
Family Isnt Always Blood

Sleep that night was guaranteed failure, like me having any possible chance of a "good time" for the rest of this trip. With all things considered when I woke up I felt like shit. And so cold most of my body was numb. I told Mr.platt that I was in no mood to travel, and with a confirmation call with my Grandmother, I was allowed to stay behind.

That was spent mostly on catching up on eight hours of sleep, and editing photos. I didn't even go near the ones I had taken last night. Any visual of them had a high possibility of me throwing up. I had wrapped myself up in every blanket I could find and turned the heater on max. My skin was becoming very irritable from all the scolding, hot baths.

The second time I passed out, I woke up when all the other girls had returned. They refused to be within five feet of me because I came to the hard realization that I needed to go for some sort of walk to make sure my legs still worked. With two hoodies on I slowly made my way to the elevator and down to the main lobby. There was no attention to going outside until I was hit with an overwhelming verge, to vomit.

Not wanting to embarrass myself and have an everlasting memory; I ran out the front doors and tumbled into the bush. With the way, I did so and seemed to knock the feeling out of me and I groaned as I stood up. Pulling a leaf out of my disaster of a hair.

It was the sound of distant laughter that brought me back to reality. When I pulled myself together I could see the group of boys who I told off at the bus stop.

"She's wasted," I heard one of them say.

I tried to stumble back into the lobby but quickly felt pairs of hands wrap around my arms.

"Let go of me," I tried to say, but all that came out was a drunken slur of words.

I heard the boys chuckle at my exhausted exasperation.

"Let's go somewhere hidden," they said.

I was thrown over somebody's shoulder and tried desperately to make myself throw-up on them. But I was betrayed by my own body and went limp. After a few minutes, I felt hitting the dirt and was starting to come to the concept and realization of my fate. One of the boys standing in front of me unzipped the fly of his jeans. Realizing that was almost completely paralyzed I just hoped that whatever they did would kill me. Before the boy could even get his pants down, a quarter of the forest came tumbling down.

Leaving me behind, the boy zipped his pants back up and they all started running. I knew what was there before I even saw it. Thirteen feet of nothing but pure horror stood over top of me. And when floating off the ground getting closer to its face, questioning my sanity seemed like a waste of time. And I come to terms with the figure of death. I felt a hundred times worse then I did before. There was no way to escape, no way to run, no way to live. I was expecting death the second that monster turned its head and began to his violently at something.

Standing in the moonlight, only just visible, looked like another human being. Whomever they were, whatever they wanted, let out the most terrifying scream I ever heard in my life. The monster screeched in almost a pain like voice. It dropped me, thirteen feet onto the ground. It ran as if it was scared, and the only thing I could hear was the sound of this person running towards me.

"Sorry about that," came the voice of a teenage male," It was the only option."

Not in my bed, not in the dirt or on a tree. I woke up on the ceiling of an old victorian house. I wasn't tied to anything, and for the first time in a while, I let out a scream.

Six people ran into the room I was in. A middle-aged woman was the first to speak.

"Oh good," she said in a heavy British accent," you're alive I wasn't quite sure."

I was too stunned to say anything.

"Well, your powers have certainly manifested haven't they. You're very lucky Calix was there to find you. Vaquix's have been hoarding this island recently."

I was still plastered to the ceiling for another few seconds when the woman spoke again.

"Well, you probably want down from there. Calix, fetch her, please. The rest of you give the poor girl some space."

The teenage boy who found me in the woods was now standing on the bed. He grabbed me by my arms, pulling me back down to the floor; keeping a strong grip to keep me there.

"I'm Veirce," said the middle-aged woman," and of course you know Calix.


"Ensley Fayre," she responded," I know. Your grandmother told me right away that we would be meeting you."

"How do you know her?" I asked.

"Did she never tell you? All those fairytales of the Divergents?"

"She did," I said," but I always thought that they were just... fairytales."

"Well, she tried to give you as much of a normal life as possible but wrote me right away when she suspected your powers were starting to break through your human skin. And she suspected right."

