
The three kingdoms.


The darkness enveloped Subaru as he struggled to open his eyes. His body ached with fresh wounds yet an unfamiliar damp earth cradled him. Slowly pushing himself up, sweat and mud caked his hands.

A forest surrounded him, ancient trees towering impossibly high into a cloudy sky. Their gnarled branches filled with crows calling ominously. Subaru turned to see a still form next to him - a young woman with snow white hair extends past her waist wears a hairclip in the shape of a butterfly wing over the left ear.and a beautiful features

Her chest rose and fell, whispered breaths the only sign of life. Reaching out, her skin felt cold yet smooth. Behind closed lids, her eyes darted restlessly. Through muddied memories, Subaru recalled dragging her unconscious form from a burning village. Why had he risked it? He knew not.

The woman's lashes fluttered open to reveal dark irises that surveyed him coolly. "Who are you? Where is this place?" Her voice was guarded yet unafraid. Sitting up gracefully, she took in their foreign woodland surroundings.

Subaru frowned. "I don't know this land. The last I remember was..." Fire and screams flashed before his eyes, replacing the forest. Shaking his head, he forced the memories down as always. "My name is Natsuki Subaru, Subaru is my first name. Yours?"

"I am Echidna the Witch of Greed.You pulled me from the flames, it seems." Her words held neither gratitude nor accusation, simply acceptance. Rare for one he'd saved. Most cringed at his sharp eyes and scarred face and built physique, assuming the worst.

Helping her stand, he gazed into the endless forest broodingly. "We were summoned here for a purpose I assume, I'd wager. My skills lie in combat - you're welcome to follow till we learn more of this place." A challenging look, expecting refusal.

Echidna considered with steady poise. "Very well. I sense...possibilities here beyond what we left behind. Lead on, Natsuki Subaru." Her cryptic manner frustrated yet intrigued him as they walked into the unknown together.

The woods guided their heavy boots endlessly. Perspiration dampened Subaru's clothes yet he marched tirelessly, battles trained each muscle. Beside him, Echidna glided effortlessly over gnarled roots and fallen trunks, barely making a sound. Her movements flowed with a preternatural grace foreign to his warrior's ways.

Pausing to drink from a cool stream, he watched her trace patterns in the dirt, pondering their route. "You've power yet remain an enigma. Speak - what gifts do you offer?" Subaru respected strength above all, in combat and spirit.

Lifting her head calmly, Echidna gazed into the forest depths. "Knowledge and insight are my weapons. I see beyond what is and discern patterns to navigate any fate. Have faith - I will aid our cause well, if you remain open to my counsel."

Subaru considered her words warily. Mages and seers and witches had betrayed him before under false faces of help. Yet her composure swayed where hysterics could not. Grunting acknowledgment, he stood to continue their hunt for answers and purpose in this new realm.

The trees thinned as evening fell, revealing rocky foothills that gave way to rugged mountains piercing the orange sky. Subaru smiled grimly at the familiar challenge of climbing terrain he knew well. Grasping weathered hands and boots, he scaled the slopes relentlessly with Echidna close behind.

Her keen eyes soon spotted flickering lights below in a mountain valley. "A settlement. Let us seek their hospitality - and knowledge of this land." Subaru nodded, redirecting their descent. Information was the true reward here, not perilous heights in darkness.

Torches blazed around clustered wood and stone huts as they emerged onto a dirt road. Suspicious eyes watched from doors and windows of the tiny mountain village. Subaru raised a hand in greeting, keeping an open yet guarded stance. These folk knew not to trust outsiders, as he once was.

An aging man stepped forward, gnarled staff tapping the ground authoritatively. "Greetings travelers. I am Elder Miclotov McMahon - state your purpose here." His lined face and snowy-haired head showed decades of weathering this harsh valley.

Exchanging a glance with the silent Echidna, Subaru replied firmly. "We've come to learn of this realm and aid any who need strong arms. My name is Natsuki Subaru - and this is Echidna. We intend you no harm." Respect and honesty had served him well in past lands.

