
The Vampire Diaries - Gilbert's Reckoning

A young man who sought to see all the world had to offer graced with a penchant for killing has died. A young man who could not handle the death of his parents and sought to ease his pain with drugs has died. And now, there is a new Jeremy Gilbert, and he has only one goal in his mind and that is to do as he has always done. Be the best. For many additional chapters and to get caught up on all of my other stories long before they appear anywhere else, follow on patreon.com/TheGreatestHunter .

hunterxxhunter2011 · TV
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52 Chs


(A/N: Additional chapters on patron.com/TheGreatestHunter.)

Jeremy shut down the computer. His stomach rumbling like the thunders of Thor calling down to the lands below in a bid to show mortals their place.

So, with that amount of power emanating from his stomach, he knew he couldn't ignore the summons to feast, though if he was being honest, he was mainly looking for a reason to finally look away from all the tabs he had opened of so many different people's information. The black hole once again reminding him just how much of a time suck social media can be.

He made his way out of the room that had served as his work station and ventured down the stairs, noting that he was home alone, and briefly wondered where his ladies went and exactly when Elena decided to start going out again, only to briefly remember just how resilient the girl was shown to be throughout the entire run of the show.

It always struck him as odd just how much she could keep walking through before deciding to just stop and move to a different place. Katherine did it, why couldn't she?

With those thoughts, he made his way to the fridge and got to work.

"Bread, out. Peanut Butter, spread. Jelly, applied. I ain't ever lied." He rhymed, as he carried his morsels over to the seat in front of the tv to see what was showing, only to laugh at the fact that he recognized so many actors from his world in the same roles, making him tempted to go back upstairs and google Degrassi just to see who they got to fill the role of pregnant teenager, now that Nina Dobrev was unavailable.

'That lady truly was a great actress. Elena could learn a thing or two,' he thought to himself as he ate his sandwiches, knowing that his cousin was still an incredibly good actress.

Time passed quickly as he munched and watched random content, and it wasn't long before he found himself finished and getting back on his grind.

He reasoned that, while he no longer requires the vampire blood to heal his body, it would still be invaluable when it comes to working out and quickly repairing torn muscles after a strenuous routine, in order to go again as quickly as possible, without risking injury and still build muscle and conditioning.

Also, he really needed to take the head off another immortal to confirm his gift.

So, with that, he had two very good reasons to get himself access to a bloodsucker.

The question was, how to go about it?

'I would preferably like to get Anna to approach me as soon as possible and get her in my corner and definitely in my bed, and then just have her make me newborns for the blood and the possible knowledge and strength gains. But that might be a long shot, and there's no telling if she is the same as she was on the show, despite everything and everyone so far following what I know. But, I don't want to wait, so my next best choice would be to go to Whitmore college and pluck Enzo from his confines, and chain him up somewhere for the access to his blood and possibly turn him to my side as well. Yes, that's what I'll do.'

So with that, he decided to do both, because it's just better odds.

Operation "Get Over Here, Anna" was already underway with him establishing his presence on social media and essentially portraying himself as the most basic of basic bitches. Now, all he could do was wait on that, unless he wanted to take a chance of running into her in person by potentially meeting her at the Gilbert Clinic, but he felt like she was far more open to doing the approaching than being approached, lest she get suspicious and raise her guard. It's best to let his relationship with her build the way it did in canon. Him being pursued and her being the pursuer.

Operation "I'm gonna get you, Enzo" was already already underway, he noted, as he sat in a car that he picked up on the road of life using a screw driver, and was currently making his way to the college. Having already acquired the schedule Wes Maxfield, since he was the only one that he knew of to actually be running the experiment on Enzo on sight. He pondered to himself about whether or not Enzo might be located in his old man's clinic, since he was experimenting like Maxfield, however that location was still off limits...and he really wanted to get eyes on Maxfield's and the Augustine organizations research. Therefore, he was in the car, and on his way.

