
The Vengeful Lover

[ WARNING: EXPLICIT LOVE SCENES] "She was going to pay...." Li Fei is a renowned model, socialite, a spoilt daughter and heiress of the wealthy Li family. On one dreadful night, she causes an accident which ended up killing the pregnant wife of the most powerful man in the whole of Asia, Jin Liwei who vows to make her life a living hell. How far will Jin Liwei go to make Li Fei's life miserable? _______________________ #Excerpt The sound of an ambulance siren wails as it makes its way to the emergency entrance of Paramount hospital. Before it could park, the doors were pushed with great force and two nurses rushed out with a pregnant patient on a stretcher with an oxygen mask on her face. Jin Liwei jumped out of the ambulance with a panic striked face as he stared at his wife with spiritless eyes. The nurses seemed to be more in panic as they dragged the patient inside the hospital while calling the others to help them. The patient was immediately rushed to the ICU and Jin Liwei attempted to enter but he was stopped right at the entrance. "Please Young Master Jin Liwei, let us handle this," pleaded the doctor and he gave him a cold look before saying," She's my wife." The doctor gulped before saying," I know but you're presence won't be needed in here. It will only complicate things." Jin Liwei decided to listen to him for Jin Shan and their unborn baby. "Fine. I leave them in your hands," he said before stepping back and the doors of the operating room were shut close. Just then, his personal assistant Wang Mel approached him with hesitant steps well knowing how furious his Master was considering the way he cherishes the Young Miss. With a grave face, he bowed his head and said," I'm so sorry Master Jin about what happened!! How can I be of help to you?" "Find out the owner of the car and if they are dead, track down their family," he instructed his assistant who bowed once again before disappearing from the sight. He released a sigh of relief when he was told to do research work other than staying behind with his cold Boss. ___ "More of a man than I? You slept with him?!!" he asked and grabbed her wrist. She felt him squeezing her hand and she winced in pain. "Let go of me! You're hurting me," she screamed. "You slept with him, yes or no?!" he asked again with a murderous voice and she quickly said," No, I didn't." It was then that he released her arm and she rubbed her wrist with her other hand before muttering" You're a beast." He chuckled before replying, "And you're beauty." The glare in her eyes intensified.

Kironde_Mariam · Urban
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254 Chs

Chapter 236 The two of us

Walking over to Liling, she found her in a not so good mood. "What happened?" Li Fei asked. "Will you come with me to the cafeteria?" she asked. "Sure, let's go."

Ordering for some tea, she asked," Will you tell me what the problem is?" "I just talked to Jing Yue about the adoption and he didn't seem to welcome the idea." "Maybe he thinks that it's too soon and he still has some hope."

"I honestly don't think that we shall ever get a child of our own. This is your third time being pregnant," she said. Not knowing what to say, she said,"I feel you. Perhaps, he needs some time to think about it."

As they were still discussing, her phone rang interrupting them.

"Mom," she answered. "How are you? How's everything going?" she asked. "He is out of danger although still unconscious. We are all waiting for him to wake up," she answered. "That is some good news at least. Hope you're feeling better. You don't have to get so stressed as it is not good for the baby."

"Yes. I'm trying to stay calm," she replied.

"Okay. Call me when anything happens."

"I will Mom. Thank you."

As they were heading back, Li Fei told Liling about her fears of Jin Liwei waking up with memory loss. "I understand your fear but I don't think it will happen." "But what if it happens?" she asked. "We should just hope it doesn't happen," said Liling.

On reaching, they took their seats and at the same time they saw Yin Chen coming to where they were. "I'm glad you're here! He just woke up!" she told them. "What?!!" Li Fei couldn't believe it.

"Yes. I came to inform you as soon as he opened his eyes." "Let's go," she said as she got up. On reaching the door, Li Fei got hold of her hand. "Yin Chen, does he remember everything?" she asked. "Everything? What do you mean?" "I mean, his memory. Is he fine?" "Well, I don't know. I came the moment I saw his eyes open," she said and she nodded, then opened the door.

On stepping inside, she saw that he was indeed awake, and the doctor was examining him. She stood besides his parents anxiously waiting for what he had to say.

"Doctor, how is he?" asked Ms Jin when the doctor was done. "He will be fine. Luckily, everything is working just fine." Sighing in relief, Ms Jin went closer and said," Jin Liwei, how are you feeling?" "I'm alright," he whispered. "You gave us a scare. I'm glad you are fine," said Mr Jin.

Jin Liwei couldn't understand what was happening. He was irritated with everything that was going on because he hadn't expected to wake up to his parents in front of him. First, he didn't want to involve them in this plan as it would worry them and two, he only wanted to be in Li Fei's company. His eyes searched for her and he caught sight of her standing behind his parents.

"Li Fei," he whispered which his parents heard.

Looking behind them, they saw her coming and made way for her.

Li Fei gave a nervous smile when she reached him. "I'm glad you woke up. I've been waiting for you. How are you feeling?" she asked him. "Uh...It's hurting everywhere," he told her. "I know and I'm sorry. We are all here for you," she said. "Where are hurting Jin Liwei?" Ms Jin asked as she came closer and Li Fei stepped back to give the woman space to talk to her son.

Just then, Liling and Jing Yue stepped in to see him. "I'm glad you're fine man. You scared us to death," Jing Yue said and he gave a small smile. "Hey Jin Liwei. We are so happy to see that you're fine," Liling told him. "Thank you," he replied.

"Since you've woken up, I think we should go home and rest for a while," said Jing Yue.

"You can go. Thank you so much for being here for him," Ms Jin thanked them.

As the two were leaving the room, Liling went to Li Fei and asked," Are you sleeping over?"

"I don't know. I would love to stay but Ms Jin might like to sleep over too."

"I understand. You will call me if you're not sleeping over and I send the driver to pick you up," she said. "Thank you." "Okay bye,' she said and hugged her before leaving.

Ms Jin sat next to Jin Liwei and Li Fei took a seat somewhere else.

Jin Liwei was becoming more frustrated with every passing second. Why can't his mother see that he wanted to be alone with Li Fei? He signalled to the doctor that he wanted to talk to him and a while later, he said," Alright. I will need you all to excuse me. I'm going to cross examine him." With that, they all stood up and left the room.

"Who called my parents?" he asked the moment the door closed. "I don't know. Probably your friends." Sighing, he said," I don't want them here. I only want to be with her, only the two of us. You have to do something." "You shouldn't worry. I will think of something," he said and he nodded.

On going outside, he approached them and said," I have injected medicine into him and he needs to have some rest."

When they nodded, he said," I think you should go home as it's getting late. You will be seeing him tomorrow." "You mean we won't be spending the night with him?" asked Ms Jin.

"No. He will be taken care of by a trained nurse. His condition is still delicate," he told them and hesitantly, Ms Jin nodded.

Before they could leave, she turned to Li Fei and said," Where are you going to spend the night?" "At Liling's," she replied. Nodding, she said," Let's drop you there then." "You don't have to worry about a thing Ms Jin. Liling already sent a chauffeur to pick me."

"Alright then. Have a good night." "Have a good night too Mr and Mrs Jin."

When they left, she was getting her phone to call Liling when the doctor called her.