
The Villain's Guide To Survival

While they were having fun, I tried to improve myself. I cried alone while they laughed together. When they were together, I was excluded. One afternoon at school, I realized that nothing would ever be the same. I felt freed from the shackles that were limiting me. The world has changed, I will make pay for every wrong done to me!

ByGumiho · Fantasy
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26 Chs

Chapter 1: Broadcast of Akasha

It was the last day of March, and the boring math lesson was over.

It was 11:00 a.m. When the students in the class left for the lunch break, Kayra was left alone.

Normally, there was no one calling him, so he would watch blankly. Today, however, he chose to do something different and get up from his seat.

The ice-blue eyes and sporty body he got from his mother should have made him popular, but for some reason there wasn't a single person who spoke to him.

Even though he didn't know why, people couldn't love him. He had taken many actions to improve his communication skills before, but the result was always unsuccessful.

Although this upset him at first, over time he began to enjoy solitude.

People were no longer a problem for him. Even if he didn't have a friend, it wouldn't change anything.

He made his way to the canteen. It was a disgusting place where the upper classes declared their territory and every recess was filled to the brim.

Everyone was acting like someone they weren't and wearing masks to blend into society. He was telling lies, exaggerating himself, or slipping someone else's feet.

Maybe he was alone because he was himself?

He didn't need to think any further. Kayra moved her magical eyes through the canteen and looked into the gaps between the crowd. After seeing the movement of a few people, he slowly walked and among dozens of people reached the old woman in charge of the canteen.

There were many people who tried to push him, but they were not successful because he kept the center of gravity.

After getting what he wanted, he left the canteen and headed for the classroom. When he came to class, he saw that some people were already eating and chatting. When she entered the class, she made eye contact with Yağmur, one of the popular girls.

After looking into his cold eyes, Yağmur turned his head and said in a low voice 'freak guy'.

Although Kayra heard these words, she remained expressionless and headed to her bench by the window. But his turn was overrun by a few people.

"Can you get up from my seat?"

"No? Does the title deed belong to you?"

Can, one of the bullies in the class, put his hand on his friend Ahmet's shoulder and laughed happily.

Kayra didn't say anything. He calmly turned around and sat down in the teachers' row. Just then, a group of four girls came to the teachers' table standing by the window with food and food in their hands. Kayra did not do anything even though they came and continued to think about what she was going to do in the evening.

He had been in business for a long time and had slowly come to fruition.

"Kayra can you sit somewhere else? I'll sit there."

Esra, who had the highest grades and was even the best in school, put her hand on Kayra's shoulder and smiled gently.


A single response caused the smile on the faces of four people to drop.

But there was nothing they could do.

They grumbled and returned to their speech, and although they were there for Kayra, they ranted about her.

Kayra took a deep breath.

"If there were no laws..."

They were so daring, even though they were weak beings he could kill at any moment.

They fit the majority because they were weak.

Kayra ignored them and thought. What woke him up from his thoughts was the sound of the ringing bell that scratched his ears.

The lunch break was over.

The history lesson was about to begin.

As the class filled with students, there was noise pollution. The five minutes before the teacher arrived resembled a scene from the Planet of the Apes.

"Everyone get back in place. The president is not going to roll call..."

After repeating everything they had done, the teacher began to explain the information in the book. It was an ordinary history lesson. There was no different aspect.

But ten minutes before the end of the lesson, the place suddenly shook.

"Is there an earthquake?"

The history teacher shouted at the students in panic.

At that moment, a window opened in front of Kayra.

[Akasha's Broadcast is being launched...]

[Connecting constellations...]

[Broadcast begins.]

[Welcome to the Akasha System!]


The transparent window in front of him caused him to frown.

"What's this?"

"I'm not the only one seeing this, do I?"

"Just like in games!"

When he turned his head, he realized that he wasn't the only one who saw it.

The tremor had subsided. The students, who had calmed down a little, were excited again by the window in front of them.

"Everyone calm down!"

The history teacher shouted in a squeaky voice and silenced the whole class.

"The manager will make a statement. No one should leave their seats."

At that time, another screen opened.

[Mission: Kill one or more people!]


"Is this what they call augmented reality? Are they experimenting on us?"

"The bell must have rang, I'm leaving."

Can opened the door to leave the classroom instead of thinking like Esra.


The door didn't even move.


Can threw a shoulder hard at the door, but the door didn't even shake.

"They locked the door. Ahmet, Omar helped us break this door."


The two got up from their seats and supported Can. They thought about using a table as a battering ram and breaking it. Strangely enough, the history teacher didn't stop them. He looked into the space in front of him as if there was something gnawing at his insides.

Gum! Gum!

They slammed the row the door several times.

But nothing happened to the door.


As if an invisible wave had hit them, they staggered back and fell on their hips.

"What the fuck is going on!?"

Can was furious. He got up from the ground and started hitting the glass with his bag. But there was no sound, let alone breaking.

"What are we going to do?"

"Phones! Let's call the police."

Esra took out her phone and tried to call the police, but her phone wouldn't pick up.

"Mine is broken. You see."

No one's phone would pick up.

"No way!"

When his last hope fell into the water, something came to people's minds.

"Kill? Are we really going to kill someone?"

A few people began to cry in fear. They were stranded here and didn't even have a stock of water, let alone food.

The fear of the unknown drove people to despair.

"Everybody calm down and take its seats!"

The history teacher had regained his calm. Just a few words were enough to silence everyone. After all, he was an adult and a teacher, he was in charge.

"Aise Nur, come here."

He called the skinniest girl in the class to his side. The students were still nervous, but they had full confidence in the teacher. That's why Aise Nur did not hesitate.

While everyone was focused on Aise Nura, Kayra looked at the teacher's left hand. The closest row to the teacher belonged to him. Looking at the ground, the shadow of something sharp could be seen.

It was a compass in his estimation.

"Here, sir?"

When Ayşe Nur tilted her head, the teacher bit her lips. She could barely hold back her tears.

"I'm sorry."

"For what?"


The sharp compass stabbed close to Aise Nur's jugular vein. Blood exploded and she left her place and fell to the ground accompanied by Aise Nur's painful screams.

Everyone was stunned. They didn't know what to take.


"You son of bitch!"

"How do you do it!?"

Can and a few men rushed to hire the teacher, but the teacher was already near the door.

"I hope you survive!"

He lowered the handle of the door and left.

Can and the others came to the door. They tried to open it, but it didn't open. Apparently, only those who completed the task could leave.

Aise Nur was lying with her eyes open and covered in blood. Those who could not resist the frightening scene began to cry or vomit.

One of them just died.

And Kayra knew that this was just the beginning.

After a few minutes of silence, a shouting sounded. Can slammed the head of his close friend Ahmet the table.

This did not kill Ahmet immediately, but it was the last blow that tore the rope. After that, several boys attacked the girls. A boy and a girl could not be compared in physical strength. It was easier to kill them than to kill men.

Esra put a finger in the eye of someone who tried to attack him.


At that moment, someone attacked Kayra.

My English is a little bad, but I will try my best. Also, this novel may sound a little different to you because it will include figures from a mythology that you may have never seen before. And the character of the novel is a really villain. Please read with this awareness.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

ByGumihocreators' thoughts