It was only then I noticed that I was hovering a foot or two above the ground.

"I will explain everything later," she said," but first put these on so I don't have to keep getting Calix to get you from the ceiling."

She held up a pair of boots that looked more like a torture device.

"They're made of led," she explained," heavy enough to keep you from floating away. I understand that they aren't overly fashionable, but it was the best I could do."

She handed me the shoes and held my waist down to the bed as I put them on, several clips were going up my leg to make sure I stayed firmly on the ground.

"Oh you poor thing," Veirce said, looking at my limped collapsed body," You've been drained. I'll get you some food and water, Calix goes outside like everyone else."

Calix left the room and I followed Veirce down to the parlor.

Drink tea?" she asked.

I was more of a coffee person but I was willing to take anything she had.

Sitting down on her couch I patiently waited for the food she was preparing. My eyes were locked on my feet, and the torture device that clung to them.

"Here you are," said Veirce, handing me an old fashioned glass, and plate.

Veirce stood up again and walked over to a shelf. She pulled out an old photo book, looking like something from the nineteen hundreds.

"I've known your grandmother ever since I was a little girl. She was valued here, a high price hung above her head.

She was a protector, but not a fighter. The pregnancy she had with your mother was accidental. Our leaders, like myself today, promised to protect her in giving the child up. But she couldn't bear that, so with little protection, she moved halfway across the world. We heard very little from her, until the marriage of that very daughter. You see the Divergents gene is re-possessive, it gets passed down through families but can skip generations. Another long time passed, when we received a letter from her again; and the start of me becoming a protector.

Saying that she had a granddaughter left in her care. And she had strong suspicions of the gene in you."

"What were her gifts," I asked.

"She wears fake eyes," said Veirce," meaning, she has none. But in a strange, peculiar way that allowed her to see any danger that tried to harm us even from miles away."

Veirce pulled out an old photograph, of a young lady in her twenties. She wore an old, torn nightgown with an infant in her arms. With two missing eyes.

"That's her."

I sat in silence for a few minutes, until Veirce pulled out an old photo book.

"I understand that this must be very unnerving for you," said Veirce," which is why I'm going to give you two options. I will show you the powers of the other children here, or we can wait."

"Let's just do it now," I said.

Veirce gave me a calm smile and opened her book.

"This is Keone Fahean," she said," he was born with the frightening ability of mouths on the palm of his hands. He wears gloves over them and uses his normal mouth for eating and talking. But do try to not piss him off.

Next is Haisley, a strong-willed woman who has incredible inner strength, but also enormous outer strength. She could lift five grown men over her head at the age of ten, all at once I should add. Roman, the child of Medusa as we call him, has paralyzation along with a pet snake. He wears special glasses, to stop him from freezing us all. You've met Caulix, the boy with the shrilling voice. The Vapuix that attacked you in the forest; he can disable any sort of power just by screaming.

He wears a special mask over his mouth to filter his voice, so it can be used only when needed.

Next is Fee, a charming seven-year-old girl that has mastered the power of illusion, so you will see whatever she wants you to see. The same as Roman she wears special glasses. And there's me, Miss Veirce. I protect this house from Vaquix's, so as long as I'm here, everything is safe. Any questions?"

'How about my entire life', I thought.

"Two things," I said," what the hell are Vaquix's, and what can I do? Other than being a spider on the ceiling?"

"Vaquix's are a complicated species," she said," they were created to hunt us. What happened with you in that forest that night, is what all of us fear the most. The Vaquix can drain the life out of a Divergent, to make it grow stronger. If you were there a second longer, you would be dead.

Now onto you, your powers have only now started to manifest. You feeling dreadful over the past few weeks, was your body converting from human to Divergent. Thankfully for you, that parts over. Now, what happened in that transition, is your gravity to this world, disappeared. Making it so you are untethered by our earthly claims. Another thing that converted, is the need for the human body to have heat to survive. You have a complexion of wind and ice, your power will only continue to grow."

"I need some fresh air," I said.