
The Villain's Guide To Survival

While they were having fun, I tried to improve myself. I cried alone while they laughed together. When they were together, I was excluded. One afternoon at school, I realized that nothing would ever be the same. I felt freed from the shackles that were limiting me. The world has changed, I will make pay for every wrong done to me!

ByGumiho · Fantasy
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26 Chs

Chapter 11: The Ruined King's Sword (1)

The speed of the whip increased exponentially.


Although it was made of water, it was as hard as if it was made of iron. As soon as he hit Kayra's body, he cut the skin on her arm and back in half. Blood red colored the surroundings, Kayra flew meters away, but she rolled to the ground and stood up.

Hussein had a puzzled look on his face.

"You sacrificed your arm to reduce the damage to the whip! You threw yourself sideways to ignore the blow. And in such a short time! You are cruel not only to others but also to yourself. Kayra, I respect you even though you are smaller and weaker than me."

He waved his whip again with a crazy smile. The whip was fast, cutting the corpses like paper as he hurled parallel and close to the ground. He didn't get Karma Points because they were all dead, but that wasn't his goal. He just wanted to take the resentment out of the pain that burned his body.

He also intended to make Kayra jump.

"I'm playing you on my fingers."

The direction of the whip suddenly changed and he aimed at Kayra's face, which had jumped.


At the last moment, Kayra turned her head to the side and prevented the whip from tearing her face apart. But for this, he had to sacrifice both his gas mask and part of his face.


Kayra fell to the ground and crushed the bodies of several young people. The shattered bones pierced his skin and they opened a few more wounds.

He didn't get up from his seat, as he always did.

This time it was over. He had fractures to his ribs, and every time he moved his left arm made him want to die. Now that he had lost his gas mask, he would feel the effects of the poison. Although it was prepared for this, the poison would soon fill his lungs and burn the place.

This was the Curse of the Fire Dragon.

He was only able to get a bottle for 45 Karma Points and diluted it with water. The poison, which would normally be burned in a single breath, was of such poor quality that it could only make people faint for a few minutes.

"You killed hundreds of people and ruined all my plans. But it doesn't matter. After I kill you, I'll be the only person here, and I'll leave here alone. With this power in my hand, I can achieve anything."

Hussein turned his whip in his hand and directed Kayra to the ground to lift her off her feet.

He looked at Kayra, who was hanging upside down, and laughed cheekily. He waved his hand left and right and shook Kayra. It was a strange pleasure to play with him like that. That could even be share-dependent.

"I think I've overestimated you. Well, I'll give you two options. Tell us the antidote to the poison you gave us, or die."

Kayra looked into the void without giving any answer.

When Hussein saw this, he laughed sarcastically and took a deep breath, forming another whip. Although it was thinner and weaker than before, it had the same shape.

"Then let's play a little game."

Having said this, he moved the whip, and the whip descended on Kayra's chest at a speed exceeding its preceding one. Although it was fast, it only opened a long wound the size of a finger.


A moan escaped from Kayra's mouth.

"Oh, you're tough!"

Hussein smiled and waved the whip again. A high-pitched scream was heard after the sound of splitting the air. The whip landed on Kayra's shoulder, which had been injured earlier. Just as it landed on the wound, the flesh instantly split, revealing white bones.


Kayra's resistance gave Hussein even more pleasure. Kayra couldn't resist him. Therefore, even if he gave the antidote, he would continue to torture him.

Hussein was a sadist who loved to inflict suffering on others. Previously he had to suppress himself because he could not torture others, but now he does not have to suppress himself.

Now he was confronted by a wicked man with whom he would have no remorse.

He didn't need to restrain himself.

"Have some noise, we have seven more minutes ahead of us!


A few minutes later, Kayra's body was far from the term "human." His whip wounds had torn off all his skin. Bones were visible in many of his areas. Even his face was full of wounds.

"I'll tell..."

"Haven't I told you before? I don't care anymore. Although the pain of the poison increases, in just a few minutes the exam will end. There are a few people who are alive, and after they kill you, it will be their turn."


The words that parted from between the lips bruised by anemia were heartbreaking. But Hussein didn't even care about him.

He intended to move the whip again to kill him as soon as he pulled it out. He was about to blow it away when the last drop of magic power in his body dried up. The water whip lost its luster and disappeared.

When Hussein saw this, he clicked on his tongue displeased.

"Right in the most exciting place..."

Kayra fell to the ground with the disappearance of the whip. He tried to kick the ground with his trembling arms, but Hussein pressed his head with his foot.

"I wonder if you're human."

He picked up a sword from the ground and lifted it to deliver his final blow.

"But your story ends here, see you freak."

He lowered his sword towards Kayra.

This sword would take his life and everything would end there.

He had been in an exam for hours, and Hussein slowly wanted to find peace. Although he didn't know what was outside, he was sure there was a place to rest.

He felt the cutting sensation of flesh in the deepest depths of his heart. However, the meat slaughtered did not belong to Kayra.

"What's going on, man!?"

Before Hussein could even react, Kayra bit his neck. As soon as he swung the sword, he took the opportunity and slipped out of his arms and exposed his neck.

When he felt the pain, Hussein's eyes were covered with blood. He hurriedly grabbed her neck and elbowed her in Kayra's stomach, but it was in vain. Kayra continued to bite her neck like a stubborn dog. The teeth tore the skin apart and bleed at any moment.

When he arrived in the danger zone, Hussein roared and punched Kayra in the stomach with all his might.



Kayra staggered back a few meters and took a few steps back before regaining her balance.


Hussein grabbed his neck with shaky hands.

The blood flowed like water from a fountain. His hands, which held his neck, changed color within a second to become bloody-red.

There was a large gap in the area where the jugular vein was. The tissues and veins beneath it were shattered by brute force.

Although Hussein tried to stop the blood with his hand, the blood flowed to the ground and soon formed a small accumulation on the ground.

At that moment.


Kayra spat a bloody piece of flesh from her mouth. Although his mouth was filled with blood, he did not worry about it. He looked into Hussein's helpless eyes and put on his eerie smile.

As the blood in his body drained, his strength accompanied him. As his life slipped out of his hands, all he could do was try to stop the bloodshed desperately.


When the force on his knees left him, he fell on them.



He crashed face down.

And he fell asleep, never to wake up again.

Kayra watched him with cold eyes and ignored the windows in front of him. He picked up a sword from the ground and supported himself and headed to the edge of the wall.

['The Fearful Dream of the Deep Sea' says it won't stand by it.]

[Some constellations look at you with hatred.]

[Some constellations are proud of the brutality.]

[An unknown constellation warns you.]

[An unknown constellation has revealed its identity.]

["Guardian of the Eccentric Mountains" sends you a message.]

["Brat, you better not go too far. Be careful who steps on your feet. You may regret what you did today tomorrow." ]

Kayra ignored the message.

He had received such threatening messages so much that he had stopped counting. For some reason he did not know, these constellations could not intervene. The greatest thing they could do was to give tasks or create enemies as sponsors.

They could not physically intervene.

Kayra raised her head after walking a little.

"You look so ugly."

Ahmet was leaning against the wall in a puddle of blood. He had lost most of the blood in his body and had lost his ability to move. Despite their painful moans, there was a steady look in their eyes. But his lips were curled up in a mockery.

"You don't look much different."

He raised the sword slightly.

"Is there anything you want to say before you die?"

The seriousness in Ahmet's eyes gave way to contempt. His lips, curled up with taunts, looked frightening as they were soaked in blood.

"Your death will be painful, the tip..."

Before he could finish his sentence, Kayra's sword took his life.

"That's what I thought."