Miclotove studied them pensively, then nodded. "Your words ring true, it seems. Come, share our fire and I shall tell what I can..."


The village fire crackled warmly as they sat with Elder miclotove MacMahon, and villagers crowded around. Subaru ate heartily of stew and bread while Echidna observed with subtle grace. Miclotove spoke of the realm they now found themselves in, the Great Waterfall Continent.

Ruled by warring factions, the provinces knew little peace. To the north lay The Holy Kingdom of Gusteko dominated by the The Mad prince, an unhinged warlord whose armies pillaged neighbors relentlessly. The western Kararagi City States bent to Lady Anastasia Hoshin, a cunning enchantress who expanded her rule through poison and political marriages. Other minor warlords vied for the remaining lands in constant skirmishing.

Only in the Dragon Kingdom of Lugnica in the east, where stout mountain villages barred access to all outsiders, did a semblance of freedom remain. But even here, The Mad Prince, spies lurked and Lady Anastasia Hoshin, assassins infiltrated. The people lived in fear despite hardy defenses, supplies dwindling under siege.

Subaru listened intently, mind churning. "These warlords must be challenged, or the Continent Lands will know only chaos and want. Strength alone won't prevail - we must gain allies and plan strategically." His skills honed over battles served a greater purpose now, not vengeful raids.

Echidna added delicately, "Knowledge and prophecies from my homeland foretell a savior will arise, uniting these lands through justice and compassion. Have faith - our cause is righteous." Subaru met her gaze, seeing new resolve within dark eyes that mirrored his own strengthening purpose.

Days passed as Subaru trained mountain folk in basic combat techniques. Hard hands grasped swords and spears clumsily, but under his direction found steady forms and teamwork. Soon the entire valley resonated with clashes and yells daily as defenses grew.

Echidna joined her gifts to the effort, healing injuries through mysterious arts and instilling calm resolve before battles long lost. The villagers' admiration swelled for their new champions fighting to shield their homes. Word spread eagerly through messengers to neighboring peaks.

Subaru sought out Elder Miclotove after an exhausting day of drilling. "We've gained these kind peoples' trust, but real tests lie ahead. I must earn more allies to face the greater threats, starting with The Mad Prince, holdings in the north. Will you spread word of our goals and gather supporters willing to pledge arms?"

Miclotove nodded solemnly. "The people have hope in you two, a rare light in these dire times. I shall rally whom I can to your banner. But The Mad Prince strongholds are heavily fortified - your assault must catch them unprepared to succeed with any village levies alone. Consider an alternative..."

Echidna had entered silently, coming to Subaru's side. She gazed northwards. "I sense opportunity near the western Kararagi City border, where dissent festers under Lady Anastasia Hoshin rule. A certain village sheltered an uprising long ago, its elder retaining knowledge that could aid our cause. Let us seek him out as our next step".

Intrigued, Subaru turned to her. "Lead on then, and I'll place my faith in your guidance. To the villages with him, and whatever allies may be found!" Miclotove  signaled messengers to summon the new recruits as Subaru and Echidna readied for their mission under stars brightening the dark mountains.

They descended from the Guardian Peaks at dawn, winding down rocky slopes. Behind, fortress-like villages perched impregnably but hope swelled within weathered walls now. Ahead, misty valleys and dense forests carpeted the earth, hiding dangers unknown. Subaru strode confidently with Echidna gliding lithe beside him, weapons ready yet hearts unperturbed by the unknown paths ahead.

After a day's travel, they emerged from emerald gloom into a clearing. Within stood low thatched homes surrounded by fields tirelessly tilled, watched by vigilant sentries. Subaru called out in greeting as figures emerged, ready yet wary.

An aging villager hobbled forward, unbent despite age-weathered skin and bold Head. "Who disturbs our peace, strangers? State your purpose - these are troubled days, and outsiders oft bring more ills than good". His guarded tone reminded Subaru of past betrayal, fueling determination to prove different.

