
The Villain's Guide To Survival

While they were having fun, I tried to improve myself. I cried alone while they laughed together. When they were together, I was excluded. One afternoon at school, I realized that nothing would ever be the same. I felt freed from the shackles that were limiting me. The world has changed, I will make pay for every wrong done to me!

ByGumiho · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
26 Chs

Chapter 12: The Ruined King's Sword (2)

[The Clash of the Overlords is over!]

[Number of surviving users: "1"]

[Number of overlords standing: "0"]

[Sort List]

1. Kayra Kırmızıgül: 397 Killings

2. Esra Tanrıkulu: 27 Killings

3. Ahmet Karaman: 24 Killings

4. Hüseyin Çakmak: 17 Killings

5. Melike Akgüç: 15 Killings

[Karma Points are being distributed...]

[You've earned 1,985 Karma Points!]

[Exam Rewards are being awarded...]


[Exam Rewards have been postponed for a short time!]

[First prize awarded...]

[You've earned 100 Karma Points!]


[Exam rewards cannot be distributed due to an unknown error...]

[Special Authority: Akasha Connection is being activated...]

[Searching for the root of the problem...]

[The root of the problem was found.]

[Problem solved.]

[Special Authority: Akasha Connection is disabled.]

[The player is being directed to Star Realm.]

Kayra was swallowed up by a black hole before him before he could react to the notifications in front of him. When he opened his eyes with a jarring headache, he found himself in a square. There was no one around.


[The Akasha System has decided to reward you for your achievements that break taboos.]

[The Ruined King's Sword]


Level: D

Description: It is the personal sword of a king who has accomplished great things in his time. The Black Iron surrounding the Heart of the Cosmic Dragon is its main material. He was beaten with the Hell Flames for a long time by an unknown blacksmith.

*The type of development is a treasure.

*When equipped, the 'Unique Swordsman' skill will be created.

[Unique Swordsman]

*A special skill that can only be used by those who possess the Ruined King's Sword Ki. As you master the skill as well, speed, power, and other attributes will increase greatly.

*When equipped, the 'The Ruined King's Sword Ki' will be formed.

[The Ruined King's Sword Ki]

*It is derived from the Black Essence, the greatest enemy of living beings. When a being kills, he can turn the collected White Essence into the Black Essence. The Black Essence can be transformed into the Magic Power or the Life Force.

*[Feature is locked due to level restriction.]

*[Feature is locked due to level restriction.]

*[Feature is locked due to level restriction.]

*[Feature is locked due to level restriction.]

Kayra tilted her head and looked at the black sword floating in front of her. Each corner was designed as fine as if it had passed through the hands of a skilled craftsman. A purple-colored jewel was placed that stretched to the middle of her pitch-black body.

It looked elegant and pleasant.

Just one look at it made him crazy.

[#1 ###### #########]

[#2 Ruined King's Sword]

[#3 ##### #####]

[#4 The Magic Book of the Incomprehensible Almighty]

[#5 Seed of the Nine Branched Pine Tree]

[#6 Water of the Underground River]

[#7 Invisible Armor]

[#8 Killer Spirit]

[#9 Lightning Knob]

[#10 Feather of Heaven]


[A figure who broke taboos received the #1 award.]


[Are you sure you want to choose "The Ruined King's Sword" as your reward?]


[A taboo-breaking figure receives #3 award.]

Kayra wrinkled her eyebrows slightly and nodded. He wasn't the only one who thought about killing everyone, as he had predicted.

He realized that the prizes were distributed and that he could not change the prize even though he did not know who these people were. Only the award was acceptable.

The Ruined King's Sword was a prize that came in second. This meant that it was worse than the first-place prize.

[The Treasure Chest of Star Realm is closing.]

[You are rewarded with Karma Points for breaking taboos...]

[You've been rewarded with 1000 Karma Points!]

[The Treasure Chest of the Star Realm is closing...]

The windows in front of Kayra gave way to a peaceful calm. When he grasped the Ruined King's Sword, a black scabbard surrounded him.

[You chose the Ruined King's Sword as your reward.]

[The unique Swordsmanship skill has been created.]

[The Ruined King's Sword Ki skill has been created.]

[Welcome to Star Realm!]

The bright light caused him to close his eyes.

When he opened his eyes again, he saw that the square he was in was boiling with people. Hundreds of people were staring into the void with complex eyes.

Kayra hung the sword around his waist and advanced through the crowd of people. Although all the wounds on her body had healed, Kayra felt nothing.