The trip didn't take long. Only a (insert however many minutes here) ride, and he was at the location of the Whitmore House, and with any luck, the location of Enzo.

He rode past the place, his eyes scanning the street for anything out of the ordinary or anything that might be interesting and noted nothing unique, so he turned around and pulled into the driveway.

It was daylight and he didn't want to be dragging a dude down the street.

He got out and went to the trunk and took out a very nice looking crowbar, completing his suspicious look that matched his hat, glasses, and gloves, and went to the door and tested the knob. Locked.

He didn't linger and casually jammed the crowbar into the crevice where the lock connected the door to the wall and broke it open. Smooth.

And then, he was in. Being sure to close the door behind him, since he wasn't rude, as his shaded eyes took in everything, noting he was alone, so he just kept moving, leaving the gun tucked safely in his waistband, as he made his way through the building, taking note of absolutely everything and attempting to figure out the location of the lab, since the building plans just so happened to be scrubbed online, and going down to the city planning office would have no doubt raised flags.

It took him a total of two minutes to figure out how to open the metal door that didn't fit the aesthetic of the wooden walls and make his way inside and down the stairs, this time, his gun already in hand, his motions quick, but fluid with no hesitation in them.

He noted early on in his endeavors that the best way to move in any environment is always smoothly, with the least amount of motion and tension as possible. Slow, creeping steps are good for sneaking around...but he wasn't sneaking. This was a blunt force blitz and he was prepared to take out a whole lot of people to get in and out quickly.

His trip this time was just to get Enzo. He knew after he did that, even if it was unsuccessful, Maxfield and Augustine would communicate and move things around, and he could use that to track their movements, methods, and information channels. Therefore, stealth was not only unnecessary, but unneeded.

He scanned the lower level, noting the typical shady lab of it all of eyeing the cages at the back of the room. Three in total, but only two occupied. One with a familiar figure, and the other with an unknown, but both seemingly out of sorts.

He didn't waste time.

The lab was empty and he only noted one exit. The one he used to enter.

So, he quickly made his way to the cells, careful to lookout for trip wires, no matter how unlikely, or any triggers of any sort, and finding one of the doors of the cells.

He looked at the two figures that had surely seen better days and had already lost the battle of staying conscious, and noted that they wouldn't be able to tell him what they knew about the sensor, since he didn't recognize it's design.

'Should I just consider this mission complete and go forward with Operation "follow the trail and collect the nuggets"?' He thought to himself as he took many steps back and then shot the lock of the cell with the unknown individual in it, opening it, and setting off an alarm in the process.

Before the alarm could even sound finish blaring out once, he was already settled on it not being an explosive, and shooting the lock on Enzo's cell, opening it as well.

By the second blare, he was sliding his crowbar across the unknown individual's cell, and noting a lack of motion sensors or trip wires, no matter how unlikely they were, and then, he was sliding stomach down like he stealing a base in a game and hooking grabbing the leg of Enzo's pants and pulling him out of the cell. His body not raising up off the floor until he was all the out of the cell, because no matter how unlikely motion sensor rapid fire weapons were, there was still a small chance the wall panels could pull back or the ceiling could open and spray bullets at him that couldn't kill a vampire, so no worries there.

With Enzo out of the cage, he quickly stripped his body of every piece of fabric and then hauled him up on his shoulder and tested the weight.

'Manageable.' So, he did another baseball slide and pulled the other one out too. Stripped em, and dragged them by the ankle up the stairs, with Enzo on his shoulder, only to stop right before he cleared the door, his gun in hand and the unknown individual getting tossed out first, and immediately fired upon.

'That's a fast ass response time,' he noted. Since not even five minutes in total had passed since he stepped inside the building. 'They must have a response team on site. Makes sense.'

He closed the door.

Sighing to himself.

"I knew I should've brought a sword."

......Somewhere in the void between life and death, a beautiful woman sat and watched. Her posture straight, and her face a solemn expression of dignity and composure........

"Now, this is much better."