
Chapter 1

I shall take revenge no matter the cause.

I'll make every last one of you suffer a faith worse than I did.

You use my TALENT, you use my PILLS, you USE ME AS A TOOL. Now that I receive a second chance (smirk)... I'll FUCK YOUR LIVES hehe! hahaha......!

Hmmp! Revenge best when serve cold.


Young master are you awake? A middle age man was standing in front of a wooden door, he was wearing a white simple robe and on his chest was a badge with a word "Shen" inscribed.

These is the butler of the Shen family, he was assign by the Patriarch, to help and assess the young master. The door open revealing a youth who's age seem between 18-19 years old, he was tall with a shoulder length black hair, his black pair of eyes exude a scholarly vibe, pair with his handsome appearance that can make any girls salivate.

He didn't exude a feminine aura like those other handsome men.

He faintly smile and said "Butler Jao is breakfast ready?"

"Yes, young master, both the patriarch and lady Xiany are waiting for you to arrive. "

"Good! Butler Jao please lead the way."

The middle age man gesture his hand and bowed slightly. "As you wish young master, this way please:"

After a few minutes, they both arrive at a grand palace.

Inside where a long table full of delicacies.

Seating on the table where two distinct figures, one was a male, he exude an unfathomable aura of authority and power, and the other was a female, whose beauty seems everlasting. They where both the patriarch and his mother, lady Xiany.

He clap his fist, bowing softly. "Sen pays respect to mother and father."

The man slightly frown, he wave his hand indifferently. "Seat!"

"Thank you father."

Then a beautiful voice that can seemingly melt the heart echoed out. "come, Sen, seat by my Side."

Sen almost lost his posture when he heard that voice, but he quickly regain and stabilize his emotions and replied, "as you wish mother."