
The Vampire Diaries - Gilbert's Reckoning

A young man who sought to see all the world had to offer graced with a penchant for killing has died. A young man who could not handle the death of his parents and sought to ease his pain with drugs has died. And now, there is a new Jeremy Gilbert, and he has only one goal in his mind and that is to do as he has always done. Be the best. For many additional chapters and to get caught up on all of my other stories long before they appear anywhere else, follow on patreon.com/TheGreatestHunter .

hunterxxhunter2011 · TV
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52 Chs


(Author Note: You already know this, man.)


There once was an individual who said, "all I need is one arm and a leg to conquer the world", or something like that. And while the accuracy of the quote is up for debate, what is not is the fact that Super Jeremy, clearly embodied the belief.

He charged into the trenches, and stared down the black maw of death as it breathed down his neck.

Only to emerge victorious, using nothing but a few flicks of his wrist.

So, now that he found himself capable of using more than just an arm and a leg to accomplish his goals, it would not be incorrect to say that he was feeling quite, pleased.

As evident by the cheerful smile he gave Vicki as they pulled into her driveway and he killed the ignition.

"You know you never gave me an answer, right?" He asked her. His voice low and compassionate, as he reached out his hand and placed it on her arm, causing her to flinch as they sat in the silent car. The atmosphere heavy with the events of the evening.

She looked at him. Barely turning her head, as she kept her knees raised to her chest, and gave him side-eye that would evoke pity for the traumatized girl who had just witnessed her first beheading, in most. "What question?" She asked, her voice hoarse from the tears she cried.

He gave her a pleasant smile. Gilbert patented. That told her, "I understand you, girl," as he answered. "Our second date, was it better than the first?" Causing Vicki to freeze in her seat.

Her mind seemingly not being able to process the question as it was asked and Jeremy noting in his mind that her brain sack worked a little slow. However, he brushed it off because most people can't be hot and smart and laughed out loud as he opened the door and hopped out.

"Hahahehehe. If you want some answers to the questions that are going to pop up in your mind about everything you've seen today, give me a call." He said jovially, and then his voice got deeper as he continued. "But know that once you do, you will never be able to look at the world the same way again." And then, after he finished that sentence his voice immediately got both jovially and sing-songy as he said, "~Byyeee." And proceeded to slam the door and walk away with a lightness to his feet and a pep in his step, knowing that the next time he saw her, it would probably be after he came face to face with one of the men in her life.


Mystic Falls, Virginia is a small town.

That essentially means that it's not big.

Therefore, while a car might make it far more convenient to get around, it does not mean that it's absolutely necessary.

And while the Donovan's and the Lockwood's definitely lived in a different class of area from one another, it was not some great distance that a little power walking couldn't bridge in a short while.

Which is why, as Jeremy strolled down the street with a bag strapped diagonally across his chest and the bulky part positioned in front of him so no one could speed behind him and swipe the contents, he felt no need to rush to his next destination.

In fact, he currently felt no need to rush anywhere. For anything.

Sure, he had to contact Emily hopefully before she let the other on the other side know that she witnessed something strange, if she witnessed it. But, in truth, he knew he wouldn't be able to hold on to his secrets for long.

Not if he was planning to pull off what he was proposing in his mind. Which was something that hopefully, when it's done, he would at the very least be able to contend with a newborn vampire in terms of strength and speed, if the quickening operated the way he knew it to in that other universe...unless that's actually a part of this universe, and he was not special or different, but just another immortal that many interested parties were aware of and knew the weakness of...but he knew that there was no real point in going down the rabbit hole that was speculation.

So, he brushed the thoughts aside, and placed them on a shelf, and kept focusing on what he would do next as time passed slowly in the outside world compared to the speed of his mind.

By the time he arrived in seeing distance of the Lockwood Mansion, he knew that sneaking in would not be a problem.

But would he do that? No.

Not when he was currently feeling quite primo.

The only reason he went incognito mode when dealing with Zach's place was because originally, he was not betting on even going in without first doing recon.

He brought the bag just to be prepared, but he never could have predicted that he would arrive just as Zach was leaving.

That was just too good of an opportunity to pass up.

And if he got inside and saw that there was someone there? Well he was just a grieving boy who was going down the wrong path. They more than likely wouldn't be averse to helping him find the right path again. Even if Zach would be a dick about it when he found out. And if it turned out to be one of the 100 year old fucks. Well, he was Elena's little brother. He would more than likely still be okay. All in all, it all boiled down to this, he was slightly off his shit. And yet, he still didn't even consider the direct approach.

But now, he wasn't only considering simply knocking on the door and saying, "hello from the other side"...of the door.

He was currently doing it and being as direct as could be.

So when the maid answered the door. He immediately introduced himself and asked to see the Lady Lockwood.

Well, he actually said Mrs. Lockwood. But, I was feeling fancy in his mind.

Nonetheless, he was let in and told quite clearly to wait right there.

Which he did.

And it did not take long before he was greeted by the sight of the lady herself Carol Lockwood. The ice bitch to some. Ms. Perfect to others. But to him, she was just a slightly holder lady who seemed too far gone down the rabbit hole of polite society to crawl her way out. Such a shame.