"I am Natsuki Subaru Subaru is my first name, and this is Echidna. We come seeking Elder Bordeaux Zellgef, with hope and offer of alliance against the tyranny choking these lands. Miclotove MacMahon, of the Lugunica, advised us to your wisdom and courage in darker times past. If you'll receive us in fellowship, much can be shared over your hearth this eve".

Suspicion lingered on wrinkled features, yet within rheumy eyes a spark flared briefly at mention of old allies. "Very well, come. Dinner is readied, and I've tales that may interest you both..."

Subaru smiled grimly, sensing a new turn in their mission taking shape as night fell. The time had come to spread wings further, gathering strength for the trials to come under painted skies. He and Echidna followed Elder Bordeaux into the village with sure steps and open hands, ready to listen and share what hope remained for a free future. Their purpose had only begun to shine through gathering shadows.


Crackling flames warmed the small village as Subaru, Echidna and Elder Bordeaux, shared food and counsel long into the night. Tales of past rebellions and Lady Anastasia rising cruelty chilled their hearts, yet also kindled flames of defiance within.

"When strangers came promising aid, we gave what support we could", Bordeaux explained grimly. "But Anastasia, spies learned of it, and she showed no mercy. I still see my people slaughtered, homes burnt...we've lived in fear since. But your arrival brings hope that justice may come at last".

Subaru nodded, brow furrowed in thought. "Her rule cannot stand if these lands are to know peace. A show of strength is needed to inspire dissent in outlying farms and minor holds. With your people rallied to our banner, a swift raid could catch one of her outposts unprepared. Victory there may turn doubters to our cause".

Echidna spoke cautiously, Yet hasty "action risks costly losses, and shepherding vengeance will not fill emptied stomachs come winter. I sense alternative paths that minimize bloodshed yet spread our message powerfully. Have faith - my visions will guide a surer strategy, if you remain open".

Her wisdom calmed Subaru's battle-hardened instincts. "Very well, enlighten us. What do you propose?" Echidna smiled subtly and began to share her plan in hushed tones as the fire crackled on into dawn...

Days passed as Subaru drilled Bordeaux villagers in basic combat while Echidna's visions took shape. When all was prepared under cover of night, they set out from the sleepy fields - two score farmers with scythes and hoes, led by their new champions.

Subaru and Echidna moved with surefooted grace through misty woodlands, voices barely carrying on the chill air. A sturdy waystation loomed ahead, roughhewn planks illuminated within. Guards paced drowsily, expecting no trouble this far from trials of war.

"Perfect". Echidna signaled halting the group, then turned to Subaru with a rare grin. "Let our performance begin, and may it spread far." He nodded, steeling himself as she readied mysterious incantations. Then with a roar he charged from shadowy treeline towards the oblivious guards.

Helmeted heads swiveled in alarm at the hulking apparition bearing down upon them too swiftly to be real. Subaru's ghostly form dissipated at their feet, causing shouts of fear to ring out through the station waking all within.

Guards scrambled to form ranks against this supernatural foe as Echidna began weaving hypnotic visions in the mists. Ethereal whispers carried pleas for help from long-departed souls, moans of the slain seeking vengeance, her eyes glowing Green in the moonlight.

The soldiers quaked at specters materializing from the ether, wraithlike figures howling in anguish and diving towards them. Panicked yells turned to screams of horror, reason fleeing before this unholy assault.

In the chaos, many threw down weapons and fled into the night, pursued by the wrath of the restless dead. Others slumped senseless to the ground, minds broken. By dawn, the waystation was deserted under pallid sunlight - but word had spread swiftly of the station's haunting, and whispers of a phantom army defending the common folk soon reached far and wide.

Subaru and Echidna emerged from cover amid the panic, bringing the villagers to peacefully take the abandoned supplies within. No blood needed staining their mission to loose fear's shackles from the land. Their new alliance had struck a powerful early blow through guile and terror, not force of arms.

As they travelled, celebrating villagers spread word of the spectres' warning" - rise up, or face damnation." And among militias in outlying farms, unrest grew in secret at rumors carried by the winds...

