
The Village Woodsman

A shrewd billionaire on earth, betrayed and killed. Reborn with intact memories in a different world...his past memories don't help much. Can he survive? Arthur, who is now known as Sansan is just a normal child. A cultivator who is not different from anyone, he just has one thing that makes him different, that is his will, a will to change his world. Aaaah! I will stop writing introductions because I want to have a wider scope to expand. I want anything and everything to happen because it excites us. Support me in my endeavour and I'll try to give my best. As an acknowledgement, I should like to thank my first Fan, Gideon for his love and support. I'll always remember you, my good friend. ************ I'm adding this so you guys could look back at the cultivation levels and understand the ranks. I'll be focusing more on story than rank so please do consider it. I. BODY PREPARATION PHASE 1. Beginner (3-5) 2. Progressive learner (4-6) 3. Competent learner (7-12) 4. Proficient Practioner (13-18) Prodigy(Juniors) 5. Skilled Practioner (19-25) Prodigy(Seniors) 6. Initiation Realm (25-40)Parents(Instructors) 7. Alleviation Realm 50 above (Elders & Chief) #. Pseudo Tribulation Realm II. BODY RECONSTRUCTION PHASE:(Heavenly tribulation Starts) 1. Tribulation Realm(Forming lower dantian) 2. Connate Realm(Forming middle dantian) 3. Earthly Immortal(Forming upper dantian) 4. Heavenly Immortal/False Gods 5. True Gods III. RANKS AFTER ASCENSION INTO ANOTHER WORLD 1. Nascent Immortals (True Gods) 2. Immortal Kings 3. Immortal Emperors 4. Cardinal Emperors 4. Sovereign Immortal (True immortal) 5. Overlords 6. Celestial Warlords 7. The Most Supreme IV. SUBCLASS/ STAGES 1. Early 3. Advanced 3. Intermediate 4. Expert 5. Pinnacle

My_Blanket_Stinks · Fantasy
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22 Chs

Schooling The Villagers

Soon after the victory over the flood dragon, the two clans benefited greatly in their cultivation by utilising the blood of the dragon to strengthen themselves. Similar to the younger cultivators below competent learners absorbing the blood essence of the body-strengthening eel, the junior prodigy and seniors alike above Proficient Realm Rank absorbed the blood essence of the flood dragon and pushed their cultivation to the pinnacle of their respective ranks. The junior members used only a few drops of blood diluted into the water because of its potency and the concentration of the blood was increased likewise according to the Ranks. The great of the blood was stored in wooden barrels which they made for future use. Looking at the overall improvement most of them anticipated taking revenge on the two clans that pursued them.

Some days later Jia Kong approached Lu Donghai to ask for something that no one thought of. He wanted to change his clan's name and adopt the Lu clan. There were many sceptics in both the clans. Some Lu clan members wanted to welcome them within their clan some didn't. The same went for the Jia clan.

Inside the newly constructed Lu clan members' meeting hall. Lu Donghai, Lu Yehan and more than half of the elder members welcomed the Jia clan while most of the younger generations and many elders disagreed. They thought that it was like giving away their status. Lu Donghai and Lu Yehan agreed because they thought that Jia Kong wanting to adopt the Lu clan's surname means that he was looking at the Lu clan with great favour and it would also contribute to overall strength. Moreover, the Lu Clan was already broken thus they need more people. Even after a long debate, the consensus was not met. Finally, the two old heads suggested Arthur give suggestions and Arthur was summoned. Arthur's mother who was also attending a meeting went to pick him up, notified him about the current situation and brought him inside a new clan hall. After thanking and completing the formalities Arthur went straight to the point.

He asked, "My beloved clan members, how many of you want them to join our clan please raise your hand." After looking and counting the numbers he said, "Hmmm, it looks like many of us don't want them to join us."

He then asked again, "Why do you think that they should not join us?" Many people voiced their answers. It was simply that many of them thought that it was like giving away their honour to other clans. Also, the Jia clan would then be allowed to join the ranks of their clan and share their wealth and prestige. There were many selfish and petty reasons why they thought that the clan should not mix.

