
The Villain's Guide To Survival

While they were having fun, I tried to improve myself. I cried alone while they laughed together. When they were together, I was excluded. One afternoon at school, I realized that nothing would ever be the same. I felt freed from the shackles that were limiting me. The world has changed, I will make pay for every wrong done to me!

ByGumiho · Fantasy
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26 Chs

Chapter 17: The Bloody Road (5)


A team of fifteen people had set up camp on a hill outside town number 13. The crow-nosed young man, who looked like a team captain, had a small pair of binoculars in his hand.

He held the binoculars to the exit of the town.

"Captain, we've been standing here for ten days, but the guy called Kayra still hasn't come out. Could it be that person was wrong this time?"

The handsome young man standing behind him approached the captain with a hesitant expression. He was over eighty inches tall. A long spear hung on his back. His eyes were sharp and cold as a hawk.

"Hm, we kidnapped him."

The young man, called the captain, lowered the binoculars in his hand and gave the handsome young man a glimpse. There was a mystical feeling around him that prevented him from being approached. He was like a shining star at night.

"Did we miss it?"

The handsome teenager was surprised.

Were their targets aware of them?

"He probably left town the morning of the next day."

Despite everything, the captain kept his calm and took a look at his team. His team was a unique team unlike any other. Even if it consisted of only fifteen people, they could attack a small tribe and escape unscathed.

Each warrior here was chosen by 'that' person and brought up with the advice he gave. Although they had only been in Star Land for a month, they were already fighting as well as an experienced warrior.

The captain turned his eyes away from the team and looked at the sun. He was knocking his magnificent yellow lights mercilessly on the earth. He was like a tyrant.

"We must prevent disaster from happening."

He turned his eyes back to his team, but this time he focused on just one person instead of straining. She was an athletic girl who tied her long hair in the shape of a ponytail. His big almond-like eyes looked cold as ice. This contradiction gave him a strange air. His appearance was definitely top notch.

He closed his eyes and leaned against a tree. He was calm, as if the thoughts and anxieties of the others were not hitting him. It was as if he was in an independent, different world.

"Morning Wind, go to inspect Route B and come back in three days with solid information. We will take precautions in case things get steep."

The long-haired girl opened her eyes again and looked at the captain.

"Are you sending me for a guy who's only been in Star Land for two weeks?"

There was an obvious disdain in his voice.

He had been in Star Land for about a month and a half, and that person had no one he couldn't win. For a newbie who had been here for two weeks, he didn't need to take action.

It was like using a sledgehammer to crush an ant.

"You won't be the only one."

The captain looked at the handsome young man standing in front of him.

"Red Tan, accompany the Morning Wind."


"Captain, are you going to send us both?"

The Morning Wind and Red Tan jumped out of their seats in amazement. The captain was really exaggerating. That was to make fleas camels! It was a complete waste of time and power.

The Morning Wind clung to the Captain's collar as he rose from his seat. His speed and strength were so great that he just seemed to have risen from his seat.

"Do you look down on me, lan? Do you think I'm too weak to handle it on my own?"

What he hated most in this life was being humiliated by others. How dare they put it tooth and nail and underestimate the power he had gained? The Morning Wind would have wanted to tear the Captain to pieces if he could.

"I'm already a class owner! No one can resist me except that person. Without your sponsor, you're nothing."


The captain sighed as he looked at his furious face. Even though he was a year older than him, he was childish and couldn't control his emotions.

"I don't humiliate you."


The captain grabbed the Morning Wind's wrist and pushed him away from his collar. Sabah Wind tried to resist, but he couldn't even move his wrist, let alone fight back.

The captain looked at him with expressionless eyes.

"The reason I sent Red Tan to support you was not because I thought you were powerless. I gave her with you because you don't know who you're going to dance with."

As soon as he received the order to investigate, he saw the hatred and fear on that person's face. He thought he might have left him deeply traumatized, but given his strength and wisdom, the world must have been an extremely wonderful young man.

There should have been little that could affect him, let alone a trauma.

But the momentary hesitation he saw made him think that things would turn out much differently than he thought.

Morning Wind was one of the important personalities for that person.

He should never have let him die.

But unfortunately only Morning Breeze and Red Tan were skilled at hiding.

So he had to send one of the two. Since this reduced their chances of survival, he decided to send the two of them. Thus, their chances of survival were even greater.

"Do you think I'm going to lose in a one-on-one battle?"

The Morning Wind puckered the lips. Of course, he didn't believe in the captain one bit, there were only a few people stronger than him, but his targets were not one of them.

"He is the owner of the Ruined King's Sword and has a special innate ability called Magical Eyes. Which is not even a quarter of his potential. If we can't pull him over or kill him one time, he'll haunt us in the future."

"Whatever it is! I have a special class like Shadow Dancer, but I also have a legendary dagger like The Assassin's Faith. I'm not talking about my authority and my innate special ability!"

"This is not the time to be arrogant. No matter how strong a sponsor you have behind you or how strong you are. Things don't always go as planned. If you have the chance, you will continue your research without being noticed. If you're noticed, instead of attacking, retreat and wait for us to return."

"Hey, I agreed..."

"That's enough. It's true that you have God-given abilities, but you don't know the power of the other side. He earned the same Karma Points in just one day that you earned in a month, and he'll earn as many of them soon if we don't block it. So shut up and do the task you've been given."

Although the captain was as calm as a Buddhist monk, he knew that his words would have no weight if he did not raise his voice when necessary. So he raised his voice a little.

The Morning Wind showed signs of retreat for the first time.

The constellations were powered by legends and fame. People whose legend roamed the land would become high-level Constellations. The powerful people whose stories were told on Earth also had a Constellation in the same way.

But these people were stronger.

For example, the Morning Wind became the apostle of a unique demonic constellation. This constellation was completely special. He didn't have a legend in the world or was not a historical figure. But his power was absolutely unbelievable.

The captain didn't mess with him any longer.

"Red Tan, listen to the Morning Wind. Don't fight or provoke him unless you have to. The power of someone whose purpose is to destroy an entire race cannot be ignored. He hasn't chosen his class since he's a rookie yet, but he may have awakened the Magical Eyes. Remember, your goal is to observe and inform us of their movements: not to fight."


The handsome teenager did not seek a nuisance like Red Tan with his title, Morning Wind, or try to defy the order. Whatever the captain said, he would do it to the letter. He was grateful to those who raised him. Without them, this world would not have survived.

"So we'll leave you there and plant a few seeds in town before we move on to the plan. The town will disappear in two weeks, and its overlords will have to take action. That's when we have to prepare."

Those lying on the ground slowly revolted.