Days later found them hiking through windswept moors towards the Peaks with tales to share. Yet scouts reported "strangers abroad - a patrol sent by Lady Anastasia Hoshin, herself, hunting through these border-lands". Subaru hissed a curse and quickened pace, hand ever ready on pommel. But Echidna slowed, pondering...

"Let them come. I sense an opportunity if handled with care and courage, not rage. Trust me, Subaru - our mission is one of hope, not hatred. Have faith that wisdom will guide our way, as the skies open above challenging what comes." He studied her calm mien broodingly, then nodded with newfound faith in her judgment. They continued onward together to greet whatever fate approached over mist-shrouded fields.

The patrol emerged through blowing grass - a score well-armed riders clad in Lady Anastasia Hoshin violet livery. At their head sat a stern captain gripping a whip impatiently. "Halt, strangers! State your names and purpose, or face the lash!" His steed snorted and stamped, sensing its riders' hot blood.

Subaru and Echidna did so calmly despite peasant garb hiding true mettle. "We are just aggrieved villagers who hope for refuge from the horrors of war, Might we continue in peace?" The captain scowled, unconvinced. Yet before he could speak, frothing clouds opened in a deluge.

Echidna smiled subtly and began weaving signs as ethereal whispers rose from the downpour. The soldiers quaked in awe and dread, seeing ghosts rise from the waters pooling around their feet. Pale forms dragged themselves from the sodden earth, lamenting centuries of injustice in a dead tongue.

Thunder cracked overhead, and lightning's flare revealed a sea of the vengeful dead surrounding the patrol. The horses bucked and neighed in terror, spilling riders from saddles to become trapped in the specters' midst. Mad screams filled the moor as souls swarmed the fallen, bearing them down into the voracious mud to be lost forever.

When the storm passed, only Echidna, Subaru and the villagers stood unharmed amid fresh graves marking the border mire. Word would spread of this unholy fate befalling invaders to these haunted lands under the Guardians' watchful peaks. And with each telling, support for the phantoms' cause only swelled throughout the shires in hushed whispers and tavern gossip late at night...

Their mission had struck another blow for hope through guile, not bloodletting. As they continued towards new allies, Subaru gazed at Echidna in growing admiration faith and affection. Truly, wisdom and compassion were stronger guides than vengeance alone upon this path.


Winter descended swiftly over the The Continent Lands, blanketing villages under pristine snows. Within mountain fastnesses, Subaru's recruits trained tirelessly even as frost coated beards and breath steamed. Their champion drove them to perfect unity and stealth through punishing circuits.

Word of the phantom army and its champions spreading dissent had reached The Mad Prince spies. And the brutal warlord moved to eliminate this growing threat to his domination. Through payoffs and threats, he learned of Subaru's origins in a distant realm where a village burned under his futile rage.

This tragic past provided a weakness to exploit. While Subaru drilled recruits one dusk, scouts brought grim tidings " riders flew The crazy Prince banners, laying siege to that village's ruins and putting all within to the sword." A catalyst for the darkness he knew still lurked within his soul despite Echidna gentle guidance.

Rage flooded Subaru's mind in a scarlet haze. With a bestial howl he seized his massive blade and bolted down the mountainside at reckless speed, heedless of calls to wait. The beast within had been unleashed by his oldest demons, drowning out reason and mercy. All that mattered was blood repaying blood on the frozen fields of his past.

Echidna realized The Mad Prince ploy immediately but knew she could not match Subaru's mad dash. Closing eyes, she summoned her gifts and dissolved into a swarm of Butterflies fleeing his trail through the forests. Somehow, she must persuade him from the brink of madness before the darkness consumed him utterly.

Subaru crashed through snowy woods like an avalanche, snapping trunks underfoot. By nightfall he reached the smoldering ruins, panting with exertion yet fury stronger still as ghosts confronted him. Figures rose from the snow - friends, family, all pleading for vengeance through him.

