
The Vampire Diaries: Fan-fiction

It follows the life of Elena Gilbert, a teenage girl who has just lost both parents in a car accident, as she falls in love with a 162-year-old vampire named Stefan Salvatore... Both brothers protect Elena as they face various villains and threats to their town, including Katherine.

Dubstix_Remixes · TV
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1x01 - Welcome to Mystic Falls

(Sorry this has taken so long.. who knew school could be so difficult.. not sure if I had uploaded this chapter already but here anyways. I hope it turned out okay.. Chapters will be released when I have time.. thank you guys).

Chapter 1: New beginnings

I stare at a blank page in my journal lost in my thoughts, what will I write? I groan and look for things to write about... I see a picture on my mirror 'great'. I begin to lift my pen on the paper and write down everything I felt about that picture.

"Parents... They died in a horrible accident last year to my great ditching skills... If only I had not skipped family night... It is all my fault. Apart of me feels responsible for everything that has happened, but I need to move on, which is proving difficult. I have to face Caroline and Bonnie, and the others. I will just say I am 'fine' even if I am not. Maybe this year will be different, filled with action and excitement, and maybe love?" I slam my book shut and look out to see clear blue skies, summer is starting to wear its charm off of me. I head into the kitchen to where I see Aunt Jenna and Jeremy sitting at the kitchen table, I give them a small smile and wave in return of a concerned look "Are you okay Elena?" Aunt Jenna asks with a small frown. I look at my feet and back to her face "I am fine" I say without maintaining eye contact with her concerning eyes.

History. I have grown up with it since I was little, my dad was big on it. He could blabber about it all night and never run out of anything to say about our family history. He kept journals and ancient artifacts dating back to 1864, what a long time to care for such things. I return back to earth as my teacher "Mr. Saltzman" blabbers on about the Civil war and which founding families were involved such as Gilberts, Lockwood's, Forbes, Bennett's, Salvatore's, Fells and the Maxwell families. I let out a small yawn to which my surprise my teacher looks at me "Bored Elena?" Mr. Saltzman says waiting for some sort of reply "Sorry... I didn't get much sleep last night" I look around as everyone is waiting for a reply as well. He continues with his class as I am lost again drowning in my own thoughts.

Caroline rants on about how the cheerleading squad is coming to an end "Why do you care so much? No-one really came anyways, nor listened to you Caroline" I groan and place a hand on my forehead for support. I can feel the heat coming off of her, waiting for a vicious reply about my said comment, but nothing. I look around the yard and see matt looking at me, I give him a small smile and wave before he walks off with nothing in return towards me. 'Ouch' but I guess I deserved it, I did shut him out and break up with him after my parents died. Bonnie and Caroline argue all the time about how 'Bonnie' is not physic and is just putting on an act about it, I can't stand when arguments such as these happen, it makes my day even worse. "Guys, stop." I look at them with a disorientated face and I stand up and leave. I can't handle it anymore, they either get their act together or I'm forever out.

The day went by slowly, it felt like forever. I lay in bed once again drifting off to my thoughts, it felt better than being here in person. I can remember all the fun times I had with my parents without feeling the pain. If only there was a way to not 'feel it'. I sit at the table with Aunt Jenna and Jeremy as we eat dinner, it is silent, and no-one has much to say. "How was work Aunt Jenna" I try to strike up a conversation, which surprisedly is helpful "It was good Elena, just the usual and seeing all my co-workers" She replies with a smile. Jeremy has his headphones in listening to his usual 'punk rock' music, not listening to anything but that. I continue to make my way upstairs after I helped Aunt Jenna clean the kitchen, I rub my shoulders to relieve the pain. I head into my bathroom where I would shower and brush my teeth. I finally dress into some temporary PJ's and plop onto my bed. I sigh at the relief of feeling comfort and weightlessness. My eyes begin to weigh down on me and I slowly drift off to sleep.

Nothing is better than waking up to the sound of chaos, I throw a pillow over my ears but not even that works. I groan and sit up in my bed. 'What the hell?' I head downstairs as I wrap my robe around my slim build. I approach the kitchen to where Jeremy is searching through the kitchen draws and cupboards "You do realize what time it is right?" I groan at him as I begin to try and keep my eyes open. He scoffs at me before retreating back to his bedroom. I look around the kitchen, turn inside out. 'What is he looking for?' I spent an hour cleaning the kitchen, making sure it was in the same way I left it last night. I head to my bedroom to get ready for the day, I perform my usual routine 'brushing my hair, teeth, putting on a small amount of makeup, and choosing my clothes'. I decide to throw on a pair of jeans with a long purple sleeve top.

I walked to school today, I went through the cemetery to pay a visit to my parents, wishing them a happy anniversary. The 2nd of February marked the day of their death, only a year ago I lost them, feels like a lifetime ago. I rest my back upon their headstone and 'talk to them' I suddenly realized that fog out of nowhere began to fill the area 'What the hell?' Clear blue skies and fog? Something about that is off, I suddenly jump as a crow caws above my head, I quickly get up and run. I arrive at school frantically looking for bonnie when all of a sudden, I bump into someone. "OH my god I am so sorry" I peer up to see who it was, No-one I have ever seen. He helps me pick up my books and just looks at me. I look behind me but nothing "Um?" I ask confused "Sorry" he replies and walks past with a smile, I see Bonnie and walks towards her. "That was weird," Bonnie said with a smirk upon her face, I remember the moment, he just blankly looked into my eyes as if he knew who I was?