


I awoke with a hand on my cheek. When I opened my eyes, I saw a woman’s face that I recognized. I instantly stood up and examined it attentively. I held her hand, then she laughed at what I was doing, but I ignored her.

“Mommy?” I can hardly believe it.

“Yeah, it’s me,” she said, and I hugged her.

My tears dropped, and I was surprised to see her. It's tougher today because so many people are after me. I instantly pulled away from the hug and looked around because I suspected someone was following her. She abruptly halted me, and I turned to face her, which shocked me. She kept me calm when I didn’t know what to do.

“Enough, Shranaia,” she said.

“D-didn’t anybody follows you? Is there anyone waiting outside? Doesn’t anyone know you’re here?” I inquired.

“Shhh!!! You have nothing to worry about. I arrived safely, and Vixen himself drove me here; we didn’t take a risky road, so there’s no need to worry,” she replied, and I drew a sigh of relief.

I hugged him once more. “I missed you, Mommy,” I murmured, snorting like a child.

“I missed you too,” she remarked as she took my hand in her and walked me down to breakfast.

When I went down, I came to a halt when I saw Rara making breakfast. Ron, Ran, and Gena were also present except for Vixen, Rara came to a halt, stared at me, then roll her eyes on me, and I was appalled by what she did. Mommy took my hand and drew me closer to the meal, and as I sat down, Rara followed suit. While I was staring at her, I saw how she placed food on her plate in front of me.

I believed they’d never return since they’d gone back to the pack, but they’re here now. I simply sighed and then looked at all of them, and I realized that I am special in some way and that even if I don’t have my parents anymore, they are my family, and everyone is important to me. When Jenny and Eliot walked in, I stared toward the door. I cast a glance at Ron, who abruptly rose up and greeted them, but Jenny walked right to my side and hugged me.

“I miss you!” she said, and I embraced her back.

“What are you doing here?” I ask.

“Isn’t it obvious? We’re here because your boyfriend invited us,” she replied, making me frown.

“Who’s boyfriend?” I wondered.

“Don’t deny yourself anymore. You know who we are talking about,” said Eliot, then I looked at him.

“You’re not the one I'm talking to; you’re interrupting,” I said, annoyed.

“You’re too rude to me, you know that?”

“You better just leave, you don’t belong here.”

“That’s right, it doesn’t matter,” said Jenny, then she looked at Mommy. “Hi aunt, it’s been a long time,” she greeted Mommy.


I didn’t argue anymore because I knew that they wouldn’t let me be tempted either. I just groaned, then looked at the food and ate it all. I glanced at Jenny when I noticed something strange about her. I looked at her hand, and it looked like there was something strange there, but those who are with us now can't see that.

I want to ask her what happened, but this is not the right time to do so, especially since everyone is here. They will only worry. After we ate, we all went out to get some fresh air, and at that time I pulled him to one side, and she was surprised by what I did.

“What are you doing, Shranaia?”

I held her hand, then I looked at it, and I heard her move on it. I know it hurts, and I know it’s not outside because it’s inside. But how did it go? I frowned at her, and then I asked her what happened to her hand, and she looked at me, not knowing what to do, and was about to take her hand back, but she didn’t.

“What happened here?” I asked while holding her hand.

“That’s not the case,” she answered, then I pressed my grip on it more, causing it to hurt even more.

“It can’t just be nothing, because that’s not common, Jenny. Tell me what happened and who did it,” I said angrily, and I saw that she was afraid of me.

Her tears streamed down her cheeks, and she quickly held me to calm me down. In actuality, I’m irritated with him right now because she’s keeping something from me that she should have said but decided not to. I released her from my embrace and asked her again who had done this to her.

“I don’t know what to say or how to say it.”

“Say it!” I yelled.

“Deacon!” she exclaimed.

My hand clenched, then I punched the wall, causing it to break. Jenny grabbed her head and was scared of what I did. “Why did you just tell me about that now, Jenny!”

“Because I don’t want you to worry!”

“You just made the situation worse. Did you think I wouldn’t notice?” I shook my head, then looked at her. “What did he say to you, and what was that thing?”

She held her hand in tears, then sat down. “P-poison,” she said weakly, then I looked in another direction.

“Dang it!”

“What is happening here?” I turned to see who spoke.


“Why are you here?” I said, and he scowled at at me.

“Aren’t I supposed to be here?” he wondered. I was going to turn away when he grabbed my arm, and I immediately turned to face him. “Why do you always turn your back on me when I talk to you?”

“Do you think we’ll be alright if they come here, Mommy? You can’t mislead me because I know you’ll still stop me from doing anything I want,” I shouted furiously, pulling my arm away from him.

“Do you have a problem?” Jenny asked, crying, and then I looked at her.

“We’re not done talking yet.”


I took Jenny’s hand and walked away, but we both came to a halt when he appeared in front of us. “Aren’t you going to stop me?”

“You talk to me first.”

