
Chapter 30 : Betrayal



After surveying the hallway, I finally pushed the door open and led us down the hall. This place is too quiet, but I can't return home without a proper search. I promised Lux I'd get her grandson back safe.

Hemera sighs softly behind me, and I glance at her over my shoulder. She seems so distracted. What's wrong with her? I hope she's just nervous about the nature of this mission.

Actually, I really hope she's not going to start fearing me again. I hated it the first time, and I don't want to go back to that.

I shake my head slightly. I need to focus. Now, where would they keep someone hostage? The area is too unstable from floods and landslides for a basement, so I suppose we'll check on the upper levels.

I quickly survey a few rooms before turning back to Hemera with a heavy sigh. When I look back, she's gone. Where did she go?!