

Kinsley sighed. He was reluctant to carry out the morning greeting tradition that the Willesden Kingdom's subordinates did to those who served as King when he was not in the Kingdom. Because he thought it was too conspicuous if someone else saw it.

"Stand up, Allard. Didn't I tell you that you don't have to give your morning greetings when you're outside the Kingdom? So next time, you won't have to."

Allard stood up, "Yes, Your Majesty. I understand, but that is Royal etiquette that must uphold."

"You are too strict with the rules, Allard. And it's troublesome if anyone sees it by accident. But what made you wait so long in front of my study?"

Not wanting to prolong the unimportant discussion, Kinsley immediately asked Allard why he had asked him to come to the office early.

"Your Majesty, I just received word from Roland that the Kingdom's current state is faltering. Many Nobles who oppose your leadership are starting to make moves openly, especially the Valliant Family." Allard said formally, like a subordinate.

Kinsley's initially flat expression turned bright red instantly as if he was holding back anger. His hands holding into fists, and his eyes were glaring, staring ahead with misplaced thoughts.

"It seems that lately, I've been too kind to the nobles and made them forget who their leader is. So tonight, return to the Willesden Kingdom to take care of the rebels. Tell Roland to keep an eye on the Nobles turning against the Kingdom." Kinsley said.

"According to your orders, Your Majesty," Allard said, bowing his body and answering his King's orders.

Silence for a moment. Kinsley's memory flashed back to when he met a chatty woman grumbling at him. Kinsley subconsciously smiled faintly.

"Allard, I think I've found the girl who has your sister's soul. However, I want you to turn her off and find out who she is. If she does have Abigail's soul, she must still have the bloodline of Royal Russell."

Allard's expression was complicated. He also sympathizes with his King, who until now has not been able to accept his sister's death.

"Does Your Majesty still have thoughts of bringing my sister back to life? As the one who followed you from long ago, I can only remind you that even if Abigail is revived, she will not be the same as the Abigail Your Majesty knows. It would be like making my sister's body live like an empty shell. Has His Majesty rethought the consequences?"

"I don't care. But, Allard, you know best that I want to get Abigail back with us as long as there's a way to bring her back to life. Then I'll do it." Kinsley said as he continued to stare straight ahead.

"I am at a loss for words with your stubbornness, Your Majesty. Although I wouldn't say I like your decision, I also understand why you made this reckless decision. Because sometimes, I also miss my little sister—Abigail. It's just that if you have to sacrifice someone else's life to bring my sister back to life, it's too cruel."

"Life is cruel. That's why I hate this life. When the important people by my side left one by one, I was still here and witnessed their death with my own eyes. This feeling is more painful than death itself."

Kinsley lowered his head. He didn't want his weakness to be seen by Allard—the only person in his room now. He wanted to cry and get rid of the tight feeling in his chest. But not a single tear fell from his eyelids.

Today has been a long day for Kinsley. After Allard appeared and gave a report, he went to his study to prepare documents and necessities for the afternoon meeting.

This whole day Kinsley spent in the office was enough to keep him busy and forget his longing for Abigail for a moment.


The day went by so fast. Tonight Raziel accompanied Allard back to the Kingdom of Willesden through the teleportation door in the mansion to see the situation there while he left the Palace.

The teleportation in his study was directly connected to the private room of the Willesden Royal Palace. A magnificent palace that is many times the size of the mansion in Broughton Country, with dozens of servants and ladies-in-waiting who are deliberately prepared to serve him while in the Kingdom.

It only took a few seconds to move Kinsley and Allard from the study in the Broughton Country mansion to the private room in the Palace. As soon as he exited the teleportation portal, Kinsley saw Roland, who had the position of his right-hand man in the Palace, sitting on the sofa reading the notebook in his hand.

"Have you waited long for me, Roland?" Kinsley asked. He walked over to Roland with Allard behind him.

Seeing that his King had returned, Roland put down his notebook and stood facing him with a bow. "Greetings, Your Majesty. Hopefully-"

Kinsley was lazy to hear the salutation as a nobility ethic and interrupted by raising his right hand as a signal to stop. "Enough of the basics. After all, it's only you and Allard here."

"Very well, Your Majesty. As for a reason I sent the message is because of the movement of some noble faction against you." Roland said, explaining the problem.

Allard, who had been listening for a long time, also spoke. "Perhaps they are a group of nobles from the faction that supported the Queen Mother and the future King. The Valliant family is quite stubborn."

Kinsley smirked. "Since they dared to do an act, then it would be rude not to welcome them. Huh. I should have killed them all at that time. To think the Palace enslaved person I gave a chance to live dared to bite its master."

"They must be disciplined. And I most look forward to times like this." Roland said. He was indeed the most passionate about disciplining the Royal enslaved people.

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