
The Vampire Power Twins

This Story consist of twin girls who lived with their parents and they are in for a surprise

Abbygale_Angel · Book&Literature
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The Twins are born

In the busiest city called New York girl twins were born, In a hospital room Arilanna McKenzie layed on a bed in labor she is having complications with her birth even though she is a pure blooded vampire Alexander her husband is outside awaiting the birth of his babies he is afraid for his wife he is using his telepathic powers to hear what is happening and finally it happened the twins were born the doctor came to Alexander and said Mr McKenzie he said yes the doctor said your wife has given birth he hugged the doctor in happiness and the doctor told him he can go inside Alexander went inside and sees Arilanna holding the twins he ran over and hugged her and kissed the sleeping twins on the forehead she Arilanna asked Alexander what are we going to name them Alexander said we should give them matching names since their twins so let me think i have the perfect names for these two the one in your right hand will be named Arianna Ashley and the one in your left hand will be named Alianna Ashay.Then suddenly Arianna opened her eyes and looked at her mother and laughed then Alianna heard her sister laugh and opened her eyes and also started laughing their eyes were cristal blue and shining like diamonds,Alexander took Arianna from Arilanna's hand and smiled Arianna looked at her father with her piercing eyes and smiled and leaned on his shoulders and fell back asleep then all of a sudden Alianna started crying then Alexander and Arilanna realized that the twins can't do without each other so Alexander had to take Alianna into his arms as well and Arianna turned around and saw her sister and held her hand and they smiled at each other and rested on their father's shoulder and slept Arilanna couldn't help but smiled and Said I guess we won't be able to separate these two for a lifetime huh Alexander,He said who said we are going to