
The Vanoss Crew Journey to Another World

The Vanoss Crew, a band of very dangerous, slightly chaotic, and extremely hilarious group of lovable, and hatable but yet smart idiots who always mainly loved playing video games together for CONTENT. They are consists of Seven individuals. Their Leader, Vanoss, or Evan Fong. Wildcat, or Tyler Wine. Nogla, or David Nagle. Basically, or Marcel Cunningham. Moo, or Brock Barrus. Terroriser, or Brian Michael Hanby. And lastly, the one and only mysterious of them all, Delirious. Due to unexpected circumstances, Vanoss and some of his friends found themselves in a world of fantasy alongside their Minecraft home and turned into their icon characters for mysterious reasons. How will they adapt in a world full of Monsters and Gods, where dangers that could destroy a nation in one single attack and could end the world was hidden in every corner while weapons like guns and nukes were not enough to kill them? How will they face the obstacles of the dangers ahead, while they were just mere YouTube Gamers that insults each other and making racist jokes for fun in a daily basis? Will they be able to keep the team together? Or will they split apart due to their differences? Personally I don't give a shit, but to those who do, tune in each update chapters to find out in this adventure as a full on series! . . . But... . . .  While they were having their time in this strange and virgin world. An evil has arisen in the New World, and it is up to them to defeat this evil and save the world..... Or just forget that bullshit and do whatever they want :3

Artemis099 · Video Games
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189 Chs

Next Mission

After the group left, Julian, Ellies, the Lizardkin girl and other agents behind them stayed in the room.

"Ellies, what do you think about them?" Julian asked.

Ellies wrinkled her brows, "To be honest, Captain, I'm not sure if what you are doing is alright. These guys were just mere ignorant Mercenaries like the rest, can we trust them? We did not even know their true faces. What if they betray us during the mission because of some bribe?"

"And why would they? A hundred billion Euros is a worth of fortune enough to create a legion and invade a small country, but such an amount doesn't bother our pockets anyway. As for the fact that they came in disguise, well, we own this kind of business in the Midnight Order. I'm sure they will not be the first nor the last to bring a disguise when they come here."

After saying that, Julian sighed.

"To be honest, I don't want to do this either, but we are almost out of options. We need to rescue the Prince before someone learns about his disappearance, and we must do it while raising as few waves as possible. If someone learns that the Prince of the Kingdom of Alazar came here in secret, and then he was kidnapped, the relationship between our two countries can turn bad. In the worst of the cases, it can initiate a war. Fortunately, the kidnappers don't know he is a prince either, or things would be much more complicated."

Such a headache... Julian grabbed his head while he muttered in a bad mood.

"My thousands of apologize." The lizard-kin girl beside him bowed in an agonizing expression, "This situation is mostly my fault."

"It is," Julian nodded in a cold tone, "As the young prince's attendant, you and your squad's duty is to stop him from doing foolish things. But not only you all did not stop him when he sneaked into a caravan coming towards Orazvil, but you also followed him when he left the group because he wanted to sightsee the city! Miss Claire, you and your group better pray that nothing bad happens to the prince, or all of your heads will roll when you return to the kingdom! To be honest, I'm not sure how safe your head is now."

Claire bit her lips with an ashamed look, "I know my mistakes. Don't worry, I'll accept my punishment when I return to the kingdom."

Julian snorted coldly. Then, he turned towards Ellies, "Keep a look in the situation. Also, tell me if they return. But keep your guard up. We need to be ready in case they try something funny."


Several hundreds of meters away from Animal Paradise, Terroriser finished retelling the conversation just now from an extremely tiny listening device he implanted under their table.

"So that is the situation. It looks like their little Prince was kidnapped and they need to rescue him."

"I guess that explains why they are so desperate to get help. But I don't understand. They can ask for help from the authorities or that Church they mention about, right? Is that our problem?" Delirious asked.

Basically shrugged, "I'm sure they have their circumstances. The important part is that, according to their conversation we heard just now, they were sincere in their request towards us. Then, what do you think?"

Moo furrowed his brows briefly, "Is it possible that they knew we were spying on them? Maybe they had that conversation purposefully to lower our guard."

Terroriser shook his head, "Nah, I don't think so." 

"So guys, what do you all think? Do we agree or not?" Basically asked.