He could see the surprise in her eyes as she caught sight of him, and noted that he should have at the very least changed his clothes before coming.

They weren't bad and the ripped pocket couldn't be seen. But, he knew he looked like he was about to go to the corner store. Not have a face to face with a respectable woman.

But, he refused to allow himself to be daunted by something as frivolous as an outfit check.

And then he mentally swatted his forehead for even thinking that his outfit mattered when it was clear she was focused on his face.

He realized that he had yet to do a face check since his grapple with lightening, besides a quick glance in the rearview mirror when he got in the truck to make sure there was nothing out of order.

Though, based on the pleased look that appeared on her face after his face check. He was sure he was perfectly in order as far as his handsome mug went.

As she approached, she held out her hand, going for the classic greeting and gave a nice smile. All very polite-like and very routine.

"Jeremy, what brings you here?" She asked as he gave a brief squeeze of his hand as way of a shake, which he returned.

"I wanted to talk to you about something." He said stepping slightly into her space and avoiding her eyes a little to see how she reacted to the shy schoolboy showing. Which turned out to be a quick fail, as she just looked at him like an adult would a teen who had their attention.

So, acknowledging the amount of interest that she showed in Damon and his whole schtick, he decided to go with his usual demeanor, only turned up a little bit, as he continued to hold her hand and step slightly closer and look her in the eyes with a slight smirk on his lips.

"What can you tell me about vampires?"

The look of shock, fear, and uncertainty that appeared on her face as her breath caught in her throat in surprise was well worth the image that he saved in his brain box of the sight. As she quickly regathered herself and stood with her back straight and steady, like she didn't just almost have her heart jump out of her chest at just the question.

Just as she was about to quickly and most likely firmly fire off a question of her own, he quickly cut her off. "So you do know. I wasn't sure if your husband would read you in, with the way you two seem to not like each other that much. But, I guess it does make sense in a way. You do appear strong enough to carry the weight on your shoulders." He told her. Both of them staring the other in the eyes. Him with clear challenging amusement in his, like he was daring her to deny it or back down. And her with scrutiny and a hint of uncertainty.

Though, he could tell she appreciated the compliment. But alas, she was not one to be distracted from her target.

So, just when she was about to no doubt ask how he knew, he provided the answer instead. "I read about in my old man's journals. Quite the detailed work. An in-depth view at our family history and a bright light shown on the truth of the world."

He could see her tense shoulders slightly relax. No doubt she was thinking about what danger he, herself, and the town were facing with a vampire making an appearance.

But then, he saw her eyes narrow in slight contemplation, as he saw the moment when she thought she had an opportunity, as she started slow. Placing her hand on his shoulder.

"Jeremy, surely if you read the words left by your father, then you must know that it is our duty to keep this town safe, right?" She asked. Her eyes searching his own, like she was trying to build a bridge of trust between them before she asked for what she wanted. Which was no doubt the font of knowledge that was the Gilbert Journal. Just as he intended.

"I'm aware, Mrs. Lockwood."

"Please, call me Carol. After all, you know things no teenager should have to know now and one day, we'll have to work with one another to keep the town safe." She told him, as she led him to sit on a very nice looking couch. No doubt one of many in the large house. And sat him next to her as she held his hand in her own like they were having some deep talk, confiding in each other...which he supposed they were.

"Then, call me Mr. Gilbert," he told her with a slight patented Gilbert smolder/smirk, just to throw her off balance. Which, based on the way her eyebrows raised and she stopped her next words that she had prepared and leaned back just a little. He knew he accomplished his goal.

"Excuse me?" She asked. An awkward smile on her lips as she tried to make sure she heard him correctly and to also make it seem like a joke that she got.

"Well, Carol. If I get to call your name the way you like. I want you to call me, Mr. Gilbert. But only when it's just the two of us." He said the last sentence leaning forward slightly and making sure he had her eyes on his, as he narrowed them slightly. Making certain to project a look that the world knew meant "danger, do not cross".

He felt it as her hands gave a slight spasm, squeezing his involuntarily. No doubt due to the shiver that ran up her spine, as her body jerked minutely. Making it clearer than ever. Carol Lockwood was not getting the type of attention she deserved, and most importantly, he could turn her on.

Old looking face for the win!

"I see," she said. Her eyes taking on a new light gradually, as the looks of uncertainty, hesitation, and growing intrigue became clear. She swallowed to appease her dry throat. Her hands still covering his in his lap as she took him in. Probably wondering if what was happening was happening.

"So," he said, breaking the spell and taking one of his hands smoothly out from under hers and placing it on top of both of their hands making a hand sandwich. "As I said, I came her to speak with you. Can we talk?" He asked. His voice holding just a hint of suggestion that he could he see she picked up on, but also was still unsure if he was really doing what she thought he was doing.

He knew Carol was a freak. That much was certain by the way she thirsted after Damon who it was clear only promised dirty sex. And it also made it clear that the Lockwoods had no problem cheating on one another.

The question was, was she prepared to rob the cradle? And was being Mrs. Robinson a turn on for her?

His thoughts whirled, as he began to quickly reevaluate the process he would take to get the talisman hidden in that box in the room upstairs. If it's still in the same place from the show, that is.