After listening to their answers and protests Arthur felt he should really school these village bums and he calmly said, "Since many of us don't welcome them what's there to discuss about it anymore.'' Both Lu Donghai and Lu Yehan protested, also several other members who supported the duo voiced out.

Arthur who knew his grandfather too well asked another question, "Our clan has already been reduced by half and we need our clans to grow in number. But, we don't want the Jia clan to mix with our clan. Therefore, should we accept the Lu clan members following Lu Tiao and Lu Fang to join us once again in future? We cannot hide here forever in the forest. We are not outlaws so have to move out and live with other people."

Many people refused the idea of accepting the other Lu clan members who betrayed them except for his grandfather. Lu Yehan also said that those people cannot be forgiven so accepting them was impossible. This was not only supported by many people but most of them expressed the same opinion. Some elders said that they should live in the forest and never leave the groove because it was safe and many clansmen supported it because they shared the same sentiment.

Arthur said, "I won't tell you what you should do because everyone has the right to decide what they want to do with their life. If it gives them happiness in staying here I don't oppose it. If they want to leave I won't impede it either. I am saying this not to break the clan further but to remind you that we are free to choose. No one of us is an animal to be flocked together without having their own thoughts."

He continued, "Our clan is insignificant and a minor clan. Even in the village, we have no place for ourselves unless we become subordinate to another clan. Before the division of the clan, we had more than 200 members. Now, we have only half of it. When I say this many of you would curse the Liu and the Bai clan, and most importantly grandpa Taio and grandpa Fang's people. They betrayed us but would it make any difference to our current position if they don't betray us? Ask that to yourselves first before pointing a finger at them. They were selfish and they abandoned us in the hour of need. But, ask yourself the reason for their leaving, and ask why some of them went to become subordinates of another clan. Many of you do not say it but in your hearts, you think that the reason behind our clan's downfall is me. If I didn't use up all the treasures we wouldn't have faced this present situation. I don't mind if you blame me because you are all entitled to have your own opinion. But, the truth is that our clan is too weak. I don't disparage the usage of weapons however relying on them entirely instead of fostering cultivators first and depending upon ourselves more than weapons was the first mistake we made. The asset of the clan should be its people, not the property that is accumulated. Even if we have the capability to smith weapons one day our reliability should be on its makers and not the things that are crafted."

"Betrayal and selfish people are everywhere. All of us are selfish too and when faced with calamities and dangers our first reaction is flight. If we are not strong then we run, that is the most basic survival means we all adopt. We also escaped from the threat instead of foolishly fighting and dying. Both Lu Taio and Lu Fang too did the same, it's just that our means of survival were different from theirs, yet the ends were the same. They wanted to preserve the bloodline of the clansman hence, they adopted this cruel move. I don't want you to approve of their actions but we were all same in one way or the other. Yes, some of them are to blame but I'm sure that many of our clansmen who followed only obeyed the orders that were given to them. Some of them may not even be aware of what their seniors had decided for them. Are we to blame everyone for the crimes of a few of them? You all followed grandpa Hai and grandpa Ye so you knew our escape plan but did they? If they knew the plan would they betray us? Our second mistake is a lack of trust among one another. We don't even trust one another during a time of crisis. So, how can we become a strong clan?"

"Since we share the same bloodline is it not our duty to make them aware of our presence and invite them in future when we become stronger? And punish them according to their crimes when they come back if they want to come back."

" I want you to ask yourself this question, Is our clan's bloodline so pure and truly powerful that we don't want a mixture of other blood? I know that only senior members of our clan are allowed to know certain information about our clan and children like us are not allowed to know about it. But, I have inferred that our clan is not a clan that was formed recently. I don't know much about it yet. Although we don't have higher cultivation techniques we are from an old lineage which explains the possession of weapons that other clans didn't have.

