
Prologue: We will meet again

100 years ago...

Its midnight and the full moon is overhead illuminating the dull streets of laredo, the night is eerily silent and even the usual noise of crickets is absent. The unearthly silence is suddenly broken by distance dragged footsteps of an injured person.

A middle aged woman emerges from the dark limping as her right hand rest on her hip. Most of her; black motorcycle, tight trouser is stained with her own blood. She keeps looking behind as more figure came to light: four men in total, their leader is the tallest and has a scar running close to his left eye, to his sharp contoured shin. The wound is still fresh and a thick, black, mist like smoke is emerging from it.

The woman stops moving and turn to face them.

"Malia Reese, the most feared vampire hunter across the ten vampire cities, right on the palm of my hand" The tall man said with a smile of triumph lighting his face.

"I'm injured yes, but don't think I'll go down so easily" The woman said while poising a blade infront of her body. The blade is made of pure silver and the dim moonlight made it glitter.

The three men hissed with evident terror, except their leader. Vampire like any other supernatural have super healing abilities, but a wound caused by silver would render their healing power useless. It was clear that the same blade was the one used to cause the injury in the man's face since the wound wasn't healing.

The man moved closer to the woman, who sliced the air with her blade threateningly.

"Stay back Hidius" she warned

"Or what?" The man slurred. "You will kill me?" he scoffed.

"You know I will" she spat dangerously.

" I like your confidence Malia, but you are outnumbered here. Just be a good little girl and come back with me to the city, and tell me where the rest of the hunters are"

"Never" She thundered.

Hidius face contorted into an ugly menace.

"Don't make this hard"

"it's already is"

"Fine" He sighed and turned to the men. "Kill her"

They hesitated but began walking towards Malia, within a blur, they attacked Malia Reese using their super speed. Malia Reese unlike a normal human can perceive a vampire even without seeing them.

The three vampires had made circle around her, running with speed such that she could only see their shadow.

One made to grab her neck but she forcefully pushed her blade forward, which was a mistake even though the vampire was stabbed. The vampire became visible and began turning gray and fall to the ground. The blade remained stuck in his belly.

Malia perceived the second Vampire and made a flip just in time to escape a blow, she kicked him on his back and he collided with the other remaining vampire. Hidius was becoming impatient seeing that the three vampires couldn't defeat Malia dispite her being injured.

With anger, he dashed towards them and used his claws to slash off their heads, before glaring at Malia Reese.

"I gave you an option, but you chose death. Until we meet again"

Those were the last words she heard before falling to her knees as he hovered above her with her heart in his hand. Being a royal vampire made him two times stronger, she couldn't fight him in her state. Her body collided with the ground before her eyes close shut.