
Unexpected Encounter

I found myself in bed with my mother and a doctor hovering over me, They smelled like medicine and herbs. "Mother what happened?" I asked. "Oh honey you're finally awake!" She greeted me with kisses and a warm hug i could feel embrace my soul. I loved my mother more than anything, her love for me is genuine and love is something i've tried to reject, but she doesn't stop. Not because she doesn't respect my boundaries, but she knows deep down i want love. "Mother, stop!" I said, but she didn't seem to care. Her Hazel eyes twinkled when she saw that i was fine. "Pearl, you don't know how scared i was, I thought i lost you", a tear ran down her cheek, I never knew how hard this impacted her, How long was I like this?. To her suprise i hugged her tightly and the doctor waited awkwardly.

I'm 23 years old , I live with my mother, I have no siblings, and no father. It's always been the two of us in our little cottage, I would always help her milk the cows, pick mushrooms and flowers and bake cakes, even though sometimes I messed up quite badly. Those were the little things that made me feel like i was important, i hated people who made me feel i wasn't. I've always had soft black long hair and blue eyes that have more color than the ocean. I have been in love, only once, and i regret it till this day.

The man travels my mind, for some reason he was all i could think about, his charming smirk , his devious eyes and the way he makes me tingle. Ugh, what am I thinking? Does he have me under a spell or something? How dare i think this way. But there was one thing i was really wondering, why me? I'm sure there are other girls who have pure blood. I'm not special in any unique way, and he's supernatural, Can't he make his own blood or something?. I was snapped back into reality when my mother started braiding my hair and whispering a prayer, I didn't even realize the doctor was gone and had have left medication on my table. The plaster on my window acted as a suncatcher and it shone beautiful rainbows on my bedroom floor, mother admired it too. After she finished i ate the fresh pancakes and warm cocoa she had prepared and drifted off to bed, the sound of her sweet voice echoing in my mind. It felt peaceful.

Then i saw him again , This time he was really close. But i wasn't in a trace, i could move, i was concious. And then i realized. He was in the room with me, in real life.