Wildcat responded with a glare, "The fuck is that question suppose to mean? Fuck yeah we would, a hundred billion is a life changing! They say to themselves, they aren't bothered. So I'll say yes! Also, this greatly reminds me of all those GTA missions we had."

"ALRIGHT!" Vanoss screamed, getting the team's attention, "We will do it then. Tomorrow, we will meet again with these furries!"




"But before that." Vanoss continued, "We need to take care of some things."

"Huh?" Delirious was confused.

Vanoss smiled mysteriously, "Don't worry, tomorrow you will understand. Brian and I were about to cook something."


The next day, our group of retarded heroes departed towards 'Animal Paradise' again.

Before that, though, the group took care of several things.

They rented a house and left the inn they had been staying in. Now that they were planning to stay in the city for several days more, it was better to get a more private place.

Once that was done, Terroriser spent the rest of the day making something with the help of Vanoss, something useful for any mission they were about to go.

Only when it was almost time to depart, Terroriser exited it while holding multiple beer bottles in his hands.

"Hey guys, if you're thirty, got some beers over here.." He threw one towards Delirious, who stared at the beer bottle in his hands then at Terroiser with a serious expression.

"Is this Bud Light?"


"Good… but is there cum?"

"I'm a fuckin' robot, Delirious, I literally don't have a damn cunt to masturbate."


Shrugging his shoulders, Delirious drank the beer. Watching him drink the bottle, Terroriser looked at Vanoss and both just smiled mysteriously and gave the other beers to the others.

Next, the group put on their disguises and departed towards 'Animal Paradise' again. But when they arrived there, a problem surged.

"Who the hell are you!?" Ellies, the wolf girl, growled threateningly to the group when she saw them.

Most of them were startled. But in the next second, Wildcat shouted back with a scowl.

"Is this your way to greet your customers? If you are going to behave like this, then we are going to fucking leave, or better, get your fucking manager!"

Ellies snorted, "Who do you think you are fooling? Even if you look the same, you can't fool my nose! Tell me who you bastards are, imposters! What did you do to them!?"

Wildcat was startled. But one second later, he then understood the situation.

Turning around, he looked at Terroriser and Vanoss and found them smiling viciously. Instantly, his suspicions were confirmed.

"You... So that's what you mean by cooking? You little fucking rascals."

"Well, we don't like to repeat our mistakes." Terroriser responded innocently, "Besides, it was pretty easy. Me and Evan go Breaking Bad to make some juice that could change the chemical composition of our sweat temporarily so the scent produced when bacteria decomposes is different from normal."

"It means we cockblock these animal's scent tracking." Vanoss added.

"Wow, that's pretty smart for a bunch of pranking assholes." Nogla suddenly said.

While it was a prank, it is indeed a smart move at the same time. Now that they confirmed it worked, Vanoss and Terroriser would make sure that a situation like yesterday where they were discovered through their scent wasn't repeated.

Everyone took a while to clear the misunderstanding with Ellies. In the end, although Ellies was a bit disbelieving of the fact that they managed to alter their body smell, she did not have more options to believe them.

Thus, they were once more brought to Julian.

"You are here. Sorry for the commotion before.

Basically shook his head as he began to speak, "Don't worry. It was partially those two's fault after all." he said, pointing to Vanoss and Terroriser. 

Julian did not insist on the topic. Instead, he went straight to today's main issue.

"I assume that you are agreeing with our request now that you are here, right?"

Basically nodded, "Yeah, In exchange, we want a hundred billion and the information regarding of these traffickers. Also, you promised a separate reward before, so we're looking towards that."

"Don't worry. If you do a good job, I don't mind being generous."

Julian then invited the group to sit and started his explanation.

"The name of the target is Barney Horman, a recognized merchant in the city, and the owner of one of the largest entertainment industries in the Republic of making motion pictures known as films. Despite him being a well-known merchant, through some sources, we discovered he is one of the people behind this human trafficking. He pays them a sizable amount of money for the slaves captured and then sells them in sex trafficking rings or illegal auctions to the best bidder."

Vanoss said, "Oh, so its Hollywood."


Everyone stares at Vanoss in silence. For a few seconds of no responds, everyone went back to the topic as if what Vanoss said never happen.

