
The Vampire's Last Mission

If you are given a chance to know about a past you can't remember, won't you do anything to discover that forgotten past especially when you are constantly haunted by nightmares of the past you can't recall? ... Fierce? Check Ruthless? Double check. Heads roll wherever Ivy Yuan goes. Among her colleagues she is the most ruthless. Nobody dares to step on her toes and goes scot-free but what happens when this ruthless lady assumes the identity of a feisty, unintelligent and naive lady? Inside a wealthy family such as the Mo Family would she be able to play the part of her this unintelligent lady well or will she blow her cover after her true self showcase. ... He is cold and even with his overwhelming magical powers he puts humanity first. He will go to any length to avenge the death of his father and the massacre of the family whom his family is it guardian. He won't hesitate to assume the identity of the blind son of the richest family in the City. She is as hot as volcano while he is as warm and gentle as the early morning sun. Will two people with contrasting identity be able to let go of their hurts and embrace each other.

Mydestiny_18 · Fantasy
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12 Chs

Her Next Target

The guy in a blue shirt chased after her as his boss ordered. A few minutes later he was seen returning to the front of the club. Before he could enter the club he saw his boss coming out.

"Where is she?" The guy in a black short sleeve shirt asked.

Louis Gu, a tall devilishly handsome guy who attracts ladies of all ages wherever he goes. He is cold but also very caring. He has not only sharp facial features but also a well-toned body that drives ladies crazy.

"I ran after her. I was so close to catching up with her but she suddenly disappeared into thin air," The guy in a blue shirt whose name is Jeremiah said in a tone filled with regret.

"Boss, is she someone you know? Should I ask our men to search for her…,"

"Don't bother. She isn't an easy lady. It's no surprise you couldn't catch up to her," Louis began walking away.

Jeremiah stared at his boss departing back for about two minutes before he ran after him.

On a lonely road, a lady wearing an all-black outfit was seen walking fast. Although there was no sign of her phone in her hands she seems to be talking with someone.

"So what next now, Sammy?" Ivy continued walking in long strides while talking to someone with the earbud stuck to her ears.

The earbuds were so tiny that one wouldn't notice it if not looking at her ears closely.

"Hawaii is our next destination. Our flight is taking off in just twenty minutes. Hurry up so we won't miss the flight," The guy from the other end said. With the footsteps, she was hearing she knew he was walking while talking to her.

"I have been moving from one country to the other for the past two weeks. Can you tell me why I have been so busy lately because I seem to have forgotten it," Ivy said as she raised her head to stare at the tall hotel she was staying in, which was just a few distances away.

"You have been a little busier than usual for the past two weeks because you want to finish all the pending missions so you can focus on the main mission boss gave you…," Samuel halted close to a white bench.

He dropped the black backpack on the bench. He afterwards sat down with his sexy long legs crossed.

"Does that answer your question my lady or should I continue…,"

Ivy rolled her eyes when she heard the guy's playful tone. "Stop being dramatic because I am not so forgetful. I might forget other things but absolutely not the reason I took that mission. That mission is like my life," Ivy said in a more serious tone.

After checking that no car was in sight, she crossed the broad road. "The mission is not that serious so how could it be compared to your life? Your life is a thousand times..,"

"I will hang up now. I am afraid that I will arrive late if I continue listening to your words," Ivy hung up the call instantly. The way she sounded earlier was as though she left Samuel with other options.

"I have lived with her since we were kids but I can never get used to this habit of hers no matter how long I have known her. She is a nutcase," Samuel muttered. He paid no attention to those walking past him.

Ivy went back to her hotel room. Soon she left the hotel in a hurry with her luggage.

Despite that it looked like she would arrive late to the airport earlier, Ivy arrived just in time for their flight.

"Come let's go kick asses," Samuel, a tall handsome guy with red-brown hair said, collecting the luggage from her.

"If someone heard you they will think you actually kick asses when the truth is you are always sitting in front of your laptop…,"

"Helping you make your mission earlier," Samuel, who knew what she wanted to say, beat her to form his conclusion.

Ivy began walking towards the boarding area.

"What a narcissistic man you are," Ivy said loud enough for him to hear her.

"Isn't that the reason you love me so much?" Samuel said his words making Ivy stop walking. She turned and glared at him.

"Do you believe that I will kick your ass in front of so many people if you keep this up…,"

"Of course, I believe you. Your fierceness is the reason I have been following you for the past ten years..," Ivy walked away not waiting to listen to his words anymore.

"I wonder how she manages to look so cute whenever she is angry," Samuel muttered. He ran to catch up with her.

The next day, in a large hall, many people sat enjoying the angelic voices of the choir in white attire.

Amidst the audience Ivy wearing a white flair gown sat with a white scarf covering her head.

Though she seems to be enjoying the choir's angelic voices, her eyes were in different places at the same time. She did these without garnering the attention of those sitting beside her.

'God, if you really exist do forgive me that I want to murder in your presence. I might not be a very good person but I am doing you and the world a favour by getting rid of the bad people. This way the number of bad people residing in the world will reduce'.

Ivy thought, her eyes still moving about the hall in search of the one who brought her there.

Her red sexy lips curled into a devilish smile on sighting her target.

'Sorry but that's my call. I need to leave.

Ivy stood up and left the hall with her handbag in her hands.