
first sight

Alexa pov

I was walking home from school when something caught my eye.so I went to see what it was. And in a ally way was a dead body and a black haired boy. started to walk away but he saw me.We locked eyes.I saw regret and anger in them.He came up to me and pinned me I have never been so scared in my life.I could not breath.He finally let my go. Then he just disappeared.The next day I saw him again but this time in my house.He came up behavior nd me and bit me.This moment i knew he was not human.I then realized he was a vampire.

Chapter 2

Drake's pov

When she saw me in the alley way my stomach sank I new I was in danger.

Do I didn't think I pinned her.The next day I finally found her house. I went inside.It was decent inside to.I then started getting hungry I had lost control.