He roared in sorrow and slashed his sword, exiling the specters as only violence could. But as blade fell again, taloned fingers stayed his arm. Subaru whirled to see Butterfly-Echidna As a fairy incarnate perched there, It shines like a lamp, but green . "Meet my eyes, friend - let wisdom calm what rage has stirred. Remember your true purpose."

Subaru froze, heaving lungs gradually calming as he locked stares with her glimmering black orbs. Peace and purpose emanated from that ancient soul, countering the howling darkness within. Slowly, reason returned through her empathetic gaze...Until shouts disrupted the respite.

The Mad Prince men emerged from ashes, spotting easy prey in the maddened warrior and Butterfly like fairy alone against fifteen. But Echidna simply croaked and dissolved back into glowing Green lustrous microscopic pearls, vanishing into the woods. "Have faith, Subaru - let me guide you true." Her voice echoed in his mind's eye, banishing final vestiges of the beast.

He turned to face the riders calmly, sword tip tracing meditative patterns. As they surrounded and jeered, Subaru merely smiled grimly. "Your trap failed, Prince - for strength lies not in vengeance alone." His weapon exploded in a whirling dervish, parrying every cut with casual ease as a predator toying with prey.

Blades bounced off iron-hard sinews honed by years of battle. None could match his footing on the slippery ground. Within moments, fourteen men lay stunned or bleeding, last grasping a broken lance desperately. Subaru paused, considering the final foe coolly. Then a butterfly emerged fluttering from the pines behind as Echidna reemerged.

"Flee, and spread word - the beast within is chained, its fangs turned against your master now instead." The man fled instantly into the night, abandoning saddle and comrades alike to mortal foes. Subaru allowed a chuckle, new resolve filled beyond the desire for retribution alone. "Thanks to you, my friend - darkness shall only fuel our mission from this day on."

They returned to the mountains renewed and weary but proud. Under starlight, Echidna told how her spirit had soared the night skies, finding solace in vast vistas cleansing earthly troubles. Such high places called her soul as waters a duck, granting peace. Subaru listened, comprehending his friend as never before through sharing wounds both seen and unseen. Their bond grew unbreakable.

Word reached The Mad Prince of utter failure, enraging the warlord. But Lady Hoshin, approaching entourage brought secrets that tempted a darker stratagem against these phantoms undermining her realm...

News carried swiftly to Bordeaux of the hunt's outcome, lifting hopes. But within towering mountain Peaks, shadows gathered as snow swirled endlessly. And for Subaru, the true trial of strength, courage and redemption was only beginning against powers that even Echidna's gifts could scarcely fathom. The clouds parted as he strode forth alone to face his final test, whatever form it might take upon the celestial battlefield...,


Stinging snow whipped Subaru's face as he marched the narrow pass alone, weighed by dark premonitions. Echidna's divination warned a great trial awaited at the mountain Strongholds, and only he could face this test of spirit. While she readied rituals to guide his soul aright, he must walk unburdened.

Reaching a windswept glade, Subaru steeled himself. A shadowy form coalesced from dancing snowflakes - The mad Prince, smirking wickedly as blade flashed. Their duel was brief yet brutal, steel ringing sharply off stone. Subaru's scars sang in the bitter cold as he parried each blow with masterful ease, noticing the apparition growing transparent.

His enemy was not flesh, but a vestige of past trauma meant to daunt the mind. With a contemptuous shove, Subaru banished the specter as dawn light swelled suddenly, revealing another gale-swept valley beyond. Marching on, more shades appeared to snarl vengeance - fallen comrades, the village burned, all demanding retribution fuel their wrath once more.

Through storm and shadows Subaru strode calmly, refusing their ghosts' siren song. They dissolved one by one under steady tread until emerging onto a windswept crest, jaws agape at vision below. Two towering figures dueled savagely amid lightning - Echidna striving against a swirling vortex embodying all chaos and hate.

Wasting no words, Subaru hurled himself into the melee without hesitation. Though test and storm battered his resolve, compassion for his friend fueled indomitable will against even the embodiment of conflict itself. Locking eyes with Echidna across clashing forces, new understanding passed between souls baring all to shield the other, regardless of cost.