“We have nothing more to talk about, so get out of our way.”

Jenny drew her hand back and backed away. “Maybe we should just talk about it earlier. For now, could you talk first about what you are arguing about,” she said, then left us running.

I clenched my hand and then looked at Vixen in annoyance. I didn’t know if I should talk to her or not. I looked at Rara, who was with Gena, and Ron, Ran, and Eliot were talking. Jenny ran towards Mommy. I just looked at all of them while Vixen was next to me, who was also just standing there and hadn’t started what he was going to say to me.

I grabbed my left chest when I felt something strange, and Vixen immediately approached me, but I quickly pushed him away. “I don’t need your help; I’m fine,” I said quickly, then distanced myself from him.

He didn’t say anything and just let me go, and as the pain subsided, I sighed a sigh of relief. I looked around and suddenly sensed danger, so I acted swiftly, and Vixen did the same. He followed me till we exited the gate, and from there I saw the monster I despised until I died.

“I didn’t anticipate a visitor,” I said, grinning at them both.

I examined Fergus from head to toe, and he hasn’t altered from the way he was when I was a youngster, or even now. Faustino is the same. I want to utilize this as a chance for the three of us to confront each other now because I know it won’t be long before we do. Vixen stood in front of me, with me trailing after him like a helpless beast.

“I’d want to collect, and it’s been a long time since we last met,” I remarked, glancing at them.

“We just found out you’re here, and I had no idea Vixen was still with you?”

“He’s usually following me,” I said, and Vixen turned to face me.

“We should have ended you a long time ago,” Faustino remarked, and I grinned.

“Can you tell me why you want me to vanish from this world?” I questioned, and Fergus glanced at me.

He smiled and turned to face Vixen. “Didn’t you tell him the truth, Vixen?” he muttered, and my brow wrinkled.

I’m not sure what he’s talking about or what facts I should be aware of. I looked at Vixen, but she was staring at the two fathers while I was concentrating on what was going on. I ran to Fergus without thinking twice, and he swiftly crossed his arms. He pushed me hard before transforming into a wolf, which I also created. We're all equals, and to be honest, I'm still learning how to fight like a wolf.

Fergus dashed towards me, but Vixen halted in front of me, and I was taken aback by what she did. Faustino will assault from the right, which I will quickly repel, but I will be the one to slam out. I changed forms and confronted him, who likewise changed forms and smiled at me.

“I know you don’t know anything about fighting when you’re a wolf dog. I didn’t expect you to be like that till now,” he sneered.

I didn’t anticipate it to be this difficult, but I truly can’t. “But in this form, I can fight you,” I answered, beaming at him.

While Vixen and Fergus were still looking after me, he just smirked at me. I just did not pay attention to them. I hurried towards Faustino, who swiftly dodged my assault, and because of my speed, he didn’t notice I was attacking from behind him, causing some trees to fall. I just stood there staring at it until Vixen came to a halt and went to Faustino’s location.

“You can’t underestimate someone like me because even if I can’t do it as a wolf, I can do it as a human.”

He didn’t speak, then he stood up, and I prepared myself for his attack. I know it will be difficult for him to attack him because he is strong and not easily beaten. I felt that Faustino, who was Vixen’s enemy just now, was going to attack. When I faced him, I saw his scary look, which made me remember when he chased me in the forest.

I didn’t move, and I just sat on the floor, and tears suddenly fell from my eyes. But this ugly hand had not even touched me when suddenly someone appeared, and I turned to see who it was. He looked at Faustino and then turned to Fergus.

“I don’t allow anyone to hurt the woman I love,” he said.

Nothing came out of my mouth, and I just stared at them, not even moaning at what Deacon said. Vixen approached me and helped me get up, and I gripped her hand strongly. Even though I was furious with him, I couldn't keep it up for long.

“Are you okay?” it inquired.

“I’m alright,” I said, wiping away my tears.

“What are you doing here?” I questioned Deacon, who turned to face me.

“I thought you were in danger, so I got here right away. Is it a terrible thing?” he remarked plainly, and I waited to see Vixen's response.

I glanced at Deacon again and remembered what happened to Jenny, so I swiftly assaulted him, which astonished and surprised him. As I ran towards him, his eyes widened. Fergus and Faustino were forgotten because I needed medication for my pal. Vixen had no idea what was going on, and when I caught Deacon, he even chuckled at me, as if he were pleased with what was going on.

“What did you do to Jenny?” I raged.

“Didn’t she tell you anything?” he said before I choked him.

“I am not fcking joking here!”

“What happened to Jenny?” Vixen inquired, but I did not respond.

I pressed my face to Deacon’s and spoke to him. I warned, “Will you take the poison from his body, or will I kill you?” He smirked again.

“What do you think you can do? You are not yet able to fight as a wolf, and you only rely on your strength as a human.” He looked into my eyes, and my hand was shaking because of anger. “As a wolf, you don’t know anything yet because I know you are still weak, Shranaia.”