
Chapter 33 : She's Alive!



I groan softly as the world slowly comes back. Ugh, what happened to the dark abyss? It was peaceful there. Am I even alive?

I try to move, but pain rips through my neck the moment I do. I cry out in pain when that happens. Ow! I guess that means I'm alive after all.

"Easy, easy! You're safe." A familiar voice says. Nia? I wince as I peel my eyes open and try to smile when I find Nia leaning over me.

"Thank god you're awake. How are you feeling?" Nia runs the back of his hand along my cheek as his eyes dart over me.

"Like--" My hoarse voice gets cut off as I dissolve into a coughing fit.

Looking flustered and unsure, Nia helps me sit comfortably, putting numerous pillows behind me for support. He pulls away and comes back a moment later with a large glass of water. I try to take it from him, but Nia ignores my attempts and holds it to my lips.

"Drink. I've got the glass," he murmurs.