



A few years passed, and I became skilled in fighting, and my only main goal was to defeat the vaewolfves who couldn’t control themselves, which is the reason why many wolves are afraid. While I was walking with my disciples and Aunt Thana, I returned to the place where Daciana and I used to play before. When I got there, I signaled to Farkas to leave me alone because I wanted to be alone first.

While looking around, I couldn’t help but smile because of the memories I saw in that place. But that doesn’t mean that I will forget what kind of cruelty her family did to me. A few years later I heard that their pack was doing well, and the only funny thing about that was that Daciana also became a good hunter. I heard that they formed an organization that will also hunt vaewolfves like we did, but there’s a difference between the two. They killed, while we hunted to get them where they needed to be.

“Rudina?” I turned around when someone called my name, and when I looked to see who it was, I saw Daciana, who was very beautiful in her clothes.

I can’t imagine that what I was only thinking about before is now in front of me. “D-Daciana…”

I don’t know what to do because it’s been a while since we last met. I approached her and looked at the rabbits, but there were already many of them. I did not think that she would take care of our favorite animal, and I did not expect that, despite what happened, she would not abandon it. While looking at that, I couldn’t help but cry because, despite what happened between us, she hasn’t changed.

“It’s been a long time since I last heard about you from my parents,” she said, as I glanced away. “Honestly, I’m glad you saw your father, and I had no idea you were royal blood,” she continued, then I wiped my tears.

“I didn’t even know about my father since my mother never told me anything about him,” I explained, taking a deep breath.

“I didn’t trust the other things I heard from them because I knew you were the only one who would tell me the truth.” At that point, I turned to her, then I frowned.

“What exactly do you mean, Daciana?” I inquired.

She stared at me, then took my hand in hers. “Did you attempt to kill them?” she asked, and I shook my head at her.

“You know me Daciana, even if I never meant to do that to them, even if I died,” I stated, and then she unexpectedly hugged me.

“I know, Rudina, I believe in you, and no matter what happens, I believe in what you said.”

I couldn’t help myself; I hugged her as well. I don’t know how long we chatted; all I know is that I just talked to Daciana like this. After a time, I heard someone coming, so I stood up, concealed my scent, and disguised my identity. Daciana was sleeping at the time, and I couldn’t wake her up. While he was looking at her, there came a man, and he was handsome. It cannot be denied because of the point of his nose, his long eyelashes, and his red lips.

“I’ve been looking for you for a while; you’re just here,” he said while smiling and looking at Daciana.

“Who is he?” I wondered.

Daciana woke up, then she quickly stood up and looked for my presence before she looked at the man. I slowly approached her, then I whispered. “I’m just here,” I said, then she turned to me, but she was looking in a different direction.

“Daciana.” She turned to the man, then straightened herself.

“What are you doing here?” Daciana asked him.

“They are looking for you,” he said, then sighed.

“I’ll follow you,” she said and motioned to the man.

“I’ll just wait for you, what are you going to do?” he said, I saw Daciana’s annoyed face.

“Aztecs!” she shouted in annoyance as the man followed her, quickly left, and walked away.

I laughed at Daciana’s disgusted face, then I showed up in front of her and looked at her teasingly. She sneered at me, and then she beat me gently. “I don’t think a Daciana will have an admirer,” I said in a teasing tone.

“Rudina!” she said softly, then I smiled.

“He’s handsome.” My eyebrows went up, and then she looked at me evilly.

“Can’t you think of anything else?”

“I’m telling the truth.”

“He’s just nothing.”

“But I don’t think so.”



“I have to go,” she said, and I sighed.

“I understand,” I said, and then she smiled.

For the last time she hugged me, I hugged her the same way. While we hugged, I couldn't help but miss her. When I broke away from the hug, I quickly became invisible when Aztec suddenly appeared. I saw Daciana’s disgusted face again, and she started to walk. Aztec shook his head and followed her, while I couldn't help but smile at the two of them.

When they left, I turned back, but when I turned around, I gasped when my lips touched the lips of Farkas, who was right behind me. I immediately distanced myself, then touched my lips and looked at him, annoyed. He touched his lips, then smiled sweetly at me and seemed to say that he liked what happened.

“That was taste so good,” he commended.

“Damn it, Farkas!” I snorted in annoyance.

“What?” he spoke said as if nothing had happened to us.

“You did it in purpose!”

“No I didn’t,” he said.

“Why are you behind me?”

“Because I was going to say that we have to go back to the palace, my majesty,” he said with a smile, then bowed. “Do you want me to carry you to the palace, my love?” he teased, and then I turned away from him.

“No thanks!” I said, then approached Auntie Thana.

Aunt Thana just shook her head, and we just started walking. My mood was good today, and even if something bad happened to Daciana and me, we were able to forget everything that happened. On reaching the pack, where we heard of a vaewolf to wander, while we were walking, everyone around us bowed to us. If before they looked down on me, now they are the ones bowing before me.

