
Basic Teachings

(Unknown Lands, 56 km South of Team 6's Commune)

At the same time when Vanoss and Wildcat found a mansion, Terroriser and Nogla were involved in a sky battle, and Basically & Delirious found a village attacked by Bandits, we went back to the sky once again. Now, we could see Moo's perspective as he flew through several thousand feet from the ground with his elytra, alone. It had been about an hour since he left the commune and split up with his friends travelling the new world they were transporting.

While looking at the forest below, Moo is looking for anything interesting for the past full hour.

Until he spotted more than 20 structures and a farm in the distance, which means he founded his first civilization.

By the time he landed safely on the ground, he changed his elytra to his diamond chestplate if there were any hostiles nearby. When he arrived at the town, he saw the villagers stop whatever they were doing and watch as a strange man came in.

The townsfolk are all giving strange and curious looks on who is this man entering their village which was isolated from other nearby towns and cities, they are also looking at his enchanted diamond armor with some measure of awe. Moo assumes they are all trying to figure out what kind of armor he was wearing. Probably they think of him as some high-ranking knight and curious on how or why such a knight visited an insignificant village like this.

"Uh, hi. My name is Brock Barrus but you can call me Moo. I have several que—"

When he was about to ask, the townsfolk just walked away, minding their own business like he wasn't there.


Is there something on his face? Why do the villagers ignore him? He got a feeling that his own adventure will not be good.

'I bet my friends got more fun than me 😥 ' Brock thought to himself, thinking his friends situation is way better than his.

Well, two of his friends are currently fighting a Wither Boss, Lmao.

But his hope is not lost as he sees a middle aged man walk up, judging his beard that some of them became white, he was about in his late 50s, soon becoming old in a couple of more years. Following him were a few other younger men with farming tools. Unlike everyone else, this man looks important.

"Hello there, can I see who is in charge here?" Moo asked.

Confused and paranoid expression was formed on their faces as they exchanged looks from one another, silently debating whether they could trust him or not.

"Um, it is important, I am friendly. I mean no harm, it's not like I'm gonna rob your entire village and burn it, I'm not in a mood for that, hehehehe 😅 " Moo urges, but that only made some of the villagers very suspicious after hearing that last part.

Finally, the middle aged man steps forth and introduces himself.

"I am the mayor of this town." He said, but was still suspicious of the last part of what Moo said.

Moo nods, accepting the peace offer. He then takes off his enchanted diamond helmet to show his weird haircut.

"What can I do for you, young man?" The Mayor asked, still somewhat suspicious of the newcomer. He looks at his diamond armor, not with greedy eyes but with caution. 

"Impressive... armor you got there. Are you from a High-rank group? Work from the military, a guild, or a mercenary group?" He said with sweat drops on his head.

"Oh, not really, I came from a very far away land." Moo replied in a more friendly tone, playing himself off as a little dumb as to seem less dangerous, "I just mind and build it on my own. I'm just travelling around in these areas." 

The Mayor looks at Moo's eyes through his sunglasses, and he could tell there is some truth in it. Unbeknownst to Moo, the Mayor man has a special skill within him that could see through lies by the look of any person's eyes. 

Wearing something like sunglasses or contacts won't make any difference. Seeing there is no hint of lies within Moo's words and his eyes, the mayor sighs in relief, he decides to trust the young lad. Actually, Moo is the first lad that is being honest to the Mayor, unlike others like Adventurers, Knights, mercenaries and bandits saying lies resulting in them getting kicked out or killed.

"Hm, I see. Now what brings you here?" The Mayor asked.

Seeing their mayor's tone change to a friendly one, the three young men lowered their farm tools and the other townsfolk began to trust the newcomer a little but some were still paranoid.

"I'm here to look for information or a map in these lands, I'm kinda lost." Moo answered, "My name is Moo, I'm not from here so I'm new to these lands, would you kindly tell me more about it?"

"I understand, come with me towards the village hall. I have a few maps to show you." The Mayor agrees to Brock's request, turning around and urges Moo to follow him.

"Thank you very much." Brock said, giving a small smile.


As Moo and the Mayor of this village went inside the village hall, the middle aged man began to explain about the basic knowledge facts about the lands Moo was currently in.

