
The Vengeful Heiress' Gamble: Conquering The Impotent Lycan

~What If Snow White married the huntsman instead of the prince? . Humiliated and killed by the ones she loved and trusted the most, she dies with a heart craving vengeance. She is given a second chance by the Moon goddess to come back to life and make things right again, but there are rules as everything comes with a price.

Dxrk_Angel · Fantasy
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12 Chs

The Blood Moon Event

Arisa felt unsettling each time she laid eyes on Ares. And she felt even more unsettling knowing she had left them together. She didn't even know If to be worried about Ruby or Ares.

As she stepped into the living room, a wave of nostalgia washed over her. It had been four long years since she had last set foot in this space, and the changes Ravenna and Stephan had made were immediately apparent. The room had undergone a whole new transformation. The furniture had been changed was now a softer nude brown color with intricate gold carvings on the edges. The walls, once adorned with paintings and pictures now boasted a fresh look of captivating, vibrant color. The flooring had been updated, exchanging the comforting embrace of carpet for the sleek elegance of hardwood. 

Her eyes went to the stairs with marble designed railings leading upstairs where the Alpha's chamber was based. 

However, before any thought of going up could cross my mind, Aisha's voice alerted her to the porch outside the living broom, from the window. "Arisa.. over here."

Arisa turned to see Aisha standing outside, next to a middle aged woman she hadn't seen before. She guessed It might be the Head Omega she was told about, so with a deep breath, she exhaled lightly, subconsciously dusted her pants and headed outside to meet them both.

"This is Arisa. I was just telling you about her daughter, Ruby."

Arisa smiled and stretched out her hand. "Hi. It's nice to meet you."

The woman had sharp hazel eyes and short dark hair which was nestled in a hair net. She had on the same uniform which all the maids had on... a wine red pinafore over a milk white sleeved shirt and matching apron tied around their waist. But hers stood out because around the pinafore, sewn around the hem were beautiful intricate gold designs around. 

She was beautiful, but her hardened expression was capable of driving everyone away from her. Not her though. Although, Arisa heard that her chances of working here solely depended on her at the end of the day, she wasn't bothered because she was getting this job whether she wants her to or not.

The woman glanced down at the hand and stared at It without a word. Arisa just cleared her throat before drawing it back, her fake smile still etched on her face as she stood there, noticing the woman's eyes move back up to meet with hers, but not without taking a disapproving scan of her outfit. 

"When did you arrive?"

"Oh she..." Aisha starts, but a hand raise from the woman made her zip her mouth shut. 

"Aisha. Do you not have anything better to do? Leave us alone now."

Aisha solemnly bowed. 

"Yes, Miss Olivia."

With that, she starts heading inside but not without giving Arisa a thumbs up like they were in kindergarten and she was about taking a test. 

"I'd advice you to just answer my question and stop looking at her. The 14 year old is the least of your worries right now."

"I moved in an hour and several minutes ago. And If you need proof of my capabilities and Identity, I can assure you, those were supplied to the guards at the gate before I was let in."

She just kept giving her a disapproving look, and Arisa ran both hands over her jeans again before avoiding her gaze. 

"I already have them. You mentioned you could cook? How long have you been cooking?"

"For quite some time now... more than a decade."

"You have catered in several events while living amongst humans and owned a little food court in school before you closed your services to be here... although those are quite recommendable, you will still be put on probation for now."

Catering for several events... that was a lie. Having owned a food court before? Bigger lie. 

Michael just happened to know someone who forged documents like this to seem legal and so real that the sharp eyed Head Omega couldn't even point that out. 

Although I wasn't lying about my services and the fact that I've cooked for almost a decade If not over a decade. Before I died, due to mum being absent in my life and despite the maids who would cook us up anything at out beck and call, I was still fascinated in learning how to cook. It started with always sneaking into the kitchen, then convincing the maids to teach me basic meals and then... I was immersed cooking in the kitchen. The delight I would always find when people tried out my food and relished the taste . 

Arisa got nostalgia thinking about how she had always wanted to be a cook, but she let that dream die as she immersed herself in politics just for the sake of protecting her sister and making the park a better place.

Back to reality, she almost sighed in relief hearing Olivia say. 

"Thank you so much, Miss Olivia."

"It's Head Omega to you. And Aisha would send you the uniforms which you can change into from whatever you're wearing." She glared at her outfit and Arisa smiled awkwardly as she looked down to see the plain top and jeans she had on with sneakers. 

"Of course Miss... Head Omega."

"And your daughter. Ruby, was it? Arrangements would be prepared for her to start school as soon as possible as we can't have your child here all the time. For crying out loud, It's a work place. But since you mentioned your husband was late, I made an exception. She would only stay her if her presence doesn't distract you and disrupt you while at work and she's enrolled in a school so she'll be out of your hair for some hours at least."

"I assure you, Ruby is anything but a catastrophe. She'll behave." Arisa lied, but she truly hoped Ruby would be on her best behaviour, especially while at school. 

"Okay then. You'll start with preparing dinner for the household and then breakfast for the pack warriors after training tomorrow morning so you'll be required to wake up early. The maids who are responsible for cleaning the kitchen before and after you've cooked will be fulfilling their duty alongside you. If you can be able to keep this up for the next one week, you can start getting paid and would have the honor to participate into catering for the Blood moon event which Luna Ravenna would be hosting."

The Blood Moon Event

She had heard so much abut it and yet, she still felt a strange sudden chill run down her spine when Olivia added. 

"The Lycan? You know he would be present for the gathering?"