

Thousands of millennial's ago the Fay's and the Vampires went to war. Thousands from each sides were lost and a lot of injuries sustained. The kings of both kingdoms at that time finally thought it wise for peace to reign between themselves. The witch clan was consulted, and a barrier was created to separate the two kingdoms to different realms.

For years they lived in peace, no one crossing the land of the other. Until a day finally came when a foolish vampire wandered into the land of the fay and got caught by the kings guard.

"My Queen, are you sure about this" Frederick nervously asked.

The Queen of Vampires was in no doubt beautiful. With long flowing jet black hair, Ruby eyes and a heart shaped face, it was a given that men lusted over her, and women envied her. The only downside to all of this was that she was undoubtedly not completely sane.

"No Frederick, i'm not sure" she rolled her eyes "I mean i just only hopped into a car to go to the Fay realm. That of course doesn't mean i'm sure in any way" The sarcasm in her tone was clearer than the moon at night.

The advisor gulped, a displeased Queen wasn't in his list today.

"My apologizes my queen, I spoke out of line" Being that he has been her personal advisor for several years now he knew the kind of person the queen was. The one word he would use to describe her was 'dangerous'. The Vampire Queen might have looked delicate and fragile to the eye, but the naked eyes couldn't see the danger that laid within. He had been a witness to multiple cases where the queen had shown her monstrous side, and he definitely doesn't want to see anything like that ever again.

"Stop" Vita suddenly said. Immediately the limousine halted, and one of the guards went out to open the door for her to come down.

"Is there a problem your majesty?" Frederick asked with concern, wondering why she told them to stop. They had crossed the boundary hours ago, and the Fay palace was already quite near now.

She waved her hands dismissively "Nothing of that sort Fred" she said shortening his name.

"I just saw something, and i want it" the young advisor sighed. Not this again.

He saw his queen pointing to the direction of a shining rock, although it looked like an ordinary rock, the glittering of the object attracted itself to Vita instantly.

"My lady you can't just take something from another realm with you" Fred tried to reason. But the Vampire queen wasn't having it.

"I said, I. want. it" The queen drawled out with a smile, although Frederick easily spotted the dangerous glint in her eyes. Not wasting even half a second Frederick bolted out of the open car door and immediately picked up the shiny stone. The Queen smiled in satisfaction and carried the object out of her subjects hands.

"Now that wasn't so hard, was it Frederick?" rhetorically she said.

Frederick heaved out a relieved breath. He might not have known it but he had just narrowly escaped death.

"Let's go" commanded the Queen. The car started and they continued their journey.

Trying his luck Frederick said "My queen if i may be so bold" he started but was cut short.

"Don't be" Vita said with closed eyes and a bored sigh. After a long silence she sighed again "All right, out with it"

The Queen's advisor slightly smiled before proceeding "Why are you so adamant on meeting the Fay King yourself?You have more than enough subjects at your disposal that can do this in your stead" And it was indeed true. There was really no sense in her coming to the Fay realm. But again, the Vampire Queen wasn't really sane to begin with.

"Oh that?" She chuckled "I heard the rumors of the Fay King being born with looks that could competite with the gods" Releasing a crazy grin she said "I just want to confirm it for myself"

Frederick looked at his Queen with widened eyes then released a frustrated sigh. He instantly regretted ever asking the question in the first place.