

Pink_Pop_6174 · Fantasy
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5 Chs


It is not enough to win a war; it is more important to organize the peace." ― Aristotle


King Yashu got home by sunset and as he was walking along the hallway he met a maid

"Where is Ruby?" he asked the maid

"Your Highness, Princess Ruby is taking a stroll in the garden she has been in the garden for about thirty minutes" the maid replied

"ok... You can go now" he said

" yes Your Highness" the maid replied and left

King Yashu walked towards the garden and when he got there, he saw Ruby on the swing he walked towards her... Ruby noticed his presence and looked up

She stood up and bowed to him

"Welcome back Father your back early" she greeted

"hmmm....the meeting with the great fairy was brief and the journey isn't long, " King Yashu said and Ruby smiled

"Ruby, you are going to get married," King Yashu declared looking at the expression on Ruby's face he noticed that her expression was neutral

"you aren't surprised?" King Yashu asked

"Why should I be surprised father, isn't it expected for a princess to get married after her eighteenth birthday?" Ruby said with a sense of duty in her tone

"yes but why aren't you asking about your groom," King Yashu asked

"ok father, who is my groom " Ruby asked with a nonchalant expression

"well, Ruby you are aware of the war between Phranvil and Vranvil and a message came today saying that we lost the war "King Yashu said

"What?!" Ruby stood up from the swing and exclaimed with wide eyes

"What's going to happen to phranvil now Father? Will that evil vampire prince take over phranvil? Answer me Father and what connection does this have with my marriage" Ruby asked anxiously

"calm down Ruby, I will explain if you will allow me to do so," King Yashu said

"Ruby... Yes the rule of war says that the victor will always take over the land of the victim and that is going to happen if we don't accept the vampire prince's proposal" King Yashu said and at this point, Ruby understood what was going on

"Ruby, you have to save our phranvil, my dear you are our only hope right now please my dear" the king pleaded pitifully with folded hands

"Father you mean that the evil vampire prince proposed marriage to me under the condition that he won't take over phranvil? " Ruby asked with raised brows

"yes Ruby " King Yashu replied

"ok Father if that is the only way to save Phranvil I'm ready to marry the vampire prince" Ruby said making King Yashu widen his eyes in shock

He was surprised by Ruby's calmness but he was happy that she accepted the marriage and his mind wandered to the words of Olivia

'Ruby's marriage to the vampire prince will bring peace back to Entendia'

He looked at his daughter and cupped her cheeks

"I'm sorry Ruby... For everything, for sacrificing your happiness for the sake of phranvil" King Yashu said with saddened eyes

"It's okay father... It's my duty as the princess of Phranvil and it will be my eighteenth birthday soon and I'll finally get my wings and powers and if that evil vampire prince tries to harm me, I'll just turn him into a helpless little flower it's as easy as that"Ruby said trying to liven the mood

King Yashu smiled "My dear Ruby has grown so much"

"of course Father, I have to take care of you while Mother is away" Ruby said with a smile

"yes my daughter, you have to do a great job taking care of this old man of yours" King Yashu said with a loving gaze.....

"I will Father, don't you trust me" Ruby said

" I do my dear even more than I trust myself" King Yashu said

"so rest assured dear Father," Ruby said with determination in her eyes

"I'll go now dear I still have to reply to the vampire prince's letter " King Yashu said and turned to leave

Ruby watched her fathers back until it was no longer visible then the tears fell from her eyes

"Mother I wish you were here at least I wouldn't be crying all alone I would have someone to console me why did you leave all of a sudden Mother please come back quickly" Ruby said as the tears fell uncontrollably

On the palace rooftop, a fairy with white wings is seen with an almost faded invisible barrier around her

"don't worry my dear I'll be back soon once I break this barrier I come back to you right away and I'm sorry for not protecting you well my dear I'll make sure to be a better mother when I return" Olivia said and flew towards the east with teary eyes


King Yashu happily went to his study

"My dear Ruby will bring back the long-awaited peace I need to send my reply to Prince Kian quickly before he changes his mind" King Yashu said to himself inaudible before picking up his writing materials

greetings to prince Kian... I, King Yashu got your message and appreciate your empathy and consideration towards Phanvil... And I gladly accept your proposal but I would like to ask for more time before the marriage can take place as my daughter's coming-of-age ceremony will take place next week... And after the coming of age ceremony, we can arrange the marriage the next day... Thank you once again...


King Yashu looked at the letter again with a satisfied smile on his face then proceeded to send for the messenger to deliver the letter


Two days later, in the palace of Vranvil

A grey-eyed man sat on a majestic throne his whole aura screamed nobility and darkness

"a letter has arrived for you from Phranvil Your Highness," a guard said

The man's grey eyes shone with a red outline

"Where is the letter" the man asked

"It's right here my prince" the guard said

"ok give it to me" Prince Kian said

The guard hurriedly gave the letter to the prince

The grey-eyed prince looked at the well-wrapped letter and opened it he read its contents and smiled in satisfaction

Finally... The wait is about to end" Kian said with a smirk that if one looked well he would see the warmth in his eyes