
Running away (part 2)

As they all have finally gathered in the cottage again after Xia Wei's running to the jungle stunt and seeing Lu Zhan's enemy's lackey she was now brainstorming how to get them all away from there without much danger forgetting that she herself should be worried about herself more but being a busy body she couldn't help it, Lu Zhan who was watching her tapped on her shoulder and said.

"You should run away with these two, I will handle those idiots myself as they are all small flies anyways"

Giving her a smug smile to which Xia Wei deadpanned and said

"Says the person who was taken down by said small flies"

Lu Zhan felt a critical hit on that as Xia Wei continued

"You really know how to speak nonsense when you don't even know where half of this forest opens up to"

Another critical hit for Lu Zhan and Lan Jiang and Wei Ying was already having a hard time containing their laughter even after laughing a lot already, they both thought Xia Wei was amazing to corner someone so powerful without even fighting.

"H-how do you even know that I don't know the forest aren't you just guessing?" shuttered Lu Zhan.

To which Xia Wei rolled her eyes and replied.

"Oh please if you knew even half of the forest properly you wouldn't be in half dead state which I founded you in, you would have hidden your self away and then slowly treated yourself or have someone treat you"

This time Lu Zhan felt a serious blow to both his pride and ego because she was right and the two warriors had finally lost it again and laughed hard making Lu Zhan give them both a death glare.

"Plus, you can't get out of this forest alone even if you are powerful, even more plus ur injured which makes you weak as a child if anything so stop speaking bullshit and let us help you" to which Lan Jiang and Wei Ying nodded.

Lu Zhan, stunned and getting a lil angry at both her wording and the two stranger's willing to help him, asked Xia Wei.

"W-what makes you think I'm weak as a child how dar-"

"Oh please spare me your "how dare you and shit, if you wasn't as weak as a child, we would not be arguing and you would have been out fighting whoever the clown which wants to kill you is"

Shutting Lu Zhan up as she had a point, even though Xia Wei hadn't known Lu Zhan long she was good at reading people as she dealt with many people as much as she found everything to be meaningless she knew this egoistic cockroach would not go down without a fight.

To which Lu Zhan felt a cold chill on his back making him turn towards Xia Wei, to which Xia Wei raised an eyebrow as if to say "what do ya want?" making him look away immediately.

"Anyways this talk aside we should get out of here, those idiots seem to loofring deep in the woods right now but I don't think it will take them long to get here and try to find you, it is only a guess but do you people presence or aura can stay stuck in a area if you stay at it for a while?"

Which shocked all three of them, making them look at Xia Wei in shock as they could not sense any type of martial arts from her yet she knew about aura and presence which made them all for the first time actually aware of her presence.

"How do you know about such stuff girl? I don't think you know any martial arts" said Lu Zhan

Xia Wei a bit baffled over the question finally remembered where she actually was and felt a bit panic but didnt let it show and gave Lu Zhan a dirty look and sigh

"Oh please….You people are powerful martial artists, even if I'm not one I can tell you are strong and what do strong people have? Presence and auras." and it's a martial artist world ofc it has such stuff finished Xia Wei in her head.

Finding her words logical they nodded and calmed down.

"I know a route which can directly take us out of the forest safely, once we are out we can run to a town and get Lu Zhan checked again and find a way to secure ourselves"

Before anyone could say anything, the three of them sensed some presence a good distance away as they were about to turn to that direction they heard Xia Wei say while still being unaware of the said presences

"I beg to differ actually, if they are your typical villains which I'm guessing they are, the first thing they would do is watch and guard all the entrances and exits of the forest expecting this idiot to do exactly what you suggested, our best bet in my opinion would be to hide in the part of the forest they cant reach"

Hearing the idiot comment made Lu Zhan angry and he huffed and Lu jiang and Wei Ying just sweat dropped realising that Xia Wei really considered Lu Zhan to be insufficient.

"And why are you all so stiff all of a sudden?" asked Xia Wei

"Because those said people are near we sense them"

To which Xia Wei blinked.

"Holy shit you can sense them? That dope as fuck"

She looked at them in admiration, while Jiang and Wei looked embarrassed and praised like that, Lu Zhan just looked smug making Xia Wei say.

"Other than this idiot here, both of you are so cool!"

Making them both feel more shy.

"Hey!! That's Favouritism and mean of you!!" Yelled poor Lu Zhan to which Xia Wei only rolled her eyes.

"Anyways there is a particular part of the forest where no one goes to as its the home to the most powerful beast of this forest, no one been able to tame that one in thousands of years and its fearsome and powerful as such making it a no man's land" said Wei Ying

"Thats dangerous you stupid women!!" said Lan Jiang

"What did you say-" Wei Ying nealy yelled but got interrupted by Xia Wei

"That's a good idea actually, we just need to enter that no men's land and stay at a distance where that said beast is said to stay and we should be fine after the coast is clear we run away, what do you think idiot?" said Xia Wei

With veins almost popping Lu Zhan replied

"I'm not an idiot!!!!, but yes I agree best idea for now"

To which Xia Wei and the others nodded.

"Then what are we waiting for? Let's go!"

They all got ready fast and left for the deepest part of the forest not knowing what awaited them there was chaos and drama.