deer once, then licked one of the white seed fragments with his tongue.

Just as she was about to return to her cubs, her eyes widened and a green light appeared in her hand.


A large rock nearby blew up. Dust rose and rubble spread everywhere. At that moment, a silhouette grazed from the dust and began to run at a high speed in the opposite direction of the wolves.

His body structure showed him to be a vile person. Why was he here? The Red-Eyed Grey Wolf was surprised at first, but when he looked at his cubs, his eyes flashed with a frightening light.


This was the guilty person who fed his children Orchid Seeds!

A red aura surrounded his body. With just one jump, he advanced ten meters. As a matter of fact, he could not approach man. Man had a speed beyond his imagination. Within seconds, he had advanced tens of meters.

But he had a talent like the Red Hunter.

When the red aura focused on his feet, his speed increased exponentially.

In just a few seconds, it disappeared from view.

After he left, the she-wolf looked at her children with a pathetic expression. He gritted his teeth and raised his paw.


Blood splattered from his torso and a small deposit formed on the ground. She looked at her cubs and wheezeed. The children licked the wolf's spilled blood, as if they knew what to do. Their body slightly brightened, turning bright red.

The fur of the she-wolf has darkened.

The blood that flowed on the ground was obviously the essence of the blood.

Blood extracts were a special type of blood produced by the mana heart. It was very rich in energy. Although the amount was very small, it could store much more energy than the body and the mana heart store.

But while this made him very valuable and powerful, it also made him dangerous.

The mother wolf used pure-blood extract to suppress the venom in her cubs. This, while saving his children, dried up his life force and caused his power to drop.

"You look so sweet and loving..."

Mother wolf suddenly raised her head.

"For a moment I thought about not killing you."


"But your father is putting stones in my way."

A masked person came out of the shadow of the rock next to the rock that had just exploded. His nightly dark robe gave him a unique camouflage effect. But under the sunlight, it worked the other way around.

He drew his land sword from his scabbard.

"The Shadow has already caught my twin."

When his sword ki covered his sword, he suddenly rushed forward and stabbed the female wolf, exhausted from sharing the essence of blood. The she-wolf tried to use the Red Hunter to protect himself, but failed because he used most of the mana in his body to heal his children.

Naturally, he could not resist the sword.

The sword stabbed into his chest like a piece of paper, and one move shattered his heart. The person who attacked him was so knowledgeable about his physique that one move shattered his heart.

The Red-Eyed Grey Wolves had a unique physique. They were so fast and incredibly powerful. But the fur and texture that protected his heart was quite soft. So none of them would jump high, except for the confident.

But how did this person know that?

This was something that only his race should know.

These were the last things the she-wolf thought about before collapsing to the ground.


When the she-wolf toppled to the ground, a huge dam seemed to have collapsed. The little wolves cowered back without knowing what to do. In fact, they were all as powerful as a C-level Omega. But throughout their lives he was protected by his parents, rarely going hunting.

And now their mother, who they thought was stronger than them, was torn apart in the only attack. The eyes of the baby wolves are filled.

They didn't know what to do.

The masked person pulled the sword out of their mother's chest and blew the blood on it. Blood splashed into the air and fell on their fur.

At that moment, the masked person attacked them.


The eldest of the sevens attempted to attack to protect his brothers, but before he could do anything, his legs were severed.

[Unique Swordsman is used.]

After the masked figure severed the legs of the eldest one, the legs did not fall to the ground, which tore off the head of one of the wolf cubs.

It was very easy to kill them because the wolves didn't know what to do.

In just a few seconds, all but the smallest wolf had their limbs torn apart. The masked figure did not kill them. After raising his head and looking at the horizon, he slapped his hand on the neck of the last wolf standing. The wolf toppled over after freezing where it was.

"It's coming faster than I thought."

He glanced at the cloud of dust rising over the horizon and cursed. Then, without stopping for a second, the cub took the wolf on his shoulder and began to run.

Ten seconds after he left, a red wolf three meters tall with gray stripes stood there. This wolf was the father wolf who chased the man who had just escaped.

As an alpha wolf, he was one of the strongest wolves in the tribe. Thanks to the Red Hunter, he turned all his fur red, and when he did that, his strength went on to a huge increase.

Red Hunter, Spring Claw and Red Eye.

These were much more powerful techniques than previously thought.

The alpha wolf was at level B. Without the strange direction of movement of man, it would not take seconds to catch him. But his passage through narrow spaces and wooded areas made it difficult for him to catch. When he finally caught him, his only paw killed him.

Although the Alpha wolf was surprised by the fact that it was so weak, the bad feeling that arose in it caused it to return home.

And now...

It was as if all the blood from his body had gathered in his eyes.

He looked at his wife first.

His heart was shattered. His fur had turned ash-gray. Evidently, he made his puppies drink the essence of blood before he died.


The curse of the bloodline placed by the Orchid Demon on the Red-Eyed Devil and his descendants.

Every Red Eye owner who came into contact with an orchid would suffer greatly from the mana on his body. His Red Eye would swell and lose his strength. As a result, two important talents, the Red Hunter and the Red Eye, would become unavailable.

This would have led to a great decline in their power.

There was not a single orchid in the tribal area.

Because every wolf knew that their biggest enemy was orchids.

As an alpha wolf, it was his duty to protect his children from orchids and enemies. But now, his wife was dead and his children were about to die.


A tear covered in blood fell on the ground.


The alpha wolf raised his head to the sky and howled with grief.

His howl emitted sound waves around. His voice was so strong that the sound waves traveled for miles in a second.

Away from the alpha wolf, the masked figure paused and looked in the direction the sound was coming from.

The sound waves that hit his body hurt him.

"He found me."

It was the first time he had felt so bad since arriving in Star Land.

A red dot appeared on the horizon.

The Red-Eyed Alpha Gray Wolf, who had risen to B+ level in anger, was coming to kill him.

His body trembled.

Instead of fearing, he was excited about what was going to happen a little later.

He had already prepared his escape route before attacking.