
Chapter 7: Founder’s Party Pt. 1

Once Soren was sat at the table, the sound of the doorbell rang once more as Elena went to go open it, then Stefan came in and was guided to the kitchen where he saw Soren sitting down right next to Jenna as they were conversing between each other. Stefan then looked to Elena for answers on why he was here, but she shrugged her shoulders as she had no clue as to why he was here either, and told him that Jenna invited him over.

[Stefan!... It's so good to see you outside of the learning environment that is the school… Please, lets all sit down and have a good meal tonight]: soren

Jenna laughed at Soren's words, and Stefan was a bit confused and thought Soren put Jenna under a compulsion, but Jenna was just naturally outgoing like this as she wanted to have a relationship, but never found the right guy, and Soren looked to be the perfect guy for her, so she acted strange and laughed at what she thought were jokes, so that she looked more appealing towards Soren.

[Hello Mr. Mikaelson… What brings you to this part of the neighborhood?]: stefan

[What brings me here?... That's Jenna of course… You see, I met her at the bar a couple of days ago, and we hit it off, but I never got her name… But could you believe how surprised I was to find out that my mystery woman was the guardian of both Elena and Jeremy… So at the end of the Parent Teacher conference I gave Jenna here my number in case she would like to go out on another date with me, but to my surprise, she called me and asked if I would like to have dinner with here here instead of out at a restaurant, so I accepted her invite and here we are now]: soren

Stefan now understood the whole situation and was a bit more at ease with Soren's presence here, but he still trusted his instincts that told him no vampire in the world is trustworthy, not even himself, so he decided to watch Soren and try to stop him if need be even though he knows he can't kill him. Soon, dinner was served and Soren noticed the silence between the 3 high schoolers, while Jenna was more infatuated with trying to talk with Soren, but seeing as Stefan couldn't keep his eyes off of Soren, that made both Bonnie and Elena a bit curious as to why Stefan was staring at Soren.

[So Bonnie, you said your family descends from the Salem witches? Does that mean you can do magic?]: soren

[Well Mr. Mikaelson I don't actually believe that, but my Gran always tells me these stories, so maybe she knows more than I do]: bonnie

[Feel free to call me Soren outside of school… Also, your Grandma sounds quite interesting, maybe I could meet her one of these days… Let's move on now… Stefan, how is your Uncle? Is he doing fine?]: soren

[My Uncle is doing great, he's grown to love this town quite a lot since moving here]: stefan

[That's great… Elena… How has the start of this school year treated you?]: soren

[At first I told myself that I would move on from the death of my parents, but as people begin to ask me how I feel, it brings up the old memories that make me feel worse, but all I can say is that I'm fine]: elena

[Again, so sorry for your loss… But time doesn't wait for anyone, and it will always keep moving forward, and all we can do is keep ourselves going… Though you lost someone dear to you, you can't just hold on to the past as it will drag down your future… Your brother Jeremy seems to try and drown out the past with drugs, so he is just drowning out his future… Anyway, dinner was great, thank you guys for having me]: soren

Soren got up and wiped his mouth with a tissue before turning to leave before he was stopped by Jenna.

[Wait, would you like to come up to my room?]: jenna

[Sure why not]: soren

Soren and Jenna then went up stairs as they left Elena, Stefan, and Bonnie down stairs to finish their dinner.

[Did our history teacher just go upstairs to bang your aunt?]: bonnie

[It seems like that]: elena

Stefan immediately began to cut the focus he had on Soren as he would rather not listen to them have sex while he is sitting next to Elena. Soon, elena began to try and get both Bonnie and Stefan to talk with each other by continuing off of what Soren brought up during dinner about Bonnie's family, and even though she didn't want to talk about it, Stefan began to explain the meaning of being a Salem witch, which made Bonnie rethink her perspective on her family heritage. And soon after, the doorbell rang and Elena got up to go answer it only to find both Damon and Caroline waiting at the door. 

[What are you guys doing here?]: elena

[Bonnie said you guys were doing dinner, so we brought dessert]: caroline

Caroline then walked in leaving Damon to stand outside of the door waiting to be invited in, but Stefan didn't want Elena to let Damon in, but in the end Elena invited Damon in and he came right in.

[This is a nice house you have here Elena]: damon

Damon began to walk around and noticed the sound of moans coming from upstairs, but they were low, but soon, the moans got louder as now Elena and Bonnie were able to hear them, and Elena got embarrassed.

[Did we come at the wrong time?... It sounds like a parties going on up there]: damon

[My aunt brought over her boyfriend, and it appears they don't have respect for the others in the house]: elena

Elena then decided to end the dinner party early as she didn't want to scar her friends due to her aunt's lack of control, so she led everyone outside and bid them good night as she went back inside and put in some headphones to drown out the noise. Soon both Soren and Jenna were done and Soren bid her good night and went home, but noticed he was being followed by someone, since he wanted to know who was following him he didn't act any different and continued driving home, and once he pulled into his driveway he got out of the car and spoke.

[You know… It's quite dangerous to follow an Original home… If it was my brother Niklaus, he would have killed you the instant he felt you following him]: soren

Once he finished speaking, a figure appeared and came into the light, and there he saw Stefan.

