
The Vampire Diaries - Gilbert's Reckoning

A young man who sought to see all the world had to offer graced with a penchant for killing has died. A young man who could not handle the death of his parents and sought to ease his pain with drugs has died. And now, there is a new Jeremy Gilbert, and he has only one goal in his mind and that is to do as he has always done. Be the best. For many additional chapters and to get caught up on all of my other stories long before they appear anywhere else, follow on patreon.com/TheGreatestHunter .

hunterxxhunter2011 · TV
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52 Chs


'Gather grimoire. Check.

Gather Crystal. Check.

Make body functional. Check.

Release some pent-up urges from this virgin body. Check.

Go to dad's office and do some scavenging. Unchecked.'

So, with his destination in mind, Jeremy set off at a steady pace down the road. His shoulders feeling lighter with every step he took. Marveling at the feeling that he was getting from his body and wondering just how well it would respond to his will.

Could he still move like his mind and body were one? Each twitch voluntary and under his command.

Could he feel when he wanted, bend what he wanted, and break what he wanted?

He looked forward to finding out, as he broke into a light jog, allowing the cool night air to fill his lungs up with some of that crisp oxygen as he released carbon monoxide into the air, thanking his lucky stars every step of the way that that vampire decided to make them, his snack.

Otherwise, it might have been days before he found himself beheading any vampires. Since, before the quickening, his first real venture into the world of the supernatural was going to be his hunt for vamp blood and vamp blood only.

He would have needed to be careful, considerate of his circumstances, and as efficient as he's ever been. His first thought being to search his home and his old man's office to see if they kept any "research" materials on hand. Like blood. Or weapons. However, why go on what could be a potentially fruitless endeavor, when one knows for certain they can get what they need with a simple B&E. Which, is why he chose Zach's.

The weapons were just an unexpected surplus, since he truly did not think that anyone in this town actually did much of anything in the way of proactively gathering resources to launch an offensive against potential vampires entering town. Since, even when they used the Gilbert device and incapacitated them, the only thing shown was them carrying them, dumping them, and burning. He couldn't remember weapons ever really being shown, he thought to himself, as his thoughts came to a halt upon reaching his destination.

He took a deep, cooling breath to calm his body from the light exercise and approached the door. Fishing the key out of his pocket as he went, and placing it in the lock, and getting his first view of the clinic that served as a setting a few times in the show, as he opened the door. His mind informing him that this was also once Pearl's apothecary back in the day, as his nose caught the faint scent in the air of the room, as it rushed out the opened door and was replaced with the air from outside.

'Perfume.' He concluded. Effectively telling him that someone was here and his mind noting that the scent was one that was never worn by Jenna or Elena.

'If this was Pearls, and seeing as how she did attempt to rent it from Aunt Jenna when she was freed. It stands to reason that Anna would take an interest.' His mind supplied, as stood in the doorway. The scent that was trapped in the building by the closed doors, already gone upon the exiting and entrance of the wind.

'Seeing as how I have no super or enhanced anything yet, it stands to reason that whoever was here, left not too long ago. Meaning that they were probably here before it got dark, and left as the sun set. Though, if it was Anna, she should have a daylight ring, so she wouldn't need to keep inside during the day. Also, according to that newborns memories, she wasn't supposed to be in town. Ah, forget it. Too much speculation.' He concluded, deciding to step inside and close the door.

His bag on the ground as soon as the door was shut and his gun coming out from where it was placed in his waistband at his back, as he crouched down and listened.

His ears not picking up any sound.

He stayed like that. Unmoving. For another few minutes. Knowing that most vampires were famously impatient from what he had seen, when it came to an enemy in their presence. So, if they managed to keep still, like he had, and wait for him to make the first move, all he could do was tip his hat to them, and know that he might actually have a challenge on his hands....

It was not meant to be.

After staying there. Poised and ready for action. He slowly got up. His body not relaxing in the slightest, and decided to make his way through the clinic after turning on the light. Which, did wonders for the tense atmosphere that hung in the air.

'Mood lighting truly does wonders,' he thought to himself, as he started his searching. The basement/cellar that they used to burn the vamps and mayor Lockwood playing on his mind as he looked around. Knowing that he won't be visiting that underground location with only one exit anytime soon.

The minutes ticked by as he made his way around. His eyes missing nothing and noting everything. His mind telling him that the dimensions of the building were off and that there was definitely a hidden room in the place, which was another location that he would uncover, but would not pursue at the moment.

His goal still being to be seen as ignorant as possible to anyone who might stumble upon him at any time. The only time he truly put himself in a situation that he could not just brush off was the cemetery. Other than that, he could think of a thousand reasonable lines to explain why he was rummaging around his dads office in order to get them to let their guard down. Giving him an opening to act. Which was why, no matter who showed up during his grave digging. They were probably going to die.

He flicked his wrist and let the paper that he was holding twirl back onto the desk, spinning like a ninja star, as he decided that he had seen enough, and noting every place that might have something hidden and worth finding, and making the decision to return when he had a little more insurance than the weapon held in his hand that he kept placed in his hoodie pocket, and a gift for gab.

He made his way out. Flicking the light switch as he did and kept his ears open to make sure no sneaky sneaks with a bit of brain decided to move at that moment.

Then, he was off. Back on the streets.

Originally, he had gone there deciding that it would become his little hideout and headquarters. But the moment he caught scent of a perfume that was unfamiliar to him, that plan was scrapped. Clearly someone other than him was interested in the property, and if they were a vamp, it could only mean that they were able to enter.

Either way, without knowing what to expect, he wasn't taking any unnecessary chances on something like where he kept his valuables.

Especially not when he had a perfectly good, no vampire allowed, home.

Though, that wouldn't stop compelled humans from taking action to search his stuff...but he couldn't help but note the fact that he never saw any vampires do that.

'They truly are a waste of the ability.' He lamented, one last time as he took off into a jog. His hoodie now off and held in his hand snugly over the gun with his finger on the trigger. 'And it looks like I might need to be careful.'

(Line Break)

It took me a few to make it home. My senses on full alert the entire way, musing about how ignorance truly is bliss when it comes to the dangers of the world.

I truly wanted to take it easy.

Go slow and build my foundation with steady steps.

But this lack of information, security, and the fact that I could have possibly just walked right into the face of a hot-ass vampire that is willing to go to extremes to get what she wants if I had arrived a little earlier, is really starting to rub me the wrong way.

I have never been one to leave so much up to chance.

I even killed innocence who weren't a job to get my name erased from all records, which really rubbed me the wrong way.

And now, here I am just traipsing around town, fucking off like I'm on summer vacation and doing the school project periodically.

Like I can't get got out here in these streets by some half-assed immortal with control issues.

Nah, this needs to change.

I need to change.

I knew my body and mind were affecting me. But the more I truly stop to think about it, the more certain I become that this body and this world have made me just as sloppy and dimwitted as every single other asshole in this world.

I mean, look at Alaric.

Dude comes to town, has everything he needs to be badass, and what happens? I'm not even gonna talk about it.

Long story short.

I need to get serious.