
The Villain's Guide To Survival

While they were having fun, I tried to improve myself. I cried alone while they laughed together. When they were together, I was excluded. One afternoon at school, I realized that nothing would ever be the same. I felt freed from the shackles that were limiting me. The world has changed, I will make pay for every wrong done to me!

ByGumiho · Fantasy
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26 Chs

  Chapter 22: Magical Blue Eyes (2)  

Red Tan was about to cry because of the situation he was in.

The instructions of that person and the Intellectual Dream were not to fight absolutely. Before, he didn't understand why they said that, but now he could understand it because of what he had just seen.

"If we can't attack him and kill him, he'll only get stronger and we'll be in trouble in the future. As Aydın Rüya brother said, we need to solve everything at once. I think I'm going to have to make concessions."

Red Tan smacked his lips.

He would tell him about the glory of the Supreme King.

"My king is the Supreme King. He is a Turk like you and in a very short time he has taken tens of thousands of people under his command. His knowledge of this world is inconceivable."


Although she did not care about the race, Kayra's knowledge of this world attracted Kayra's attention.

It was certain that the Land of the Star was a mystical and strange land. So much so that it was not known where the danger would come from, and they could not let their guard down because they could be killed by monsters at any moment.

Kayra knew that relying on Karma Points to gain strength was nonsense. There had to be an alternative way to do this. Also, were there inhabitants of this land? What was the reason for the struggle between the constellations?

Such questions were among the questions that Kayra wanted to find the answer to.

Someone who was knowledgeable about Star Land should be able to answer these questions.

"When we first came to Star Land, there were about 750 million people. A large part of this was made up of young people over the age of 10 and 12. But now, only 250 million people have survived."

"250 million?"

Kayra was stunned for a moment by what he heard.

The world's child population was around 2.5 billion. Although it fell to 1.25 billion thanks to the obligation to kill one person in the first exam, there was no obligation to kill in the following exams. However, Red Tan's words showed that 500 million people were killed in the second and third exams.

The numbers seem absurdly large, but overall, if everyone killed three people, more people would have died.

Kayra's surprise was not the deaths, her surprise was that the whole world was caught up in the disaster.

"Wait a second, did the whole Earth come here?"


Red Tan sighed. This was a hard fact to accept. The world has not been at peace from the very beginning. But now everyone had the opportunity and the power to kill someone.

From now on, everything would be much more chaotic.

People would form alliances and slaughter others for profit. Children without the skills to fight would be abandoned and await death. People would not only not help them, but they would also torture them.

"How do you handle food and guns? If the king has taken tens of thousands of people at his disposal, he needs to take care of them. Otherwise, the king will lose the trust of the people."

"Unfortunately, this is an important secret. If I tell someone who is not one of us, I will get into trouble. So, please join us. Let's survive together in this cruel land."

Kayra fell into deep thought. If the king was able to solve his food problem, it showed that he was more capable than he thought. He also had men at his disposal who could watch him without him noticing.

In short, it was superior in terms of personnel.

There were countless benefits to joining such a person. He could make use of his knowledge and facilities, making the situation easier for him.

Of course, there were no disadvantages. For example, it would be at someone else's disposal. If he entered the king's subjects, he could punish him by virtue of Special Authority.

To gain countless advantages in exchange for leaning on someone else...

Although this was not a method that Kayra preferred, she said that if her intuition did not take this opportunity, everything would develop very differently.

Well, he would decide this after meeting the person called the Supreme King.

"I will make my decision after meeting with your king."

Kayra extended her hand.

"Huh? Okay."

Although Red Tan could not understand how quickly the other side agreed, he shook the outstretched hand. It didn't matter what was going on. The important thing was to get this person to their side.

"We brought in someone strong. We will surely win the War of the Kings...'

It was impossible to underestimate someone that person was interested in. When Red Tan met his attack, a strange tremor had gripped his body. His arms were numb by the violence. He didn't understand it before, but now he does.

He had gained and learned a lot today.

"Then, will you heal my friend?"

"I don't have the antidote with me. We need to take it from my backpack."

"Oh, where's your bag?"

"I hid it in the Snowy Mountains."

"Okay, let's go get it then."

The Snowy Mountains were not far from here. If they proceeded without stopping, they could arrive in an hour and a half. Red Tan took the Morning Wind, which was bleeding from his shoulder, on his back and looked at Kayra.

"Follow me."

Kayra jumped down the slope and landed on a rock. His legs ached because he jumped too high, but thanks to the Lightness effect, the damage wasn't much.


Despite being a burden on his back, Red Tan was placed on the ground much lighter than Kayra. His body, which normally should have been shaken by the weight, was as motionless as a mountain.

Red Tan raised his head and looked at Kayra. He wanted to see the astonished look on his face, but when he raised his head, he couldn't see her in front of him.


Immediately to his right came a heavy voice.