"Anyway, as I was saying, Barney is more of a behind-the-scenes boss unfortunately. He never interacts directly with the traffickers and never appears in the place of the auction. In fact, these auctions have been cracked several times by the Duke's men, but they have never found evidence that can incriminate Barney."

Basically furrowed his brow, "How hard is it to catch him?"

"That is a problem. Barney is incredibly rich and with a wide range of connections, and he is also very wary. He is always accompanied by several bodyguards, one of them a Legendary Realm expert. In other words, attacking him directly is not a good idea."

Marcel, Delirious, and Terroriser frowned. A Legendary Realm expert. They didn't want to fight someone like that again anytime soon.

Julian noticed the three's expressions and smiled, "Don't worry, we are not planning to face him either. A Legendary Realm expert is too much of a variable, so unless we are hundred percent certain that we can kill him, it's better not to provoke him."

Terroriser nodded, "Then, what is the plan, mate?"

"We blow them the fuck up!" Vanoss cut in and shouted.

"No, no, no, I already told you, our goal is to rescue the person that was kidnapped, not to kill Barney. At the start, we tried to keep an eye on Barney until he led us to the place where our person was kidnapped. But as I told you, neither Barney nor his direct subordinates are directly involved in the kidnappings. He is only responsible for moving the money. Thus, we hit a deadlock. Fortunately, one of my men managed to get a valuable piece of information recently."

Julian then narrowed his eyes and received a document from the lizardkin girl beside him, "In two nights, he will meet with several important and secretive people. We don't know their identities, but we think they are directly related to the kidnappings."

Moo frowned, "Do you plan to spy on their meeting?"

The Cat man nodded, "We want to identify his partners and see if we can use them as a lead to reach the place where the people they catch are kept. But..."

Julian showed them the document he received before.

"The problem is, we can't find a way to infiltrate the place where they will have the meeting."

Marcel took and read the document. It was about an establishment in the city called 'Auspicious Night'.

Auspicious Night was a very famous and high-class night club. It was a place where important people gathered to discuss business and secret meetings. 

Your identity, who did you meet with, what were you speaking about, everything was kept a secret.

The people working in this place were strictly selected. Every one of them was incredibly loyal, and in fact, 'Auspicious Night' boosted a reputation of more than ten years without any leaked secret.

It's said that there are several Rank 10 guarding the place in case of any unexpected situation. Thus, infiltrating 'Auspicious Night' was almost impossible.

"We thought about tailing each person that enters Auspicious Night that night, but Auspicious Night receives around one hundred customers every night, thus it's virtually impossible to tail every one of them. If we had more time we would have considered that option, but to be honest, we are short of time." Julian said with a helpless expression.

"Then, you only need a way to infiltrate inside their private gathering, right?" Basically asked.

Julian nodded, "Do you have an idea?"

Marcel thought for a moment before nodding, "We our ways. You probably already noticed it, but our current faces and hair color are fake. Moreover, if I want, Brian can alter our faces to copy anyone else easily."

Hearing this, Julian was startled, "Is that true?"

"My friend has no reason to lie to you." Terroriser said as he sat on his seat calmly, "Thus, if we manage to identify who are the people in charge of serving that guy at Barney's meeting, we can find people with similar builds to replace them. We only need to take the originals out of the picture and replace them."

Julian put on a serious expression and considered Terroriser's words. After thinking for a few seconds, he nodded, "If your words are right, then that is... doable. At least, I think we have a considerable chance of success."

"Perfect. If we manage to enter the room of the meeting, then we have a method to hear their conversation even after we leave."

Julian showed a surprised expression, "Is that method safe? Barney is a very wary person. I'm sure he will have someone casting detecting magic constantly to find anything unusual."

Marcel looked at Terroriser who smiled. He had already taken that into account. That was the reason he did not suggest turning invisible to hear their conversation.

Besides, even a Rank 3 had extremely sharp senses, maybe several times more than any animal on earth. With Legendary Realm experts (Rank 9-10), it's on a whole different level, they could even hear an ant doing activities a kilometer away, maybe they would detect either of them if they tried to approach even when invisible.

But listening devices were different. At least, they were not something that could be detected with the current systems of magic.

"It's gonna be fine, we are confident they will not find anything."

When Julian heard that answer, his lips curved into a wide smile.

"It looks like I was right when I suggested cooperating with you all."

Thus, the plan for that day was agreed upon.