
Banged my head

POV of the beautiful girl

I , Yashita Lillie, a half-japanese and half-american, am going to study at Takaomi Highschool. Today is the entrance ceremony of the school and my first day to be a highschool student.

BRRRNG...BRRRNG...BRRRNG (Alarm rings)

(Ughhhhh,the problem is I still have a fear of men)

As I was thinking that, I awoke to my alarm ringing throught my ears. After getting up and getting my cellphone, I saw that the time was 5:30.

(Hmmmm I guess I am a highschool girl from now on)

As I put that thought behind, I went to the bathroom to take a bath. After taking my bath and finish tidying up, I got down to the dining room to eat my breakfast, only to see my mother smiling at my direction,

[I see yoyr finish changing your clothes, here have your breakfast and go to your school for the entrance ceremony]

[Thank you for your hardwork as always, after I eat I'll immeadately go to school]

After eating my delicious breakfast, I directly went to my school in a nervous manner.

(I'll try my best to overcome my fear and fix this problem)

Standing at the entrance of the gate, I took a deep breath to calm myself and afterwards walk towards the gymnasium for the ceremony.

As I walk towards my destination, I noticed a boy staring at me. He had a blond curly hair, blue piercing eyes, a handsome face which can be interpret as an actors', and a white fair skin.

As we were staring at each other for some reason, I neither felt fear and scared to him. And unbeknownst to me, my lips arched up to each side and formed a small smile.

When the boy saw that, he hastenly averted hia gaze and hurriedly walked off to the gyms direction in a flustered manner. I thought nothing of it and shove it at the back of my head.

I hurriedly walked to the gym with a new weird feeling welling up in the depths of my heart.

After the entrance ceremony was finished, I immeadately went to find my class and found out that it was class 1-B. Walking through the new and spotless corridor, I went to my classroom with a mixed of excitement and a nervous feeling inside of me.

As i dont expect anything of notice will happen I was rather feeling nervous more that excitement, or maybe due to mu fear that I was more nervous at the moment.

[Hey look there is a beautiful coming in our class]

[Maybe she is in this class, dang what a luck this is]

[What luck you say, for such a beautiful and stunning girl as she is, you'll never even get a chance to talk to her]

As i was about to arrive at the door, I heard those words that were probably directed at me. Cause I am not new to these types of situation. I didnt mind it any further and immeadately went in.

Inside of the room full of strangers, I hesitatedly lookep around the room to find a a suitable place to seat.

As I was doing that I was rather surprised to find out that, near the window, the handsome boy from earlier was seating at a seat right beside the window and staring at the skies. He gave a pleasant and secure feeling unlike the usual fear I always felt I get when I see boys or men.

(Might as well sit beside him)

I hesitatingly and nervously went in that direction as I am still not the comfortable around boys.

After arriving at the seat beside him, I hastenly sat down and calmed my feelings.

Sitting in a casual manner, I felt someone staring at my direction from my side. I hurriedly turned my head to loom at my side only to see that the handsome boy was staring at my face.

As we were having a staring contest, I was the first one to avert my gaze as I was feeling uncomfortable for staring at each other for a rather long time.

(What is happening to me, I must have had banged my head when I slept earlier)