Right now, the Village Mayor searches a map in the shelves before finally finding it.

He placed it on the table and opened the map of the whole Continent of Fordalt.


(Author: I remade the map of the continent of Fordalt to make it a bit more accurate. I've been do it all over again 3 times because I have messed up, that one square on the bottom left corner of the Aetlrus Republic part and the Dioz Kingdom is the 4th thing I messed up this time, the Dioz kingdom part in the picture is suppose to be twice larger than the one in the pic! I ain't doing it again! So fuck it!!)

By the time the Mayor opens the map, Moo was quite surprised at how accurate and creative the map is, as if it was perfectly copied from a picture taken from a satellite. For a second there he thought it belonged to Earth but it wasn't. He expected the map didn't look 100% accurate and had good artwork because of this medieval world he was in, he guessed he was wrong.

And then, the Mayor began to explain.

"There are three regions: The Western Region, the Great Isthmus Region, and the Eastern Region."

He points to the large bulky continent that appears similar and roughly twice the size as Eurasia back on earth in the left side of the map as he began to explain the region.

"The Western region, about the most largest one than the other two and has about 10 nations in total: Like the [Bulwood Kingdom], [Balarun Kingdom], [Isle Domain], [Alazar Federation], the [Freetan Kingdom], the [Kingdom of Floral], the [Meccan Kingdom] which was a nation ruled by dwarves and has the most advance tech than the other nation possesses, their technology level are by far surpassed the Dioz and the three major superpowers and their technological capabilities could make every nations including the three major superpowers greedy. The [Holy Kingdom of Goldrose] is where we are now. And finally, the [Veldarun Empire] and the [Republic of Aetlrus], one of the three major superpowers of Fordalt, the most powerful among all of the nations, the peacekeepers of the lands. They are so powerful that if literally every nation in the whole continent including the Goldrose work together and face them, they still won't stand a chance, that's how powerful they are that none could rival against them except for the other one…"

He explains with venomous tone when he mentions about the two powerhouses, then he begins to explain two more regions.

"...In the center of this map was an Isthmus, but unlike other isthmus in the continent, it's a very large one, about the total of 24 nations within it, which the region has more than the other two. The nations which are the [Patreei], the [Bulletstan Kingdom], [Talpamia], [Halbario], [Kingdom of Shezia], [Hogloria], [North Saralevo], [South Saralevo], [Wvenia], [Crisimia], [Rucharesia Kingdom], [Dracigona], [Lunaquess], [Oustreich], [Uhiapakai States], [Valnus Kingdom], [Dolasm State], [Jermania Kingdom], [Wiljja], [Talim Kingdom], [Bruzel], [Ensterdein], the [Kingdom of Herldorion], and finally the [Kingdom of Atira]."

"Hm, I see." Moo said by his side.

"And then finally…"

After he explained what the Great isthmus was, his fingers pointed to another land on the right side of the map.

"...The Eastern Region, this is where it gets tense, this region has about 6 nations and one large island south of it. The 6 nations were the [Tigomal Kingdom], [Eesternol Dominion], the [Beastmen Empire], the [Kingdom of Alaskar], the [Dioz Kingdom], which has the second most advanced tech in the continent, and finally... the [Senadate Theocracy]." The Mayor said, when he mentioned about the Theocracy, his face began to frown, to Moo's curiosity.

"Can you tell me about them?" Moo asked. The Village Mayor raised a brow but immediately shook his head, not minding the question.

"Alright. Compared to the other two major superpowers, this one is unlike any other, with over tens of millions of personals in their military."

The Mayor said before he continued.

"It is a nation occupied over 73% of the region and was ruled by a Religious faction known as the Church of the Sapphire Light, governed by the authority of the Supreme Council, including the head of the State himself, Pope Blu, which he is known as one of the most powerful Saint Demigods in the continent. But what made me hate them is that they are a supremacy nation, same as the other two superpowers. While the Dioz Kingdom and the Beastmen kingdom have good relationships, the other nations in the region including the Theocracy, the two countries are on bad terms to say the least, they hated each other for 200 years and there's a massive war between them 150 years ago. But surprisingly, the Dioz was still alive when facing the largest and most powerful nation in the continent."

