
The Vampire Cat System

New book out now. The Shadow Monarch System Heavy rain poured down from above the dark clouds up in the night sky, filling the sky with droplets that splatter on the muddy ground of a narrow road. Thunder and purple lightning roar resounded over the clouds. This was a night that would forever be remembered. Bernard was a poor young man with a dream just like any normal human would have, he wanted to survive and make ends meet. However, he was rendered hopeless when he realized just his certificates and hard work alone, wouldn't be enough to climb up the ladder in the society, he needed connections as well. Putting his frustrations aside, Bernard decided to work harder, however on his way home something that would forever change his life happened. Bernard was bitten by a strange Cat in his dark room and entered a strange world...the Symbiote world, with this strange twist of fate, Bernard soon realized the hope to fulfill his dream was rekindled once again. [Daily Quest: 'Meow Meow five times] ************ Note:Vote for the novel for extra weekly chapters 100 Power Stones = 1 Extra Chapter per week 200 Power Stones = 2 Extra Chapters per week 300 Power Stones = 3 Extra Chapters per week 10 Golden Tickets = 1 Extra Chapter per week 50 Golden Tickets = 2 Extra Chapters per week 100 Golden Tickets = 3 Extra Chapters per week ******* --Join The Vampire Cat System official Discord Server! https://discord.gg/g8U5PUvK

CollinX_BrainZ · Fantasy
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384 Chs

The girl

Her silk long light purple hair was perfectly trimmed, however, the cold expression on her face made her seem very unfriendly, that if eyes could kill merely by staring at any of them they would be nothing but corpses.

It stayed cold and stiffed, not for once did everything that had happened awed her, it was like nothing in this world could or would impress her.

Bernard could only assume that was her nature since they were different and came from different places as well.

But then as he was thinking he suddenly froze his step for an instant, and he raised his hand up to look at his bracelet, that was when he noticed another bracelet was stuck on top of his own.

And when he turned to look around, he noticed that everyone still had their bracelets placed on their wrists.

However, he wasn't convinced a bracelet would suddenly be stuck to his own out of the blue, so he continued turning his head around until he eventually noticed something.

A girl standing at the left corner in the front seemed to have lost her bracelet unknowingly to her.

After seeing the owner, Bernard was happy at first, but then, that quickly faded away when he realized who it was, Sophia Ash!

His heart tensed a bit, and he felt like his heart was about to burst. Bernard cursed inwardly, it was already bad enough to have discovered a missing bracelet, even worse was who the owner was.

Bernard wouldn't usually get on with this type of girl, since they were likely bullies who humiliated boys for fun. In fact, left for him, he wouldn't want to get on with such a type of person who could almost kill you just by staring at you.

However, he found it hard to stay calm, especially since her bracelet for some damn reason was in his possession. After a few seconds, Bernard no longer cared it was not like he was going to ask her out anyway, or had any ulterior motives either so he soldiered up.

And he began to walk forward a bit faster, and towards her direction, which was a surprise to all the boys since none of them had the courage to face off such a hot girl.

As Bernard walked to the front, he heaved in a sigh before he stopped just closed to her, and greeted her by putting on a friendly smile on his expression.

However, after getting disturbed by some annoying stranger Sophia ash turned her neck and merely stared at him when she saw him, and a second later she ignored him like he wasn't there making the boys at the back to almost burst into laughter.

"Hey, I wanted to say that..." As Bernard was explaining himself, he raised his hand, as he tried to tap her on the shoulder.

Unfortunately, it seemed like trying to touch her was her biggest reverse scale.

At that moment, he watched with a confounded expression as she suddenly turned around, moving extremely fast than anything he had ever seen in his life.

His hand was left hanging in mid-air, as she suddenly grabbed him close to the wrist and clenched his hand tightly in her grasp. Immediately afterward, she raise her head and stared at him dead in the eyes.

It was akin to those fast-forward, horror movies on earth where the victim was left incapacitated.

Within her black eyes a small swirling star-like thing could barely be seen and the moment he looked at them his body became stiff a bit.

Everyone watched what was happening in surprise, the little scene they were making seemed to be steadily creating a commotion around them even making many of the thrilled.

Everyone paid attention to what would happen next and how Bernard would get his a*s humiliated by the girl.

"What is she doing?" One of the boys who was gloating at Bernard asked, a bit confused.

"Isn't she just holding his hand and staring at his eyes?"

"She must be using her symbiote beast abilities on him, if not why else would she hold his and stare at his eyes? Do you think they are acting some kind of romantic scene?"

From the ongoing commotion, several people were already commenting and guessing what was happening.

Bernard at this point was still staring at her eyes for some reason he couldn't take his eyes off her eyes. It was as if he was in a deep trance and his face was glued to hers.

[Warning! Unknown symbiote ability has been used on you]

[You may choose to either decline or accept however it will result in unwanted consequences]

At this moment, once these notifications appeared Bernard seemed to have slightly been awakened from the deep trance. Staring at her eyes, he noticed the swirling star in her eyes had increased speed further, a few seconds later the system resent the messages again.

[Warning! Unknown symbiote ability has been used on you]

[You may choose to either decline or accept however it will result in unimaginable consequences]

[Warning! Unknown symbiote ability has been declined by you]

Bernard had quickly declined the moment he was told he could as he stared at her, with beads of sweat all over his back and face. Needless to say, his actions didn't go unnoticed, as she realized her ability didn't have an effect on him.

"Who are you?" Sophia ash suddenly stopped holding his hand but was now staring at him with puzzlement written all over her expression, for some reason she now look curious.

"I...m."Bernard was about to answer but momentarily stopped, as he contemplated inwardly, whether

he should just answer politely or storm off with anger.

After a brief pause, he shook his head as he lifted his hand high enough for her to see, before pointing at her wrist.

Sophia had a look of being shocked, as she suddenly looked at her wrist with a surprised expression for the first time. A few moments later, she longer looked surprised as she got to understand he was just there to return her bracelet that had fallen from her wrist.