
Short Story 1

Thousands of years have come and gone since the first demon walked the earth.  In all those years the weakest of all the demons the Vampyr has survived on earth while all others have been banished.

They were the only species who could reproduce by feeding off of humans and in turn feeding the humans the sustaining life force known as blood.  They created a council of elders of sort which was the most powerful Vampyrs that each had special gifts. 

The top of the line and the strongest was the Emperor or Empress.  They were the rulers of the Vampyr Cadres.  The Cadres were run by the powerful Vampyr's each holding powers that were more than average.  They were called Kings or Queens.

In each Cadre they had a number of high placed members that all had powers as well.  These were the nobility of the Cadre.  These ones were called Dukes or Duchess.  They held court as well but made sure the Kings and Queens were protected and represented at all functions.

The Vampyr's were powerful so the powers that be tried to destroy them and all that they stood for.  It was hard in the beginning and the Vampyr's were forced underground for many hundreds of years.  Eventually the magical world accepted the power of the Vampyr's and allowed them to join the magical community along with the other most powerful species.


Alenna shook her long black hair that was curled from the heat of the early evening.  She had been sitting with her sister Luryna as they carefully were reciting the mantra of the Chinese Cadre.  There master La Ma Ning was very powerful and much too close to the Emperor and many believed would be chosen to succeed Empress Lai So Chang.  

Being young when she was changed Alenna didn't realize the impact it would have on her life.  All of a sudden she could shimmer from one spot to another either alone or with others.  She was quickly dubbed as Duchess Alenna of the Chinese Cadre and had been sent on multiple errands for her master.  The only way she accepted the vampyric life was to save her sister Luryna.  That one dark day when Alenna was gone to the Emperor Court her sister was changed against the rules and against the wishes of Alenna.  

This started the whole dreadful affair that would end up in a 3 century long fight that would eventually end with many deaths. 

As Alenna looked at her younger sister who was only turned 4 years ago it was hard not to see anger.  The blood red eyes still hadn't diminished from Luryna as she was strong in the ways of the blood magic but had no gifts.  She would never rise above her posting in the hierarchy which frustrated Alenna,

Luryna had been taken in and she smiled "So Alenna I have heard that we are moving on one of the magical groups.  There is a great issue that they had with the Evocateurs.  From what I have heard there is a bounty on one or two of them specifically including Shiobhan" the daughter of the most powerful of that group.  Luryna knew more than most as she was in the Queen's back pocket.  There was a very powerful member of the council who just wanted them gone especially when those mages had too much power.  Torvyn was a powerful member of the water elementalists.

Alenna looked at her sister "Come now Ryna you know that the Cadres would never vote for something that would bring the entire magical community down on us. It's just talk and La Ma doesn't have that much support to go after the Evecateurs.  She would be put to final death by the Emperor and you know that we would be considered exiles as well."

The smile her snake haired sister gave her showed how feral she really was.  Her eyes glowed with the intensity "Come now you know that mages can live for up to 300 years of age if they are strong enough Lenna.  This has been in the planning stages for so long that you would be shocked.  Remember I have been protecting La Ma since I was turned I am her enforcer."

Knowing her system she could conceal herself better than anyone else in the Cadre so it was possible what was said was correct.  It would only be time to tell.  Whatever they faced the sisters would do it together.


Two months later Alenna approached the audience chamber of the Queen.  As she entered the court she walked with slow deliberate steps and could see standing behind the throne the Snake Hair style of Luryna.  She was always with the Queen now and it seemed that she had gained more than just Enforcer but was also the Queen's counsel.

She stepped up and was introduced "Duchess Alenna"  

The queen stood with regal grace.  She was a true beauty who had a fiery temper with the dark black hair of her chinese ancestors "Alenna you have been summoned as the Prince will be leading an all out attack of this Cadre against the stronghold of the Evecateurs.  We have been reliably informed that all of the members are in attendance for the conclave"

Alenna nodded feeling her stomach flip end over end.  This was what she had feared all these months and now the rumours had proved to be true.  There was no way that the Cadre would survive this infraction.  

"Alenna you will be heading out as will my enforcer to be with the attacking force.  Lai Sao will ensure success.  Be very careful while we can pull their teeth we may have issues as well"

Alenna just nodded and left the room.  She quickly summoned up what she could remember from all of her briefings.  It wasn't good as a  Duchess she couldn't contact the Royal Court in any way and it would be suicide to try.  She somehow knew that she would survive the attack.  What she didn't know is if her Cadre and family would survive.


The attack started just as the sun went down.  A time of great power and the sliver of a moon played well with Alenna and Luryna's skin colour.  It would be a hard days work but they would succeed in the mission or die trying.

Creeping up to the window she began to gather her blood magic around her like a veil.  She could shield herself to a point but Luryna was much better at this.  It was a hard spell that couldn't be taught as easily.  In fact the Prince wasn't able to use that power which was going to be scarey since he could give the game away before it even began.

Just as she was beginning to move she could feel great power being extinguished.  She knew that some of those gathered within were having the life snuffed out of them as she was walking.  She quickly rushed in and managed to avoid the sword strike from one of the Evecateur.  She watched as Luryna materialized as if from nowhere.  She pulled back the head and sunk her teeth deep into the neck.  

They rushed out of the room and back into the corridor.  Alenna felt sickened and the power drained slowly from her mind as the bond with the Prince slowly evaporated.  The prince had been sent to final death.  This would not be good as the Crowned Prince death would mean his sire would be weakened.

Luryna was looking into a floor to ceiling window all of a sudden a gust of fire burst the window sending shards of glass in all directions,  The fire enveloped the snake haired vampyr.  She let out a visceral scream as she watched her sister was decimated by a firebolt from nowhere.  

Alenna felt weak and quickly shimmered out as the building collapsed around the remaining Vampyr's.  She was crying tears that were the red of blood knowing that her only family save one had just been eliminated.  Someone was going to pay for this and she knew exactly who.


As she strode forward blood staining her body she shoved the doors open with a primal strength that took much energy.  The court members looked up in shock Ma looked up as she was called to her most ardent supporters just looked shocked "My dear Alenna have you come to offer me your sympathy and condolences on the loss of my child.  Are you going to make excuses as to why you didn't protect my son and allowed the Crowned Prince to be sent to final death"

Alenna glared the red glowing in her eyes.  There was no mention of her sister the enforcer of this Cadre at all just her weakling of a son.  "No I am here to deal with grave issues.  As you know we lost many members of the Cadre today not the least was your know nothing son."

Ma just looked shocked "You dare speak to me in that tone.  You will be punished for this outburst"

Alenna just glared again and a bolt of blood magic shot out at the closest guard decapitating him instantly.  As he fell to the ground as a pile of dust.  She whispered under her breath and white hot daggers launched at the remaining guard allowing him to bleed out.  She then looked at her former Queen and quickly reached for her weapons that always was attached to her body.  "You are the reason Luryna has went to her final death.  It is you who should be punished Queen of Nothing.  You will remember this day but not for long."  She whipped out her short sword and quickly shimmered behind the Queen.  She brought the blade in an arc cutting off the head in one fluid motion.  She glared down at her former mentor and Queen "With these hands justice was served.  I will no longer serve as a member of a Cadre."  She shimmered out as quickly as she could going back to her home where her family was raised.  


Alenna could feel the pain from the exerted energy.  The death of so many of her cadre members had drained her mentally.   The deaths that she had caused had almost ended her own life as well.  She exerted all her power into those attacks on the guards.  She would be a long time in healing centuries at least.  

The End

This ends the story of Alenna and her passage into the realms of the most dangerous Vampyr's to ever be created.