[What do you want Stefan]: soren

[I want you to stay away from Elena Gilbert and her family… She already has enough trouble as it is, and she doesn't need anymore]: stefan

[You know… You're quite brave for following me to my home and demanding me to stay away from something I want… You know that my brother's sire lineage created you, so there is no problem erasing you, but you can't harm me, nor could you kill me, so I suggest you leave me and my goals alone… I already told you once, I don't plan on killing any Humans here unless they attack me first… Go home, clean yourself up, you have a game tomorrow]: soren

Soren then went inside and Stefan was left outside to think about what Soren said, and no matter how hard he thought, he couldn't find a reason to discredit what Soren said, Stefan then went home and went to sleep, and the next day was the day of his first game. Stefan saw Elena during school and gave her a special necklace with vervain inside of it to keep any vampire from trying to control her mind, and later on was the evening of the game. Mr. Tanner was on stage professing his love for the newest addition to his team that would bring them to victory, and when Tyler saw Jeremy sitting in the bleachers, he came over to start a fight, a fight of which Jeremy was wanting, and was willing to kill over due to a fit of his drunken rage. Soon, everyone saw the fight and began to surround the two of them as they began to fight, and soon Tyler had the upper hand and was beating Jeremy's ass before Stefan came over and caught Tyler's fist freeing Jeremy from the beating he was receiving. Jeremy then went and grabbed the broken bottle and went to slash at Tyler, but Stefan pushed Tyler away and stopped the sharp bottle with his hand which in turn cut him.

[Jeremy, no!]: elena

Elena rushed over to Jeremy and he dropped the broken bottle on the ground, Soren then came over and decided to be the mediator between the raging crowd.

[Everyone stop!... What the hell is going on here]: soren

Everyone then began to whisper as Soren had gotten involved and they knew someone was in trouble. Elena then went towards Stefan to check on the cut she saw him get, but there was nothing there, and she swore that she saw him get cut by the broken bottle, but Stefan claimed that Jeremy missed him. Soren then began to disperse the crowd and kept both Jeremy and Tyler behind to take them to the principal's office so that he could contact their parents about tonight's incident.

[Come with me to the main office]: soren

Soren then brought both Tyler and Jeremy with him, while Elena was about to leave and go back home, but she was stopped by Damon who began to talk with her. Soren entered the empty office and had both Tyler and Jeremy take a seat in 2 empty chairs while he made a call to Jenna for Jeremy, and got the phone number of Tyler's parents from him.

[Hello?... Yes, Mr. Lockwood… This is Soren Mikaelson from the school, I'm calling to inform you about your son's behavior against a fellow student… Right before the football game, Tyler decided to confront Jeremy Gilbert, and in that altercation Jeremy tried to use a broken bottle to slash Tyler, but it was all avoided by another student… Please teach your son to control his anger issues, good bye]: soren

Tyler was surprised to hear how Soren spoke with his dad as he knew that his dad was the husband of the mayor of the town and could have anything he wanted with just a few words. And on the other end of that call Richard Lockwood was pissed as he engraved the name Soren Mikaelson into his head as he planned to get rid of him for disrespecting him in such a manner. Jeremy's call went very similar to Tyler's, but Jenna didn't hold any hate towards Soren as she knew he was right, and Jeremy went out of control, and after the call ended, Soren was informed of the death of Mr. Tanner the football coach/ P.E. teacher. The next day was the day of the Founder's Party, Jenna decided to take Soren as her plus one and Elena decided to take Stefan, and throughout the whole day, Elena was wiping off and polishing the things passed down through her family, and Jeremy saw one that stuck out to him, it was the pocket watch that was passed down to the first born male child in the family.

[Hey, that's mom and dads stuff… You can't just give it away like that]: jeremy

[I'm not giving it away… I'm just letting the Lockwoods borrow it because it was a promise made by mom]: elena

[Whatever… I'm going to my room]: jeremy

Jeremy then went up stairs and entered his room, and a little while later he came down when Elena went to go grab something, and then he took the pocket watch that was rightfully his, but his father never got the chance to give it to him. Soon, Mrs. Lockwood came by and Elena gave her the box that contained all the items that her mother promised to let the Lockwoods place on display in the upcoming Founder's Party. Once she was leaving the Gilbert home she noticed Soren walking up to the front door wearing his Red suit that he would always wear, and she couldn't help but stop him and ask.

[Hello, I'm Carol Lockwood, the Mayor of Mystic Falls… Do tell me, who are you?]: carol

[I'm Soren Mikaelson, I have come here to pick up Jenna, she invited me to be her plus one at the upcoming Founder's Party… I do hope I'm not intruding on something by coming a bit early to pick her up]: soren

[Oh nonsense… I just dropped by to pick up something that the Gilberts had promised to lend us for the Founder's Party, and now I'll be on my way… See you there Mr. Mikaelson]: carol

Soren then watched as Carol got in her car and left the Gilbert residence, then Soren walked up to the door and gave a knock before Elena answered and saw Soren was here to pick up Jenna.

[Aunt Jenna!... Soren's here!]: elena

Elena then looked towards Soren and invited him in to wait for her to come down stairs, and after coming inside Soren was only kept waiting for a few minutes before he saw Jenna coming down the stairs in a beautiful multicolored sparkling dress. She then gave Soren a few spins and turns as she posed for him in her dress before Soren started clapping for her with a big smile on his face as he came up and gave her a deep kiss before separating from her and telling her how stunning she looks in her dress.

[You look amazing!... Hell, you could start a modeling career with that figure… Anyway, you ready to go?]: soren

Soren then held his elbow out so that Jenna could intertwine her arm with his as they walked to the front door and left Elena to get dressed by herself. Soon, Elena was picked up by Stefan and they left the house to head towards the Founder's party as well, but before she left she got a call from Carol about missing the pocket watch, but she knew Jeremy had it and didn't want to take it from him as it was rightfully his, so she lied and told Carol that it must still be in that attic collecting dust in another box.

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