
The Vampire King's Ghost Bride

"You are not no better than others. You are one of them, aren't you?" he whispered angrily. But his voice shook. Her hold on the knife faltered. "Why do you care? Mad that you are the one who is stabbed with a knife?" He stared back at her with hate and disgust as she slowly drove in the knife deeper into his unbeating heart. ~~~~~ Celia Heart is an orphaned child, living with a middle-aged couple, and their perverted son. From the age of 12 she is carrying a burden, which longs to unload. She also wants to find her origin, her biological family, but with a foster family like hers, she finds it highly unlikely to find her family. Vladimir Mercei, the feared vampire who rules Elm Brook has seen it all and knows that humans and his kind are not to be trusted. However, under the pressure of his council and to keep the throne, he begins to look for a bride. Celia doesn't agree to marry the great duke of Elm Brook. However, she still finds herself walking down the aisle. She looks at this marriage as an opportunity to look for her family. But with a vampire who trusts no one and somehow hates her with each passing day, will she be able to live in peace and get her wish fulfilled? ~~~~~ The book starts slow because it needs some groundwork before FL and ML can get together. But I promise after 20 chapters our beloved ML and FL gets more screen time. ~~~~~ FB: Asmayi S Instagram: asmayi_weaves

Asmayi22 · Fantasy
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43 Chs

15~ New Form, New Feeling

[Celia's POV] 

Celia noted down in her notebook about:

Mrs. Jonathan exited but not to all.

Fredrick is hiding something and somehow he probably remembers the woman

Lucian's strange show of anger and then rushing off to Goddess knows where.

The collection poison herbs

A knock on the door made her jump. She stuffed the notebook under the cover and went to open the door only to find Lucian standing outside.Even though the man had still not revealed to her, his real name but she decided to call him Lucian in her mind instead of Enzo.

The man looked chastened. "I wanted to apologise for today's behaviour." 

Celia lowered her gaze. She didn't know how to react to this. For the first time, an employer was apologising.

"Please... don't..." Celia murmured. 

"No... I shouldn't have... I have fixed the issue," he said, interjecting her.

Celia gave an inquisitive look. 

Lucian said, "Well, you don't have to go to the Palace again." 

Celia's eyes widened. So that is where he went? Did he even have supper? 

"Huh?" Celia was unable to concentrate. 

Lucian smiles before saying, "Let us have dinner then?" 

Celia nodded dazedly. She couldn't remember anyone who stood up to someone for her. 

When Lucian left, she finally let a tear slide down her cheeks. 

She hurriedly wiped them and followed him. Mrs. Gibson served them dinner and Lucian asked, "So, did you face any problem? While at the palace?" 

Celia shook her head although she was uncomfortable. 

Lucian regarded her for a moment before smiling before he began to eat. Celia followed his lead. 

At night, he requested her to follow him to the back garden. 

Celia's queries were at the tip of her tongue, but she was afraid to ask. She clutched her notebook to her chest as she followed him around.

"So, you might be wondering why I have some poison herbs here?" He asked, making Celia's eyes widen. 

She kept silent, afraid to say anything. Already she was entangled in a feud and now she was not scared of starting anything new. Even though she was grateful for Lucian's stance, she was not going to take advantage of it.

Lucian gave her a knowing look nonetheless. He then turned to look at the herb, the Ivy of Death.

"This plant is for those who wish to die willingly. The tincture made with its roots would give them eternal peace." 

Celia's eyes widened, her breath caught and in her throat and her heart began thudding. She never looked at it from this angle. 

"And the Heart's Bane?" She asked. 

"That is for curing chronic diseases," he replied simply. 

Celia was now able to understand his perspective. She felt ashamed for judging him without knowing the whole truth. 

"I have another herb, you know and it is the most unique yet most dangerous one in here," he said with a twinkle in his eyes. 

He asked her to follow him. Celia was intrigued and followed him. He took her to the end of the garden, which was now drowned in partial darkness.

He pointed at the plant had white flowers blooming. "That is Ambrosia Memoire, or the herb that is used to make someone forget something, but a slightly little dose can make the person go insane as well." 

Celia's lips parted in horror and wonder. "That is something..." she didn't know what to say.

Lucian chuckled. "Don't worry, I rarely had to use this herb." He leaned forward, his face inching close to her face so much so that he could smell the cologne that he had used. 

"But try to handle it with care, okay?"

Celia appeared tongue-tied and barely managed to nod. 

Lucian smiled slightly. He straightened back and stepped back a little. 

Celia realised the closeness and blushed. Her heart was racing somehow. 

She lowered her gaze and clutched the notebook to her chest. 

"You will also tend to them from now so make sure to take notes, note down any unusual changes." Lucian instructed as he began to walk around the garden again, giving her a more in-depth view of all the other herbs which were comparatively tamer than the three herbs that he showed earlier.

Celia barely realised the passing of time and by the time they were done, it was already way past 9 maybe.

"I will see you tomorrow then?" Lucian asked as they stood at the entrance of the back garden. Celia did not want this tour to end.

However, she nodded. "Yes." 

Lucian left with a smile on his face and left Celia blushing like a new bride. 

She went back to her room, giddy and excited. She kept her notebook and pen on the drawer beside the bed and picked up the pocket watch. Her eyes widened when she saw the time.

Thank God she came back early! 

She was almost about to reveal her true self. 

She sat down on the bed. Her mind went back to the time she spent with Lucian just a few hours ago, learning and knowing so much from him.

Really he was a learned man. 

She lay down on her bed, closing her eyes. Whatever sleep she could manage would be helpful.

She awoke with immense pain. She somehow managed to stumble out of bed. 

Her heart was beating rapidly and she could barely walk two steps before she stumbled and fell like a toddler. 

Sweat dribbled down her forehead, her eyes moving rapidly with fear. She then slowly realised that her gaze had sharpened. She felt like she was aware of her surroundings even more.

She heard cracking and over her rapid heartbeat she tried muffling her cries. This was wrong. This was so wrong. None of her transformation have been so painful.

She tried crawling and it was then she noticed that her hands were furry, and there were claws.

'What?' She felt panic rise up her throat.

With whatever strength she could muster, she made her way to the dresser and fearfully and trembling, looked at the mirror. 

The sight of her garish transformation into a half-animal almost made her scream. However she managed to contain it. 

Yes she had transformed into creatures that she had no knowledge of, she developed scales, boils, gashes but she has never seen this transformation. If she thought the one that she changed into the last night at Wilson's manor was weird and most dangerous one then this was beyond her imagination. 

Her eyes had become dark, the pupil completely covering the whites. Her mouth had elongated a bit, and her ears too. 

Tears filled her eyes as she looked at her reflection while the images of the evening with Lucian flashed across her mind. Who was she kidding? She would never be able to like someone. She would have to thwart and crush any feelings for any man. 

She crawled back to the bed unable to bear it any longer. She did not dare cry in the fear that someone might hear. So she lay on the floor and covered her face with her strange hand, letting her tears fall silently while her body heaved trying to ease the pain.

However, her heart stopped when she heard a knock on the door. 

"Miss Wilson, please wake up, Doctor O'Neil is calling for you," came Mrs. Gibson's tone like a death knell.