After dodging the crowd, he was confronted with a sight reminiscent of the streets of a small town.

"I'm in one of the so-called 'starting town' areas in the games."

There were little buildings around. Signs such as 'Elixir Shop', 'Gun Hall' and 'Information Centre' written in a strange alphabet hung on the buildings. Although he didn't know how to read it, he didn't think much about it.

This was a small street.


After taking a look at the people behind Kayra, he calmly entered a nearby clothing store. The outside of the shop was ordinary in every way. It looked like the inns of the middle world.

"Is there someone inside?"

After entering the store, he shouted that he did not meet anyone, but received no response. It was also quite strange that there was no fabric or clothes inside the shop.

"Was the sign pointing to something different?"

He looked around a little more, but when no one showed up, he decided to go.

Just as he was about to turn around, he saw that there was a ball of light behind the table where the safe was located.

The ball of light was only slightly larger than the baseball and floated through the air.

"What's this?"

As he approached the ball of light, a window opened in front of him.

[Clothes Shop]

[Slim Sweater]

Description: An ordinary thin sweater sewn by a talented tailor.

Price: 1 Karma Score

[Slim Pants]

Description: A thin and comfortable pair of trousers sewn by a skilled tailor.

Price: 2 Karma Points

[Leather Armor]

Description: A thin, comfortable, and flexible leather armor sewed from two layers of deerskin by a skilled tailor. It can protect from attacks from ordinary knives and insect bites.

Protection: 1

Durability: 10/10

Price: 15 Karma Points


There were interesting products in the windows that opened in front of it. Kayra realized that the shop was a grocery store run by the system.

He would have preferred it to be like this.

He didn't like to make deals with people he didn't know anything about.

"Almost all of the first face windows are different versions of the same outfit."

After looking a little further, he realized that the shop went on forever. Even the trousers had different colors, lengths, and even sizes. It was so much that after a while he got tired of moving the windows.

Finally, he raised his head and saw the inscription 'Filter' above.

He knew he had to pay a little more because he wanted the outfit he was going to buy to serve as armor. When he clicked on the Filter post, another window opened asking him to give you a price range.

"All clothes between 100 and 1000 points."

He had close to three thousand points.

He was thinking of spending it all.

"Hm... The difference in quality is too much."

[Orcs Skin Armor]

Degree: Rare

Level: D

Description: A skin armor left behind by an orc belonging to the Shargam tribe. It is extremely robust because it is made of the skin of the Bony Eagle. Ordinary swords and arrows can't cause harm. When equipped, Endurance (5) points will increase and Agility (2) points will decrease.

Protection: 45

Durability: 150/150

Price: 150 Karma Points

In exchange for agility, he would receive armor to protect him from swords and arrows. Since the orc armor was not so strong that it was not so big, it was something that was not worth it.

Kayra slid the window and looked at other clothes.

After sliding for a while, he came across a black combat boot.

[Enchanted Battleboat]

Degree: Rare

Level: C+

Description: Made by a skilled craftsman, it is a combat boat that has done good things on the battlefield for a long time. It is flexible and comfortable. The engraved enchantments activate the 'Lightness' effect.

Protection: 10

Durability: 100/100

Price: 300 Karma Points

"Enchanted Battle Boat... I don't know what the lightness effect is for, but I think it will lighten my body. Anyway, I'm going to buy clothes first."

After wandering around a little further, he picked up a black shirt with five protection points.

[Received Quality Black Shirt.]

[Retrieved Quality Leather Pants.]

Two outfits appeared in front of him. In a snap, Kayra grabbed the pieces of fabric on her and put them on.

Meanwhile, two people entered the shop in torn clothes. One was a girl and the other was a boy of the same age. They both had chubby facial features.

When they saw Kayra, they both lit up and walked toward her.

"Hello, do you know where we are?"

Kayra buttoned the button of her shirt.


"Ehhh... Really?"

They were disturbed that Kayra did not know anything. As the girl covered the torn areas of her clothes with her hand, she buried her head and began to cry.

The male one looked at him in a panic and began to comfort her.

Kayra turned her head and did not look at them again.


When he took a step to hold Kayra, who was a man, a window suddenly opened in front of him. The opening of the window caused the child to be startled.

But he immediately recovered and frowned, looking at the window.

"Love, come here."

He grabbed her by the arm and pulled her to her.


