
Self hatred.

Meanwhile, Xia wei was heading deep into the forest without realizing it.

Xia wei was walking fast trying to calm down her temper which was raising and she was getting very upset thinking 'why? why? me always this darn stupid life!! why do I always have to deal with a bastard like him! and for god sake I helped him! even after that!!!'.

Xia Wei's tears were about to spill out but before they could, Xia wei give her self a sound slap right on the cheek that her lip started bleeding and bite her tongue hard. and starts shouting at herself with a loud voice.

"Xia wei you bloody fool if you cry I will never forgive you! stop crying! how dare you even think of crying specially because of that bastard!" she slaps herself one more time harder this time.

Xia Wei had a lot of self-hatred towards herself and she hated tears, even more, no matter what the situation she has never allowed herself to cry even if it tore her apart and here she was feeling extremely upset, mad, sad about a guy she saved yet have no idea why? as she was dead sure she was not in love with him.

Xia Wei thought: "Darn this bloody nature of mine that gets over emotional over stupid things he called me short so what? I have been called that a lot of time even I myself call myself that ha" while continuously ridicule herself.

she continues to think when she realized and facepalmed at herself hard: 'darn I'm so ridiculous I kicked a person who was already injured I'm just so darn ridiculous i swear! Why couldn't I have taken it his insults straight and resorted properly instead of kicking him..he is right about me being small after all I'm just 6.0cm. ofc I'm small'. At the end whatever Xia Wei said she was kind.

Xia wei sighs big "sighs" and thought 'I need to apologize I was very rude even tho he a fool he is still elder then and he was right to boost so I should apologize' and sighs again.

Xia Wei had a very interesting temper it could flare like a volcano then calm like the seas as if nothing happened tho it would always give rise to more self-hatred towards herself as she loses control of herself when she loses her temper for real and this day has been testing her patience since it started so she can't really be blamed either.

Sighing Xia wei stands up and starts moving the way she comes from and starts thinking 'this darn day and today's happenings has been testing my patience for real since I arrived here so it cant blame me for my rash actions yup.' nodding at herself she starts to retrace her steps.

(Escaping reality apparently).

Admiring the sky and moving forward Xia wei felt the sky and the moon of this world was really was very beautiful and it was a complete waste to not admire them.

(Yup still trying to escape reality. do your best Xia wei!)

All of a sudden a voice interrupted Xia Wei's thoughts and says "Girl what a fury temper you have to even slap yourself so hard! then start cursing yourself without realizing how stupid you looked when you slapped your self! why not just slap the one who made you furious"

Xia Wei alarmed turned around and shouted: "who's there?! and what the heck do you mean by 'realizing how stupid I looked to slap myself'???".

The voice "what a fury temper indeed!".

Thank you very much everyone hope you have a pleasant day and a good night.

see you later.

The lazy author~

kuroyuki1974creators' thoughts