
The Villain's Guide To Survival

While they were having fun, I tried to improve myself. I cried alone while they laughed together. When they were together, I was excluded. One afternoon at school, I realized that nothing would ever be the same. I felt freed from the shackles that were limiting me. The world has changed, I will make pay for every wrong done to me!

ByGumiho · Fantasy
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26 Chs

Chapter 13: The Bloody Road (1)

The next day, at sunrise, Kayra woke up and got dressed.

What he experienced yesterday was too much even for him, no matter how mature he was. In his dream tonight, the dead had chased him.

"They're not going to leave me alone for a while."

As the golden yellow lights of the rising sun washed away the earth, many of the young people lying on the street awoke involuntarily. These were people who had not taken proper steps during the exam time and had lost their overlords too soon.

Kayra took a look at the small bodies lying in front of the khan doors but immediately turned his head.

"Having a little difficulty will help them get out of their shells."

He turned around and left the inn without looking again.

First, he stopped by the Gun Salon and picked up a few hunting gears he needed. As for why he was thinking of getting a task from the shop called 'Task Board'. Regardless of the mission, the hunting gear would come in handy outside the town.

After the Gun Salon, he went to the Information Center.

This place had a look no different from other shops. The ball of light that floated behind the table emitted a tiny and peaceful glow.

Kayra entered the center and went directly to the ball of light.

The window opened as usual.

[Random Ordinary Information: 5 Karma Scores]

[Filtered Ordinary Info: 10 Karma Scores]

[Random Rare Information: 10 Karma Points]

[Filtered Rare Info: 20 Karma Scores]

[Exclusive Info: 50 Karma Points]

The information was sorted into five categories. The cheapest was five points, while the most expensive was a crazy price of fifty points.

"The value of Private Knowledge is equivalent to killing ten people."

He wanted to take ordinary information to try so he realized that Karma Points were worth more than he thought.

His moving hand stopped.

[You have purchased Private Knowledge from the Information Center!]

After paying 50 Karma Points, a green card flew out of the window. There was a big black question mark on it. The stone cracked was the size of a playing card.

[Please consider your question and say it out loud. The Question Card will give you a suitable answer.]

[Warning! Since you are subject to special restrictions, if you ask questions on certain topics, they will remain unanswered.]

"Special restrictions."

He wrote this concept in the back of his mind to think about it afterward. Kayra held up her question card and asked her something she had been thinking about asking since she arrived.

"Star Realm, what exactly is it?"


[Answer: The Star Realm is a mystical land that has served as a bridge between the Constellations and the Apostles since ancient times. This is a special zone that will exist from the Big Bang to the Great Cooling. The main goal is to help the Constellations find a special Apostle for them. The Apostles represent the authority of the Constellations and radiate the influence of the Constellations in the Star Realm .]

Kayra looked at the information box that appeared on the back of the question card. As he had predicted, the so-called Apostles were of great importance to the Constellations. Because they chose people who could increase their influence, the death of these people could have hurt them greatly.

For he was conscious of the Constellations.

No matter how flexible they tried, they could not prevent the competition between them. This meant that the Constellations chose the Apostles to gain strength and crush their opponents.

"I shouldn't be in a hurry to choose my sponsor. Otherwise, it will be a big loss for me."

He didn't know much about the choice of sponsor. He knew so little about Star Realm that he couldn't act according to his head.

Kayra bought Private Information again.

The sight repeated itself.

"I want to know the identity of the constellations that are watching me."

From the moment this sentence left his mouth, he was exposed to the gaze of the constellations.

[Some constellations think you've exceeded your limit.]

[A well-meaning constellation says that angering others could cause you trouble in the future.]

[The Guardian of the Eccentric Mountains smiled coldly when he heard your question.]

[The Fearful Dream of the Deep Sea says your question is stupid.]

Kayra cared about them so much that she ignored everything they said. These were a group of idiots who thought they could scare him from where they were watching. No matter how mighty and mysterious his constellations were, he couldn't do anything to them unless they landed in the real world.

So he didn't hesitate to test the system, despite the risk of angering them.

[Your question could not be answered due to special restrictions.]

[Please select another question.]

"As I think, the constellations are also in the category of special restrictions. That means I won't be able to learn about the mysteries of the world either. Then private information should be information that others can only notice after they have lived, that the knower will have a great advantage."

This meant that if he asked the right question, he could go beyond the rest.

He thought for a while before asking his next question. What he needed most right now was a mentor. He needed someone to help him learn about the land.

Since there was such a great treasure in front of him.