" And if I am not wrong, I feel that some of you do not want to want the Jia clan to intermingle with our bloodline because the Jia clan is a clan that was formed recently with no lineage. Let me say this, if we are direct descendants of once a powerful Lu clan then we have surely lost everything and have to start anew. And if we are not a direct lineage of the Lu clan then even if there is a main clan still in existence somewhere, are we even with pure blood? I have a blood of the Zhao clan from my mother's side, so if a bloodline purity is measured then where do I stand? Will the main clan even accept and honour us? Aren't we already left alone to tend to ourselves?"

"Thus, I feel that bloodline is of no importance in determining glory, heritage and honour. Only when we become powerful our bloodline would matter. I prefer capabilities over the bloodline, so for me if the Jia clan wants to adopt our clan we should welcome it. We need manpower in our clan therefore refusing because of bloodlines would be foolish. Moreover, if they adopt our surname then there would be more unity. If they can hold a higher position in our clan then let them keep that position, I would feel more comfortable if a capable Jia member holds a responsible position than an incompetent person who shares the same bloodline with me. Are my clan members so coward that they are fearful of others taking their position and wealth?"

"Lastly, whether you follow me or not it doesn't matter to me, when I feel I am ready to venture out of this forest I will. We have nothing in the forest. We don't have better books on cultivation, skills, battle techniques, etc. You name it and we don't have it. Even village and town should not be our destination. We should aim big and strive for more. Are we not cultivators whose real essence should be to fight the heavens and carve our own path? Why do we need to cower and live like rats? As soon as we become a little stronger we should go back to the village and make the Liu and the Bai clan comply with our terms and gain back our dignity. Here we don't even have markets to trade, what's the use of living like a hermit? Let's come back to this place when we become old and retire from world affairs. Then only we'll live in peace inside this natural paradise of refuge."

After finishing his lecture Arthur went and sat beside his mother. Everyone looked at him like looking at a monster. No one was able to speak for a long time, they had lots to absorb...they were cultivators so they were not morons but living in the village made them simpletons, they were not able to think about other things beyond the village and forest and Arthur had already shown them how to dream big. It was beyond a doubt that what Arthur said would be followed because they felt that what Arthur spoke was the only truth.

Finally, one curious member belonging to the younger generation, the senior prodigy asked, "Sansan, when do we leave the village? And when will we destroy both the Liu and Bai clan members and take back the village for our own? We don't have Pseudo Tribulation Realm in our clan so can we take back the village?"

Arthur replied, " We will stay here until Grandpa Hai reaches the Tribulation Realm. We don't have to fight with the Liu and Bai clans we are not their equal. Actual battles occur between equals and comparable ranks. For now, we have neither manpower nor a top cultivator we are fairly too weak. Once we have a Tribulation Realm in our midst there won't be any need to fight anymore."

The puzzled senior asked again, " Are we not going to take revenge and kill them?" He didn't agree with Arthur on this, he wanted revenge.

Arthur said, "Look senior if we fight now we will surely lose so we won't make a move. We don't have enough manpower to challenge even the Bai clan. When grandpa Hai becomes Tribulation Realm, their clans will surrender themselves to us so what's the point of killing them. If we kill them, what good use is our power? When we become powerful we need people to rule over. Remember, there are no perpetual enemies only common benefits. If someone kills your loved ones just go and take revenge because that is personal. But, should I or any other clan members also go and kill their clan members who haven't done anything?"

He paused, grinned and continued, "Those two clans haven't taken our clan's life so we won't kill them but in the meantime, we will harass them."

The senior who saw the evil smile on Arthur's face felt very satisfied and laughed agreeing with Arthur.

Since one of his secrets was exposed Arthur felt even more comfortable in executing his policy. That is to guide them slowly so that one day when he grows stronger his people could take more responsibility for maintaining the clan. The clan was already managing well without his help but looking after a big clan involves business, diplomacy, public relations etc. And he cannot manage everything, he needs his clansmen to be broad and open-minded. Getting impressed and awed by them or shower of praises on him was not his intention but it couldn't be helped. Annoying as it was, it still served his purpose; his voice was heard by all.