The girl was surprised that her arm was suddenly held, but when she came to the boy's side, her surprise disappeared. While looking into the void with a mesmerized expression, Kayra finally found what she was looking for.

[You purchased a Shadow Set.]

[Wearing a Shadow Coat.]

[Shadow Gloves Equipped.]

[Shadow Mask Clothed.]

[You bought one Enchanted Battle Boot.]

[You bought a Big Bag.]

[3 of them...]

After Kayra bought some spare clothes, she left the store, not caring about the children's confused looks. When he put on the Enchanted War Boots, his body became several times lighter. He no longer felt the weight of his body as he walked.


He looked around. People were leaving the square in groups and filling the shops. Kayra didn't know what to do. The shops he planned to enter were packed to the brim. There were even people lining up outside.

"Let's skip shopping and get some information."

His throat knotted as he looked at the crowd of people. Although he had no fear of the crowd, the curious looks directed at him were frustrating. The black mask that covered his entire face didn't even have a hole. The Shadow Set he bought included a coat, a pair of gloves, and a mask.

[Shadow Coat]

Degree: Unique

Level: B+

Description: A unique piece of skin that remained in the Valley of the Shadow for five years slowly integrated into the environment with a piece of skin. A master tailor, who found the piece of leather by chance, created a set of leather pieces. The set is part of the coat.

Protection: 150

Durability: 100/100


When used in a dark area, it becomes one with the darkness. When camouflaged, all features increase by 10%.

[Shadow Twin]

When the skill is used, a copy of it will be created that is linked to the user's mind. The copy does not have any attack skills. Its speed is directly proportional to the user's Magic Power.

[Shadow Gloves]

Degree: Unique

Level: B+

Description: A unique piece of skin that remained in the Valley of the Shadow for five years slowly integrated into the environment with a piece of skin. A master tailor, who found the piece of leather by chance, created a set of leather pieces. It is the glove part of the set.

Protection: 50

Durability: 100/100

*When cutting-type weapons are used, sleight of hand will increase by around 20%.

[Shadow Mask]

Degree: Unique

Level: F+

Description: A unique piece of skin that remained in the Valley of the Shadow for five years slowly integrated into the environment with a piece of skin. A master tailor, who found the piece of leather by chance, created a set of leather pieces. The mask part of the set.

Protection: 15

Durability: 75/75

He had spent a lot of Karma Points on the whole set. If he wanted to recover what he spent, he would have to kill 350 more people in the exam.

But despite what she had spent, Kayra did not regret it for a moment. The type of region he was in reminded him of the Middle Ages. In addition, magical abilities, monster names, and constellations that followed them 24/7 showed that this world was different and more dangerous than before.

It was unclear where the danger would come from.

After walking for a while, he stood out from the crowd of people and came to a wide street. Both sides of the street were lined with inns and restaurants. Why were there so many inns and restaurants? But there was something else that was even more noticeable.

There was no one around.

"Are we the only ones here?"

He thought there would be locals to meet them when he came to town. However, it seems that only the 'participants' of a certain region had arrived.

The only language he heard when he was in a crowd was Turkish.

"There were other people in other towns. The question is: Are we the only ones in this strange situation?"

There were so many questions to be asked that Kayra could lose her mind. Where had the adults disappeared? Was Istanbul the only place hit by the disaster? Or was it the whole country? So what was the state of the Earth?

Were the missing adults in danger?

Where was the area called Star Realm? These were too real to be a dream.

"Time will answer every question I have. For now, I have to do my best."

[Some constellations look at you in awe and fury.]

[Some constellations warn you to be careful.]

[The Guardian of the Eccentric Mountains longs for your death.]

[The Chief of the Wind Spirits looks at you with hatred.]

[The Fearful Dream of the Deep Sea looks at you with hatred.]

[The Strong Spirit of Animals looks at you with hatred.]

[Some constellations despise them.]

He knew that after killing the entire exam site, he would anger some of his constellations. But he thought he would only tease him. He didn't expect so many constellations to hate him.

"Why don't you leave me alone? Is it because I killed your precious toys? Don't you know that there is no cure for the dead by what has happened?"

Kayra spoke with mockery, knowing that they were watching him.

As he expected, a dozen notifications flocked to him. Of these, the four constellations spewed the most hatred.

"I guess they can't sponsor it the way they want to. They have a limit, too.'

Their behavior showed that.

'Anyway, it's not something that interests me.'

He walked to a nearby inn.

'I'm tired.'