Their coordinated attack strained the embodiment to its limit. With a final shove, Subaru and Echidna forced the storm personified off the cliffs into whiteness. Panting, battered yet whole, they turned to grin wearily at one another "- two halves of a single indomitable heart now, able to overcome any darkness through empathy and fellowship."

Hand shaking Echidna's gently, Subaru bowed his head. "I understand now - true strength lies not in revenge or hatred, but connections between kindred spirits fighting shared evils through mercy, not malice. You've been my light in shadows long, dear friend. Let our purpose be hope and justice, no matter storms ahead!"

She smiled radiantly, rare joy lighting hruchise eyes. "Thus is the lesson all souls must learn, dearest - that together, compassion conquers where force fails. Our mission has only begun, but now goes forth with truer guiding wisdom. Come, the villages await their return victorious!"

Granite gates guarding the mountain vastness ahead parted suddenly without sign or pull. Through swirling veils, carved idols gazed eternally as Subaru and Echidna entered, side by soothing warmth flowed through them like summer wine, healing all wounds as if years passing in an instant.

Visions flashed behind shut eyes - allies rallying in valleys below, the land stirring from long sleep to rise up as one against oppression. The mad Prince, and Anastasia Hoshin, scrambling to counter the avalanche mounting against their thrones of blood and iron. And most stunningly, two outsider souls kindred in spirit holding aloft a banner of hope, leading a people to freedom through empathy, not force or vengeance alone.

When sight returned, Subaru beheld EchidnaThe mystery of a book she its owner limned in a Mind-boggling aura, unveiled Power potent yet gentle as summer dawn. He knew her true nature then, bowing with reverence not fear, "for grace emboldens courage as fury never could. O, witch of greed Echidna, holder of the book of prophecies, guide this wayfarer still - our mission is not finished, and greater works remain."

She smiled knowingly, taking his calloused hand. "Come, champion - let our purpose be peace through justice and mercy. The Mad Prince brutality has sown dissent ripe for harvest, and unified these folk desire change, not more conflict. With winter passing, it is time for our true mission to begin in earnest..."

Springs winds heralded rebirth throughout the great waterfall continent. In mountain fastnesses, recruits stood ready beneath newly forged standards - a Butterfly embracing a Star, symbols of wisdom and courage uplifting the oppressed. Below, rallied villagers pledged lives to the cause through Subaru and his bright lady.

Their host descended on The Mad Prince northern marches, liberating towns through offers of partnership, not threats of carnage. Disaffected soldiers defected in droves to just governance, weakening army discipline. When The Prince hurled his main legions southward to crush this uprising, it was too late - the people now rose as one vast army under banners of fellowship.

The climactic battle shook plains once stained by endless feud, but ended swiftly. With a few ringing blows and Echidna's binding magics, The mad Prince fell from his armor in disgrace before righteous fury he spawned. As chains locked around the tyrant, cheers rose to crack the sky from common folk delivered at last.

Lady Anastasia Hoshin, attempted vain sorceries too, but dissent rotted her realm from within before combined hosts could march. Poisoned by fear and cunning, she took her own life rather than submit to people's justice. Across valleys and holds, black standards were lowered forever as green shoots of hope took root where once only ash remained.

On a bright spring morn, Subaru and Echidna  stood before throngs in the capital. "Here shall be established a covenant of shielding lesser folk through commitment to fairness, mercy and empowerment - not domination. Any rising to oppress another shall face our gathered wrath. But for now, take joy in bonds between kindred spirits that toppled greater evils!"

Cheers shook the realm that day, beginning an era of prosperity under wise governance. Subaru smiled, grasping his now lover hand proudly before departing into sunlight. Though darkness may threaten any land, together compassionate souls can forge hope stronger than hatred through empathy, not force alone. Their mission had been victory for all through redemption and fellowship. As long as such champions arose, freedom would endure for ages to come.