
Chapter 1 (vamp city)

1: I am a girl who got in a city of vampires and found the love of my life, here's my story. I was 21 when I got trapped into a car that delivers humans to the vamp city, so that all the Royal vampires in that city can have all the blood they desire. The humans choice 3 sacrifices every month so that the royal vampires because it was part if a deal the vampires and humans came upon, the deal was that the vampires wouldn't kill any humans as long as they get 3 humans each month to get blood.The deal was originally 1 human for the royals but the royals kept having more children that were blood thirsty. The humans had no other choice but to run from their home but each time they did run the vampires would always find them. The humans had no other choice but to free with 3 humans each month. So after they accepted the deal the vampires and humans were on fine terms. Then I was picked as a sacrifice because I looked like a vampire, the humans always picked the humans that had black hair and dark eyes. I didn't understand at first but then I realized that the humans always picked the people who looked like vampires because....