When he turned his head, he saw the rock on the giant wolf roll to the side. Unfortunately, it was very disfigured. He only lay on his side and did not roll.

'What's going on?'

At that moment, Kayra appeared from the other side of the rock with a red colored glass ball in her hand. Red Tan understood what he was with a single glance.

A Mana Heart at level B+!

Mana envied when he saw his heart thrown into the pouch on his coat. Items and treasures above level B were very rare. Even in the Supreme King's treasury, there were only five B+ level treasures and one A-level treasure.

But now a man alone had one of these without conquering a dungeon.

After taking the mana heart of the great wolf, Kayra smashed his head and took out his eyes in a few moves with his sword. The eyes of a B+ wolf must have been precious.

Then something came to his mind and he took out a bottle the size of a potion bottle from his bag. He poured the spilled blood of the wolf into the bottle. This was the biggest weapon of the Bone-headed Wolves in their region.

When he was done with the big wolf, he went to the little one. In a single sword move, he opened a huge slit in the wolf's back. When the rift opened, he put his hand in the slit and grasped and pulled his true heart with the Mana Heart next to him.

The Mana Heart was separated from the body of the young wolf.

After splitting the pieces of meat around Kayra, she cleaned the blood and put it next to the others.

Today's harvest was very good.

It wasn't just going to earn Karma Points. He also awakened his innate skill called the Magic Blue Eyes. Not only that, but he had a chance to find a supporter for himself.

Plans in the face of these...

He was worthless in the face of what he had achieved.

He took the Shadow Mask and looked at the cracks on it.

[Shadow Mask]

Rating: Unique

Level: F+

Description: A unique piece of skin that remained in the Valley of the Shadow for five years slowly integrated into the environment with a piece of skin. A master tailor, who found the piece of leather by chance, created a set of leather pieces. The mask part of the set.

Protection: 15

Durability: 3/75

'It's about to crumble.'

He didn't want the mask to fall apart.

'I love this mask... It gives me the opportunity to become one with the dark. I can also see it behind the mask."

It was of great use. It was like a wall that separated him from the rest. It was a mask that concealed its perverse nature.

The face under the mask...

It was a face that people hated when they saw it.

He gently put the mask on his coat and turned to the young man named Red Tan. When he saw expressions of disgust and horror appear on his face, he hesitated about whether to wear the mask or not.

Fortunately, Red Tan immediately recovered.

"Sir, let's go right away."


After cleaning the poison around his sword with water, Kayra filled his scabbard with water and shake it. He then took a deep breath and began to move in front of the Red Tan. The sun was overhead, the weather was beautiful; the smell of blood on him did not bother him.

He activated the Character Window while pioneering the Red Tan.

[Kayra Kırmızıgül]

Power: 44

Agility: 63

Durability: 53

Check: 40

Magic Power: 90

Chances: 40

Class: None

Authority: None

Sponsor: None

Personality: Cold-blooded, Machiavellian, Pragmatist

Abilities: Unique Swordsman (0%), Ruined King's Sword Ki (0%), Magic Blue Eyes (0%)

Karma Point: 25

His stamina had permanently increased by three points. This was quite an important thing, as he found a way to improve his strength outside of his Karma Points.

Now was the time to look at the characteristics of the most valuable thing he had won today. Kayra clicked on Magical Blue Eyes. When he gained the skill, he didn't have a chance to look.

[Magical Blue Eyes]

Description: Gives the user high-level vision capabilities. It is the highest level of eyes created for war and research.

Degree: None [Innate Skill]

Apart from the Ruined King's Sword Ki and the Unique Swordsman, he also had sub-abilities. Kayra curiously examined them as well.

[Thought Acceleration]

*Accelerates thoughts. The ability to reason and the reaction time of the mind are maximized.

[The Devil of Laplace]

*Collects and processes maximum information in minimum time. Its strength varies depending on the user's skill.

[Magic Blue Fog]

*A talent associated with Laplace's Satan. His attributes are only activated when Laplace's Demon is used to its full potential.

Although her lower talents were so much, Kayra was very happy when she saw them. During war, collecting data was exactly the kind of skill he needed.

As combat abilities, the Unique Swordsman and the Ruined King's Sword Ki were enough for him. These two abilities compensated for Kayra's lack of experience and strength.

But when we were fighting, everything was not left to these two factors. While fighting, Kayra constantly studied the enemy's movements and shaped like a water.

While doing this, he could not collect as much data as he wanted because he was under constant attack. This was the reason why he suffered unexpected attacks in battle.

Laplace's Satan and Thought Acceleration would solve these problems once and for all. Kayra's combat power had increased several times because of only two skills.

Kayra kept running as she thought of ways to use the powers she had acquired.

He couldn't sit still with excitement, he was eager to test.

Red Tan, who was following him from behind, sighed when he saw this version of himself The guy, who gave the impression of being cold-blooded and cruel, was now laughing like a child who had received a gift.