
The Video Game Tycoon

!!! MACHINE TRANSLATION !!! !!! IT'S NOT AN MTL AND I POSTED IT HERE SO I COULD READ WITHOUT WIFI ON PHONE APP SK DON'T EXPECT QUALITY TRANSLATION !!! Video games are one of the important ways to entertain people in the new era. However, the Japanese Zhu Yuxing who traveled to a parallel world found that the game industry in this world was extremely sluggish, and it seemed that it had never emerged. So Zhu Yuxing decided to bring the ninth art to the world. "Mom, Super Mario 3 is out! This is my most wanted Christmas present!"

slimy_Boi · Video Games
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761 Chs

===520 Behind the Scenes of Game Development===(None Edited)

  "Look, this is a big 3D world. From the player's perspective, the world is very interesting, everything is so fascinating, but in fact, from the developer's point of view, the purpose is to deceive the player. Eyes, let them believe in the authenticity of this world."

  On the floor of a game development team, Take Yusei personally acted as a lecturer to explain the basic principles of the game to the three girls who suddenly visited.

  There are not many people who can make Aya Tsukino pay special attention.

  And Zhu Yuxing also seemed to have some kind of spiritual resonance with Tsukino Aya. When Zhu Yuxing saw that Tsukino Aya was particularly fond of these three girls, he also realized that these three girls seemed to be the same as the general public. people are different.

  It turned out to be the case.

  The three girls have begun to show full interest in game development, but at the same time they are a little bit withdrawn and feel that they can't develop games well.

  This is normal. Now, with the gradual establishment of an industrialized system for video games, the development of games is no longer something that can be done by just one or two people. Of course, that kind of independent games must be excluded.

  Just like the film industry, it is the big productions that can really attract thousands of people. Independent films of small cost and small production can be a blockbuster in a certain period of time, but there are almost no works that can arouse the common response of the world.

  These three girls are video games that have come into contact with in an era when the game industrialization system has matured.

  The games they play are almost all games that require large-scale collective participation in development, which makes them somewhat withdraw.

  It's not easy to have a few girls interested in game development. Take Yusei doesn't want these three girls to back down from game development just because of a misunderstanding of game development.

  So he took the initiative to act as a lecturer, or a teacher.

  Now it is a very rare thing to have the opportunity to let Zhu Yuxing explain and guide in person.

  People in the same industry, even if they are competitors, will definitely come over without hesitation if they have the opportunity to get the guidance of Zhu Yuxing, no matter what the cost is worth it.

  Then, Zhu Yuxing took the three girls to the office area of ​​one of the game development teams to speak to them.

  Take Yusei sat directly in front of a computer and presented the development interface of The Legend of Zelda Ocarina of Time to the three girls.

  In the development interface, the world of Hyrule, which originally seemed to be endless with day and night changes, became a thin texture layer.

  By adjusting the program, the protagonist Link can run wildly on this thin texture, or ride a horse to his heart's content.

  "It's not that we can't make a more realistic scene, but it's not necessary, and it's a very extravagant act to waste resources where the player can't see it at all, and the performance of the current game machine can't be fully expressed. It is a real big world, so we can only compress resources in all places as much as possible, and give precious resources to those who should use them."

  Aiko and Otone-chan among the three girls stared at the screen almost intently. , there are countless waves in my heart.

  Before they really had no one to teach game development skills.

  So far, the books related to game development are not perfect, and more are to teach others how to use simple assembly language or other basic programming languages ​​to develop some ordinary 2D graphics style games.

  The development of 3D games is still a very fashionable and novel thing in this world. There are very few game studios and companies capable of doing this. There are only three people and only three girls in high school. There is no chance to get in touch with the details of these developments.

  However, Zhu Yuxing directly presented the characteristics of these game development to the three girls without reservation, which gave the three girls a new understanding of game development immediately.

  It turns out that game development doesn't seem to be that difficult, at least it's not what they thought at the beginning.

  "But don't underestimate this very thin layer of texture. In order to prevent the character from running out of the texture due to some program loopholes, causing players to have a bad game experience, we must do our best to make this world Set up a lot of restrictions, including the so-called air wall, which is a place where players can't pass at all."

  "However, the air wall can only be regarded as a very low-level means to prevent players from exploring everywhere, and now we have A more advanced method, such as this game."

  Zhu Yuxing clicked on another game, which is the game of Final Fantasy 8, which has not been released yet, and the three of them should be the first outsiders to see the real content of the game. .

  However, Zhu Yuxing must still keep some secrets, and it is impossible to show the whole game to these three girls.

  He was just manipulating the characters in the development interface to a marginal area.

  "Here we set up an automatic destruction countdown function. Once the player crosses this limit, the automatic destruction countdown will be reminded immediately. When the time reaches zero, the player will be instantly killed without reservation, no matter what equipment is not available. It is very reasonable to combine this method with the world view, making it easier for players to accept it than the air wall."

  "It turns out that this is indeed easier to accept. I just thought about it, preventing players from running out of the map. Is it possible to block it with higher peaks, or some terrifying biological threats?"

  Aiko Bingxue was smart, and quickly realized the setting of the air wall like Zhuyouxing.

  Although this is only a very inconspicuous detail, sometimes the game is so charming because of this countless details piled up.

  Zhuyouxing smiled and nodded: "You are very good at inferring other things, yes, as long as the players feel reasonable."

  At this time, Kazumei was silent for a long time and finally asked: "Mr. Zhuyou, I want to ask this kind of game development is also very important Is it difficult? Does it still require a lot of people?"

  Zhu Youxing nodded: "Yes, because enough details require enough people to work together, the richer the details, the more effort you put into this game. The more there are, the world is a world of equivalent exchange, isn't it?" The

  three girls nodded together, and then Kamei said in a low voice: "But there are only three of us, and we may not be able to develop such a game world at all."

  Zhu Yuxing was stunned for a moment, then smiled and said, "Game development is not something that can be accomplished overnight, it's very good that you already have the idea of ​​developing a game. What you should do next is to finish your studies first, and then try to make some relatively simple games. , for example, a very ordinary little game made by Wario, I would like to call this simple game 4399."

  "4399?" The three girls asked in unison.

  However, people in this world don't understand this stalk, which makes Zhu Yuxing add a touch of mystery to the naming of this game.

  On the other hand, Aya Tsukino had long since become accustomed to it, and Zhu Yuxing was always able to suddenly name some strange game genres, and 4399 was not uncommon.