
CHAPTER 25 Serving guests(part one)

  “Just go already… I mean it's your first party” Carl said and handed Nathan a cup of coffee. It was getting late and Nathan has had some time to see Carl

  He wanted to avoid attending a party. When Laura and he visited his mom's house. He told Laura he had some work to attend to

  Laura had gone back home to arrange her party, and he came to see Carl at the police station

  “I'm not interested” Nathan simply said and sipped on his black coffee. Carl sat in his chair gracefully. His eyes fixed on Nathan

  “You know… sometimes I wonder what's wrong with you,” Carl said, shaking his head. He had known Nathan for a while now. They met the last time he caused a brawl at the bar and ended up beating half the drunk men there

  Nathan was a violent man. He solved his problems by using his fists

  “What's wrong is me… posing as a man married to a woman” his mom was right. He sold himself to a woman.