We stopped because of what we encountered. Daenim raised an eyebrow at me, and then she bowed in respect to me. I didn’t pay attention to her, and I just went straight for a walk. They are also part of our organization, but there are things they don’t follow, something that angers Father. I haven't seen my mother since I lived in the palace, but I don’t have to worry about her because I know she is in good condition now.

“This is the one we caught last night, but there is another one whose strength and power are not just for nothing. He is not from here, and the news is that he lived in another pack as a wolf. Even so, he couldn’t control himself,” Daenim explained, and I just sighed.

I signaled to Farkas, and then I looked at what he just did. While watching, I couldn’t help feeling sorry for them, but we had to do it for their own good. “Why don’t you just kill them to end the problem?” Daenim said, then I looked at her.

“If you don’t have anything to say, just keep quiet,” I said, then I turned my back on her.

I need to find another missing vaewolf and I need to find him as soon as possible. “You know you’re rude too,” she said, annoyed, and then I winced.

“Don’t you know what you’re doing is reckless?”

“I don’t care if you are the daughter of a king!”

Everyone was surprised by what Daenim did, then I flinched my hair. I don’t need to lower myself to her because, first of all, we are doing what is right and they are doing what is wrong. My soldiers were about to draw their weapons when I raised my hand to them and just smiled.

“If you don’t know how to respect those who elevate you, then learn to listen to others and don’t just be yourself,” I said seriously, then I approached her. “You don’t need to raise your voice, because maybe if I’m the one who does that, your tail will suddenly split.”

I turned my back on her and left completely. I looked for the source of the smell, but it disappeared as soon as I reached the stream. This is actually annoying because we are able to hide our smell. Even so, we have the ability to see each other’s footprints, which is why I smiled when I saw the footprints that ran somewhere. As I was following that, I quickly fell because I felt someone attack me from behind.

When I got out, I quickly climbed the tree, and then I prepared my sword and followed its quick movements. When I was able to see him clearly, I quickly chased after him. I caught him, but he immediately kicked me causing me to splash and knock down the trees I hit.

“Rudina!” Farkas shouted, then I looked at him.

I rose up again without hesitation and swiftly ran after him. I didn’t glance at Farkas, who was merely following me as I was chasing him. When I ran after him, someone came charging at me, and I didn’t spot him since I was moving so fast. I fell down, unable to pull him off of me. As I saw his expression, I couldn’t help but frown. I honestly don’t understand why there appears to be something odd about him. Something in his eyes appears to be pleading with me to help him.

I slowly raised my hand, then touched his face. “It’s okay... it’s not your fault,” I said, and I don’t know why I said that.

I saw how his eyes changed color and seemed to be returning to his trance. “Cassius!” I turned to the person who called the man on top of me, then he quickly took the man and pulled him away from me.

I was startled by the pain I felt in my back, then I grabbed my shoulder. “You alright?” Farkas asked.

“I’m fine,” I answered him.

I looked at Cassius, who had been fierce before and was now unconscious. I looked at the man holding him, and then I frowned. I don’t know why there seems to be something strange about the two of them, and it was just as Auntie Thana arrived, then I signaled them to take the two. I still held my chest, then I closed my eyes tightly and looked in another direction when I felt something again.

“I didn’t understand. Who was I chasing earlier?” I wondered to myself.

We took the two men with us, and when we arrived at the palace, I went straight to where Father was, bowed to him, then he prompted me to say what I wanted to say. To be honest, I was suddenly confused by what happened earlier, and I felt that there was something different about the man I was chasing earlier.

“What’s bothering you?” he asked me, then I looked at him.

“I was chasing a vaewolf a while ago, and he disappeared from my sight, and suddenly Cassius and his companion, a man who I think is his brother, appeared. But he is also a vaewolf who doesn’t know what’s happening to him yet, and he can still control himself,” I explained.

“Then there is a creature troubling your mind?” he said, and I nodded.

“He was so fast earlier that I couldn’t catch up with him, but I knew his presence.” I held my chin, then I sat on the chair. “But he seems to be able to control himself, and even his attack on me earlier was not that strong. I see that he’s not that bad, but something seems really strange,” I said, confused.

“Aren’t you the one with strange feelings, my little princess?” father said, then I looked at him again and frowned.

“What do you mean father?”

He sighed, then he put both elbows on the table, and he looked into my eyes. “Farkas has a crush on you, but you don’t see him that way. It’s not like when you first met that guy, he felt something different about you, or maybe you felt something for him,” he said, and I was even more confused.

I simply shook my head, then turned and walked away to rest. I entered the room and stared at the ceiling before taking a deep breath and closing my eyes firmly. Honestly, its weird eyes gave me an odd feeling that I can’t explain. As the light went out, I gasped and hurriedly got up to prepare myself. But I was taken aback when someone embraced me from behind, and my eyes widened even more as I felt him near my ear.
