
The Vampire Diaries Universe One Shots/Smuts

One Shots, Imagines, and Smuts containing characters from The Vampire Diaries, The Originals, and Legacies. I hope you enjoy them!

skilar_sykes · TV
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42 Chs

Surprise Pregnancy - Elijah Mikaelson

Morning light shined in Elijah's bedroom making him groan before his eyes snapped open feeling a cold body snuggled closer to him. Elijah looked seeing Y/N, a sweet woman that knew the Mikaelsons becoming their close friend when they first got to New Orleans.

Elijah carefully lifted the sheets to find Y/N in his shirt and him in pajama pants but what really caught his eye was her bare thighs and peek of her bare center. Elijah swallowed trying to remember what happened last night bits and pieces came back.

"Dance with me 'Lijah?" Y/N's light Irish accent reached his ears looking at her away from Hayley and Jackson who were having their first dance as husband and wife.

"Of course dear Y/N." Elijah says ignoring the pain in his chest seeing the woman he loved dancing with another.

Elijah remembered the Hayley had gotten married yesterday and how he drank a little more than he should have....but it hadn't explained why Y/N was in his bed not that it wasn't normal as the human was always in one of the sibling's beds sleeping or cuddling. But Elijah knew something clearly happened between them.

Lips on the skin, hands entangled in his hair as moans and his growls fill the air, Elijah attacked Y/N's neck leaving more bite marks as he lifted her hips thrusting hard encouraging her to moan loudly.

"Elijah.....please. " Y/N whimpered shaking as Elijah kissed her roughly growling when she whined against his mouth as he got deeper. Elijah pulled away seeing her flushed face, watery eyes as her walls fluttered around him and he licked his bottom lip.

"I'll give you more, baby."

Elijah laid there remembering that last night he had slept with Y/N.... no more like he fucked her as it made him feel sick as he didn't want to hurt Y/N. Elijah froze feeling Y/N move sitting up yawning getting out of bed and Elijah saw the bite marks on her thighs as more memories flooded him.

Y/N was shaking as Elijah groaned against her neck as his thrusts got rougher and he growled feeling Y/N's nails rake down his back. Elijah's fangs brushed along her neck.

"I trust you.....you are welcome to a taste." Y/N rasping out as Elijah's eyes darken nose brushing against her neck before sinking his fangs into her neck. Y/N arched off the bed crying out as he moved harder and Y/N moans encouraging him.

"Morning," Y/N says flopped down on Elijah snapping him from his thoughts looking at the smiling woman.


"It is okay 'Lijah. I am not expecting you to be emotionally available or to start dating me. I am a big girl that can handle a one-night stand."

"Oh...I apologize, I just didn't want to hurt you." Elijah says cupping Y/N's cheek rubbing it with his thumb as Y/N laughed a bit leaning forward kissing Elijah's nose. Elijah felt his heart fluffer as warmth filled his chest smiling kissing her cheek as they just laid cuddling talking.

"You slept with Y/N." Elijah heard Rebekah say as he choked on his tea looking at his sister as the blonde smirked. Elijah felt his face warmed not that he was ashamed of sleeping with his best friend, he just didn't want people to treat Y/N any different because she slept with Elijah.

"Yes, she spend the night in my bed, like she would any of us."

"Right, so the love bites on her neck are nothing?" Rebekah asked smirking as Elijah looked away coughing as Kol came in with a mischievous smirk.

"Are we teasing Elijah for sleeping with Y/N?"

"Yes but he denies he did," Rebekah says still smirking as Elijah stood feeling flustered.

"Yes I did and it was a one-time thing," Elijah tells his younger siblings before leaving as for the rest of the week Elijah had to deal with his siblings teasing him.

Y/N came rushing into the Abattoir looking for Elijah seeing him with Hayley which the hybrid frowned when the human so easily capture Elijah's attention.

"Can I talk to you....alone?" Y/N asked Elijah as he looked at her overseeing her dressed in leggings and one of his old college sweaters, messy red curls up in a ponytail.

"Of course, dear," Elijah says letting her pull him away from Hayley as both missed the jealous look in her eyes watching Elijah walk off.

"Something wrong?"

"I'm pregnant." Y/N blurted out as Elijah stared at her pushing away the jealous thought of his closest friend pregnant with another's child.

"I am ha....."

"It's yours.....I was a virgin we slept together." Y/N tells Elijah as the vampire felt a bit of guilt raise in his chest. Y/N noticed right away and grabbed Elijah's hands smiling up at him.

"Eli, I don't regret that night and you made it very enjoyable. Please don't feel guilty." Y/N tells Elijah as he nodded leaning down kissing her forehead.

"I want to be there for you both."

"I won't stop you," Y/N tells Elijah surprised when Elijah kissed her softly as his hand settled on her abdomen.

"Pregnant?!" Hayley was the first to speak when Y/N and Elijah got everyone together to tell them of the human's pregnancy.

"It isn't unheard-of for a vampire to impregnate a virgin," Freya says looking through a grimoire as Klaus smirked looking at the family's long-time friend.

"Well, no way of leaving us now love."

"I wouldn't have it any other way."

Hayley noticed right away how Elijah shifted his attention on the young Irish woman that carried his child, not that Elijah had spent time with Hayley after she married but Hayley rarely saw Elijah without Y/N. Hayley walked in frowning seeing Y/N sitting with Elijah reading from a book of old Irish tales.

"It seems our little one enjoys the sound of your voice," Elijah says sounding half asleep as he lays his head on her shoulder rubbing her belly.

"So do you."

"Humm I do," Elijah mumbled against Y/N's neck, since Elijah found out about the pregnancy he had been more affectionate with the young woman. Something the siblings pointed out a lot and Elijah would brush it off saying Y/N was just a friend like she was to the others.

"You need more sleep, love," Y/N said softly as Hayley paused at the pet name jealously tugging at her even more seeing Elijah smile.

"I know baby."

The relationship between Y/N and Elijah grew as the Original was taking care of the woman and so affectionate with her. At first, Elijah thought it was because she was carrying his child but realized that his feelings for her grew after their one-night stand.

While Hayley felt like Elijah shouldn't be with the woman even if she was carrying his child but Elijah just kept getting closer and Hayley felt the air leave her when Elijah announced he was committed to Y/N.

"So marrying her?"

"No Hayley....not yet we are together," Elijah answered Hayley smiling watching Y/N making a scrapbook for the baby, and with that Hayley watched Elijah join Y/N and Hayley watched Elijah fall in love with someone else that wasn't her.