After finishing talking about countries, he points to the one lone island south of the Eastern Region.

"Right there is Isle Zorna, an uncharted island occupied by dangerous reptilian monsters like Land Dragons, but they are more far dangerous than them like the infamous Tyrant Dragon and the Titan Ravager, only Saint Demigods could easily break their defenses. <B–> rank or below will only able to survive less than an hour in that island, going there is suicide."

"So this is like Isle Nublar and Skull Island combined?" Moo stated, mentioning the islands from both franchises.

"What?" The Mayor asked as he had no idea what it was.

"Nevermind, forget what I just said and thank you for all of the information, don't know how you know all of that at once but it doesn't matter. I also need to find the nearest city around here. Do you know where?"

"Well sure, the nearest city is almost hundreds of kilometers Northeast from us which is called the City of Kalren.

"Thank you, Mr."

"Don't mention it. Or I'll better inform you that you better hide your Diamond Armor once you enter the city."

Before Moo could leave the village hall, the Mayor said to him in an emotionless tone as he asked.

"Uh, why?" Moo asked.

"The family who governed the city is kinda a bit... greedy and troublesome. I once lived there as a Historian and a Geographist in the city 15 years ago."

"Oh, so that's why you're quite knowledgeable. But what is the reason why I should be worried?"

The Mayor was silent for a moment, he looked at Moo in a worried look before he spoke.

"15 years ago the Marquess who owned the city banished me to an isolated village somewhere in his lands, which we are in. Actually, all of the townsfolk in here have the same situation as I do. The reason we were banished was....

..... I never gave his daughter my Protractor."

" What??? ( o_o) " Moo asked, dumbfounded by what he just heard.

"You mean... that round shaped ruler, that Parabola shaped ruler that measures 180° thingy?"

"Yes, that, do people even know Protractors are? It's a ridiculous reason. She wants to buy my bloody protractor because it looks cool! I never let her give it because I was still busy working on something with it! Her father and brother never listened to my reason so they just banished me to this village in the middle of nowhere! They even put a spell on me that if any of us went out 10 kilometres from the village would immediately alert them and execute us for it!"

As he says that, he pulls his jeans up revealing a blue bracelet-like runes with strange symbols and languages in there around his lower leg, like some sort of Bracelet for house arrest.


"Of course! This is really ridiculous, that's why I have countless revenge thoughts on my mind, but that won't happen because of this! None of us in this village learn any magic or spells to cancel it, even one of us has, they even cancel the magic by using another spell that nullifies our magic for life unless you are above Interdemiate realm!

"Sorry to hear that."

"It's okay, lad. You are not involved in those events."

"I think I'm gonna go, hope you and these people stay safe." Moo said.

As he was about to leave but was stopped once again by the Mayor.

"Oh, before you can go you can take the map if you like to."

"Wait, what about yo—"

"Don't worry about us, lad. We have more maps similar to that, you can take it.

"I-I... thank you."

"No problem, mate."

"I will go by now, and take a 'map'" Moo punned.



"Get the fuck out of my building."


Taking the map from the Mayor, by the time he leaves the village, he waves the mayor in the distance before following the dirt road ahead. Moo is not gonna use the elytra because of two reasons; he might reveal it to the village and it will be annoying to explain to them about him, and he doesn't like to waste more firework rockets in his inventory.

Back to the village, the Mayor waves back as Moo's figure begins to disappear in the distance.

"Hm, what a good lad, I like him, except for the stupid pun he just make."

Suddenly one of his villagers walks towards him and says, "Uh, Mayor. You said he needs to go to the Northeast to head to the city of Kalren, right? He just went south."

Realizing his mistake, he gave out a frustrating sign.

"Curses, whatever, 13 kilometers to the south was just an ocean up ahead, he'll figure it out by himself, he also has the map, he'll figure where the city was by the time he finds the ocean, don't worry about it." The Mayor said.


"And I'll make that as payback for making that pun in my building."

Then he went back the village and deal with other things in his mind while Moo goes on an adventure on his own, unbeknownst to him, he was about to met and save a special Neko :3

(And no, this isn't gonna be his love interest! Probably a father and daughter relationship 😑 AND NO SHIPPING!!!)

Next chapter