"What advice would an experienced person who has spent a long time in Star Realm to someone who wants to get out of the starting town?"

He was thinking of leaving town, but even if he did, it was unclear if he would be able to return. There were also no natives in the starting town. And that was pretty weird.

He had to find out about the situation before starting his plans.

Although his question was open to interpretation, he thought the system would answer in the best way.


[Answer: Redeem all Karma Points before you leave town.]


Should he have used all his Karma Points before leaving town?


He asked instinctively, but there was no answer. Kayra again hesitated about whether to receive Private Information.

The information wasn't cheap, and he still needed to set aside some of his Karma Points to improve his stats. The Shadow Set and other materials he bought from the clothing store cost about 1700 Karma Points.

What they bought from the Gun Shop was worth 150 Karma Points.

He had 100 Karma Points to set aside for the meal.

Here he had spent a hundred points. There were 1035 points left. With all of these, he was thinking of strengthening his features. But for some reason, he thought about going to the Gun Shop again. He felt he had a few more things to take from there.

"Things are going to turn out differently than I thought."

He sighed and bought 'Filtered Rare Information'.

[Please select the category of information you wish to receive.]

[Treasure Areas]

[Dungeons & Hunting Areas]

[Encyclopedia of Monsters]

[Weapon Information]

"I want information about Dungeons & Hunting Zones."

A light flashed and a card-sized Question Card appeared. This time, however, there was no question mark over it. Instead, there were snippets of information spread out over a long paragraph.

Inside the paragraph was information about a hunting area in the surrounding area.

[Red-Eyed Wolf Zone]

Difficulty: B-

Description: The Red-Eyed people, a rare tribe of wolves descended from Satan the Red-Eyed, are famous for being proud and ruthless. Since they have part of the Red-Eyed Devil's Red Eye, they can easily reveal your weak spots. It is a suitable hunting ground for a duke-level overlord.

Just below the description was a small map showing where he was. After staring at the map for a while, Kaira's eyes lit up and she murmured.

"I want information about Filtered Rare Information, Monster Encyclopedia, Red-Eyed Wolf."

Although he didn't know much about hunting areas, he was aware that areas specific to a particular beast were much more dangerous. In anarchist regions, he could pit monsters against each other and profit from it. And even though the monsters there were strong, they would be at a level where he could cope.

But it wouldn't be easy to deal with the Red-Eyed Wolves who had ruled a region.

The fact that they were able to dominate a region was an indication that there was something special about them. It was also obvious that they were hanging out as a tribe rather than a single one.

Fighting them was not going to be easy.

Therefore, he had to increase his level of knowledge and be as prepared as possible. It was a great opportunity to test your strength and get combat experience. Even if he didn't earn the Karma Points, he didn't hesitate to fight.

Because combat experience was impossible to get with points.


[Red-Eyed Wolf]

Level: C+

Description: Each member of the Red-Eyed Wolf Tribe, a descendant of the Red-Eyed Devil, possesses the Red-Eye, which makes them a special being. The Red Eye has a special ability that will help him feel the weakness of his opponent. It also causes them to be physically stronger than other wolves.


Height: 2.45-3.0 Meters

Height: 1.0-1.5 meters

Fur: Grey-Red

Description: The closer the wolf's fur is to red, the greater its strength, and the purer its lineage becomes.


Spring Claw: It is the ancestry ability of the Red-Eyed Wolf Tribe. When the ability is used, it has the power to knock down a tree.

Red Hunter: A red aura surrounds their bodies. It is a special shield that will provide them with the opportunity to be protected from all external influences.

Red Eye: All your weaknesses are as clear as the black spot on the canvas.

[Known Weaknesses]

#1: Because they lack meaning, they often rely on their physical characteristics.

#2: They hate the smell of orchids.

#3: They are usually solo because they are so arrogant and proud.


#1: If you are not a 'Duke' degree overlord, please don't make the mistake of attacking.

#2: Two people at the same level are required to take care of a wolf. At lower levels, this number increases tenfold.

#3: They are located in the Red-Eyed Wolf Zone, a hunting area not recommended for novices.

"There's a lot of information."

Kayra was glad that the information was detailed. The fact that there was so much information showed that he could trust the system.

"They seem to be way above my level in every aspect."

There were at least a hundred people under the command of a duke. But even the dukes could not achieve this. Just killing a Red-Eyed Wolf would have pushed them too hard.

As a matter of fact, it seemed impossible for Kayra to hunt.

"But that's exactly why killing them will give you even more pleasure."

He licked his lips.

He was excited.